Access Points
Scope & Sequence Focus Calendar
Social Studies:PreK
UnitBlueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 1
OVERVIEW: Students will demonstrate awareness of civics and the environment around them.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people.
Students will understand school rules.
Students will develop a basic awareness of self as an individual self within the context of family and self within a community.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will demonstrate awareness and appreciation of their own culture and other cultures.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities.
Essential Questions
Who is a student?
What does a student do at school?
Who is a teacher?
What does a teacher do at school?
What is my job at school?
What are some school rules? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 1: Recognize groups of people who work together at school.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 2:List characteristics of a student.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 3: Draw, dictate, or otherwise create a list of school rules.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 4: Create list or diagram of people and objects that can be found in your classroom.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 2
Self and Identity
OVERVIEW: Students will recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people and places. Students will understand family characteristics, roles, and functions.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will show awareness and describe some social roles and jobs that people do.
Students will demonstrate understanding that people have different characteristics, interests, and abilities.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of family characteristics.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will share information about themselves and their families.
Students will choose activities and objects that interesting to them.
Essential Questions
What makes me special?
How am I different/like other people?
What is important about me?
What is a family?
What are similarities/differences between my home and my school? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 5: Students will identify and share characteristics about themselves.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 6:Students will describe a person or character from a story based on that person/character’s emotions.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 7: Students will categorize similarities and differences between home and school.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 8: Students will describe roles of family members.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 3
OVERVIEW: Students willbegin to explore and understand family characteristics, roles, and functions.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students willdemonstrate an understanding of one’s relationship to the family.
Students will identify the roles in family.
Students will become familiar with family diversity of their peers and others in the world.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will identify characteristics among family members.
Students will participate in discussions about family structures.
Students will recognize family habits, history, and values.
Essential Questions
How are families the same and different?
What makes a family?
What does it mean to be part of a family? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 9: Students will identify family members from nonfamily members.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment10:Students will identify family members in a familiar story (e.g., Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, etc..)
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 11:Students will identify where a family lives.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 12: Students will match roles to family members.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 4
OVERVIEW: Students will explore the concept of traditions and holiday customs. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between people, places, and regions.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will identify important traditions, holidays, or events.
Students will participate in a discussion about national celebrations.
Students will explore a variety of ways that other families celebrate holidays.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will participate in discussions about different and similarities in cultures.
Students will recognize similarities and differences between cultural celebrations and products of a target culture and their own.
Students will identify family traditions.
Essential Questions
What is a holiday? A tradition?
What is my favorite holiday?
How do I celebrate holidays? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 13: Students will create a list of major national holidays/traditions.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 14:Students will list facts about customs from a popular national holiday.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 15: Students will create symbols/pictures that represent their favorite holiday.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 16: Students will compare and contrast two national holidays.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 5
OVERVIEW: Students willidentify representations of home, school, or community and will demonstrate awareness of geographic thinking.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will identify common features in the home and school environment.
Students will identify simple representations of home, school or community.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of spatial relationships.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will use language to indicate relative location landscape (e.g., front, back, near, far).
Students will describe a map as a representation of a space (such as a classroom, school, neighborhood, state, world, etc…)
Students will positional and directional (up, down, right, left) and apply them to maps and locations.
Essential Questions
Why do we use maps?
How can we use maps?
Why is important to know your surroundings? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 17: Students will use language to indicate relative location of a person or object.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 18:Students will locate a place in the classroom when given directions.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 19: Students will recognize that a map is used to represent places.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 6
OVERVIEW: Students willdiscuss and use vocabulary related to time in relevant activities. Students will understand concepts of time, continuity, and change.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will understand sequence of events.
Students will identify changes over time in his/her life.
Students will identify routines and common occurrences.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will place events in chronological order.
Students will sequence events on a timeline.
Students will use sequence and order to plan tasks.
Students will research time and chronology.
Essential Questions
How are events be sequenced?
How can I use a timeline to sequence events?
How does life change over time?
What happened in the past? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 20: Students will identify a change that happens over time.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 21:Students will recognize a change that has happened over time in his/her life.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 22: Students will identify ways people record history (e.g., letters, photographs, videos, etc..).
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 23: Students will create a timeline.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 1R
OVERVIEW: Students will demonstrate awareness of civics and the environment around them.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people.
Students will understand school rules.
Students will develop a basic awareness of self as an individual self within the context of family and self within a community.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will demonstrate awareness and appreciation of their own culture and other cultures.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities.
Essential Questions
Who is a student?
What does a student do at school?
Who is a teacher?
What does a teacher do at school?
What is my job at school?
What are some school rules? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 24: Students will recognize that all children have rights, roles, and responsibilities at school.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 25:Students will identify rules that protect him/herself and others
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 26: Students will participate in making group rules.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 27: Students will participate in class voting to make simple decisions.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments
Unit 2
Self and Identity
OVERVIEW: Students will recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people and places. Students will understand family characteristics, roles, and functions.
Essential Understanding: (Concrete)
Students will show awareness and describe some social roles and jobs that people do.
Students will demonstrate understanding that people have different characteristics, interests, and abilities.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of family characteristics.
Essential Understanding (Representation)
Students will share information about themselves and their families.
Students will choose activities and objects that interesting to them.
Essential Questions
What makes me special?
How am I different/like other people?
What is important about me?
What is a family?
What are similarities/differences between my home and my school? / Social Studies
V.C.1 Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people
V.C.2 Begins to understand family characteristics, roles, and functions
V.C.3 Shows awareness of some social roles and jobs that people do
V.C.4 Demonstrates awareness of group rules
V.C.5 Demonstrates awareness of the environment around them
Pro-social Behaviors
III.A.1 Develops positive relationships and interacts comfortably with familiar adults
III.A2 Interacts with and develops positive relationships with peers
III.A.3 Joins group activities and experiences within early learning environments
III.A.4 Shows care and concern for others
Eagerness and Curiosity
II.A.1 Shows eagerness and is curious to learn new things
II.B.1 Sustains attention for brief periods and finds help when needed
Creativity and Inventiveness
II.C.1 Approaches daily activities with creativity
Planning and Reflection
II.D.1 Shows initial signs of planning and learning from experiences
. / Weekly Assignment 28: Students will identify a range of emotions.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 29:Students will describe self based on basic characteristics.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Weekly Assignment 30: Students will label the roles of family members.
(V.C.1, V.C.2, V.C.3, V.C.4, V.C.5, III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3, III.A.4, II.A.1, II.B.1, II.C.1, II.D.1)
Blueprint Overview / Focus Access Points / Accessed Weekly Assignments