Dublin High School

Course Description Guide

Course: United States History Instructor: Mr. Casey Moreno

Grade Level: 11

Telephone/ E-mail information: Please call the school at 833-3300 x 7168 or E-mail

, if you would like to set up a meeting or get clarification on anything

Textbook: American Anthem: Modern American History

Course Description: This course will discuss the continuity and change in the twentieth century. Significant events that founded our nation will be studied in great depth. Students will also analyze how industrialization influenced urban migration, political movements, and economic development. We will trace the rise of American power and America’s changing international policies throughout the past century. America’s participation in the world wars will be broken down to its roots. Various explanations of The Great Depression will be taught, and how the depression effected the social, political, and economic characteristics America.

Skills Developed in U.S. History: Students will understand how the events studied in U.S. History shaped the twentieth century.

Teaching Strategies:

Instruction will include lectures, power point presentations, video, group activities/cooperative learning, research and general class work. In this course the students will be viewing some theatrical films. Some films are “R” rated due to course language and violence. Due to the fact of the “R” rating students will be unable to view these films unless parents authorize it. If you do not want your child to view these films, there will be no punitive assignments nor any type punishment. I have four children of my own and am very careful with what they are allowed to view. If you would like to discuss this feel free to call me.

Materials Needed: (Required Daily)

·  3 ring binder with 4 dividers (Homework, Class Work, History Journal, and Lecture Notes) Notebook for journal

·  Binder Paper

·  Pens and highlighter (no pencil)

·  Student Minder Binder/Planner/organizer

Requirements/Behavior/Plan for Success:

1.  Students will be in their seat prior to the tardy bell. Students who are tardy disrupt class and send a message that their time is more important than others’. As a result, students who are tardy will turn in assignments for partial credit. If you are tardy on the day of a test/quiz or final exam, you will automatically have 10% deducted off the score.

2.  Hats and head covering of any kind will be removed prior to entering the classroom (all students)

3.  I dismiss students not the bell. Please do not pack up early

4.  Students will get a bathroom pass ONCE a week and can be gone no longer than five-minutes (unless an emergency). Constant/consistent use of a bathroom pass often prevents students from getting important and relevant material. If a problem arise I will not allow students to go. If students visit friends or other classrooms during that time, they will forfeit the ability to go in the future

5.  No electronic devices allowed of any kind. I will take them if used in any way, shape, or fashion. Parents should not contact their students during class time. Phones will be turned in on test/quiz days

6.  When absent, students are required to check my website, email me, or contact a fellow student to find out what was covered in class or missed assignments. This is the students responsibility.

Work is to be turned in at the beginning of class, upon return. Late work will be accepted for partial credit. If a student misses a quiz or exam, they must take it upon their return to school, unless there are extenuating circumstances

7.  Homework is usually assigned on Mondays (due Wednesday) and Wednesday (due Friday) There are some weeks when homework will be due the next day. It is 10% of the overall grade. Students must do homework in order to be successful in this class. Late work will be accepted for partial credit

8.  Students involved in sports are expected to turn in homework on the due date regardless if games are played away or home. If you miss class due to a field trip or other school event, work must be turned in before you leave. If you will be gone the day of a quiz or exam, you will be expected to take the quiz/exam early. This may require you coming in during lunch or after school

9.  Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams, quizzes, homework or correcting will result in all parties receiving a 0% F and being suspended from class. Plagiarism- Plagiarism is defined as taking someone’s ideas, writings, etc., and passing it off as your own-this also includes copying from a friend or classmate. Plagiarism of any part of an assignment (classwork, homework, paper, etc.) will result in an automatic zero for the entire assignment and a referral. This applies to all parties involved, so if you did your work honestly, do not allow a classmate to copy it

Grading and Assessment:

Tests/Quizzes= 40% weight

Project/Papers= 25% weight

Classwork/Notebook/Participation= 25% weight

Homework= 10% weight

97-100=A+ 92.5-96=A 89.5-92=A- 89-87=B+ 84-86=B 79.5-83=B-

79-77=C+ 74-76=C 69.5-72=C- 67-69=D+ 64-66=D 58.5-60=D-


Student/Parent Signature & Acknowledgement: I have read the course description and understand them. I also understand that rated “R” movies, relevant to the course will be shown and I give permission for my son/daughter to view them

Printed Name of Student______

Student Signature______

Parent Guardian Signature______