Downtown School “Multiple Intelligences” Talent Show
Pre-Registration &
Technical Requirements
Type of Talent: ______
Event Date and Time: Tuesday, May 17, 2016
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Event Location: Brunson Elementary School
155 N. Hawthorne Rd.
Individual Name: ______
Teacher: ______Grade: ______
If part of a group act, please list names of all participants:
Parent Name: ______
Address: ______
Daytime Phone #: ______
*Parent Signature: ______
Equipment Needed (i.e., microphone, CD player, music stand, piano, tumbling mats, etc.):
How much stage space do you require for your performance? ______
Please draw your stage layout on the back.
DTS “Multiple Intelligences” Talent Show
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Brunson Elementary School
1. All participants must complete a pre-registration form PRIOR to the audition. Forms without parent signature will be returned.
2. Auditions will be held during the week of May 2nd, 2016 Participants will be notified in advance of the date and time.
3. Each performance will be limited to a maximum of 3 minutes. Song selections will be included only ONCE.
4. Participants should be aware of their gestures and attire. If a behavior or clothing item is not appropriate during the school day, it is not appropriate for the talent show. The same guideline applies to song lyrics.
5. Karaoke and/or “lip-sync” will not be allowed. Participants should showcase one of their “intelligences”. All music will be accepted only if it sends a positive message.
6. Each pre-registration form must include a parent signature and is due to Laura Gottschalk or Janet Langham no later than Tuesday, April 27, 2016. Pre-registration forms will NOT be accepted after this date.
Admission will be charged and accepted at the door (no advance sales). The cost will be $5.00 per adult, $3.00 per child, or $12.00 per family. There is no charge for participants. All proceeds will be used for Downtown School needs.
Each participant will be required to audition for Talent Show Advisors. The talent show is not a contest. There will be no judges and no prizes. However, certificates of participation will be awarded. This is a wonderful chance for all staff and students to really “show-off” their talents!
If there are any questions concerning the talent show, please call Janet Langham (336 817-5493 or 336 631- 9020) or email )