Core Objective Assessment Report (Faculty)

Per the standards of the Silver Core, all Core courses will undergo cyclical reverification by the Core Board. As outlined in the Core Assessment Guidelines, this initial course assessment reports is required once within the five-year assessment cycle. Thereafter, follow-up assessment reports are required upon request.

An academic department representative may submit one portfolio (including multiple copies of this report and accompanying materials) for each of the Core Objectives that it offers - that is, if a department offers multiple CO 11 classes, the representative should simultaneously submit assessment reports for all of these classes.

Please collate this completed report (and additional copies, as needed), a copy of the assignment(s) used to measure the SLOs below, and copies of the student work assessed. Only SLOs relevant to the Core Objective(s) satisfied by your course (as stated in your syllabus) need be assessed for this report.

These materials should be sent to Diann Jones by a shared NevadaBox folder, by email, at , or held in your home department for pick up at the due date (the 8th week of the semester following the Core Objective committee response).

Core Objective Satisfied by Course(s):

Course Prefix and Number:

Instructor of Record:

Semester and Year of Course:

Submission Date for this Report:

1. Assessment Methods

Please identify which assignment(s) and/or direct assessment methods (e.g., Core Objective rubrics at you used to assess the SLOs below:

Please describe what constitutes exceeding, meeting, or failing to meet the expectations of your SLOs (n.b., if using rubrics suggested by the Core Board, a score of 4 exceeds expectations, 3 or 2 meets expectations, and 1 fails to meet expectations):

2. Student Learning Outcomes (only those relevant to the Core Objective)

Outcome #1:

Students Exceeding the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Students Meeting the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Students Failing to Meet the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Outcome #2:

Students Exceeding the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Students Meeting the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Students Failing to Meet the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Outcome #3:

Students Exceeding the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Students Meeting the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

Students Failing to Meet the Expectations of this SLO (number or percentage):

*Please list additional SLOs as needed

3. Findings

Based on the assessment data gathered for this course, please explain any key findings or concerns you may have and how you plan to address such concerns in the future. Consider especially the following questions: (a) what are the most valuable insights gained from the assessment results? (b) what are the most important conclusions about the results? (c) what strengths and weaknesses in student learning do the scores on the rubrics indicate?

4. Modifications

Are you considering any strategies for addressing any problems cited above? The relevant Core Objective Committees will be available for suggestions and feedback regarding course modifications.