Round 4 answers (Cheryl)

Star Trek

1. What was the name of Worf’s son?


2. What TOS character was the only one to carry over from the original pilot, 'The Cage'?


3. Which TOS character did NOT appear in any TNG episode?


4. What actress gave up the part of Capt. Janeway (VOY) after only one day of filming?

Genevieve Bujold

5. Who was the first actor after John de Lancie to portray a Q entity?

Corbin Bernsen

6. In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, the part of 'Punk on Bus' was played by this crewman of the movie itself:

Kirk Thatcher, associate producer

7. How did James T. Kirk ultimately die?

Fell with a collapsing bridge

8. What was Worf's human surname?


9. To which quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy was Voyager transported to?


10. Which Star Trek actress did Gene Roddenberry marry?

Majel Barrett

11. What metal is the base for Vulcan hemoglobin?


12. What character's name is also the name of a sub-atomic particle?


13. Which Star Trek actress came in 4th in the Miss America Pageant?

Jeri Lynn Ryan

14. What is the maiden name of Spock's mother, Amanda?


15. T/F Gene Roddenberry has a cameo (voice or screen) in at least one episode of "Star Trek" in his lifetime.


16. What is Captain Kirk's brother's first name?


17. What does the "M" in "M-Class Planet" stand for?


18. In "Insurrection", Captain Picard and Lt. Commander Worf pursue Data in shuttlecraft. Picard then distracts Data with a song from a Gilbert & Sullivan musical. From what musical was the song?

HMS Pinafore

19. In the movie "Star Trek: Generations", what was the vintage of the bottle of Dom Perignon that christened the Enterprise-B?


20. On "Deep Space Nine", Chief O'Brien and his wife, Keiko, welcomed the arrival of their second child, a son. What was his name?
