DSI/CC Meeting Minutes

October 30, 2007

Meetingcalled to order at 8:05 a.m.

I. Approval of minutes – motion to approve by Tim Blackmer. Second by MaureenMeade Minutes approved.

II. Presentation by Rebecca Bush – Update on the rollout of the State of Michigan Content Expectations for Social Studies

  1. Significant changes to 3rd and 4thaffected by the moving of MI Studies (studies) to 3rd grade. Geography and econ included in a historical context at 4th grade. The Expanding Horizons model is being embraced even more. Greater alignment between 3rd and 4th grade.
  2. 5th grade not many changes but greater depth
  3. Middle School some districts will be more affected depending on what they taught in the past.
  4. At the High School level, there is new course called World Historythat contains history (4000 B.C. to present) and geography. We need to focus on sequence especially for a trimester schedule
  5. Workshop “World History in Focus” on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 from 8:30 – 2:30at ICISD. Emphasis on World History alignment and how to teach such a vast time period. There will also be a discussion on alignment of resources, this will be most beneficial.
  6. Question by Pat Batistaon how to test that much history in the World History course. Rebecca responded that there will be more analytical type questions such as themes in history, patterns of development for cultures, drawing of conclusions, more map work etc.
  7. Cheri Meier had a question regarding when the MEAP will be given.Rebecca responded that the MEAP test could shift out of 6th and 9th but nothing is confirmed.
  8. Kelly Sanborn wanted to know if some MI history remains in 4th. Statehood to present with civics and economics. Does Geography still remain in 5th? Apply 4th grade knowledge to MI history in 5th grade.
  9. Professional Development will be coming for elementary teachers to work with the new SS curriculum. Rebeccawould like to develop a professional development day where teachers get together to pull resources from online. There will be a roll out on November 12.
  10. Ben Kirby had a question about the percent of world history vs. percent geography. Answer: 75% world history vs.25% geography. Are there easily accessible resources online? Answer: There are some websites to confirm their content knowledge. There are some lessons out there. Oakland Public schools has a scope project.
  11. Question by Pat Batista – Could there be inconsistency in teacher certifications? MDE said you can teach course if you have history or geography certification.
  1. Title One Update by Julie Milewski
  2. Emerson Elementary was recently found to be a targeted building instead of school-wide building like Boyce, Rather, TwinRivers, Jefferson, and IoniaMiddle School. At some point in time, the paperwork was lost by the State of Michigan recognizing that Emerson went through the school-wide process. Emerson’s targeted status means that only students who are identified as Title I eligible may receive services. Ben, Mitch, and Julie met with Sara Shriver from Lakeview Public Schools and contracted with her to go through the school-wide process with Emerson. This information will then be shared with the other Title One buildings in the district to make sure that their school-wide plans are in compliance with what the state wants.
  3. Because Emerson was not found to be a school-wide Title I building, this meant that the two new all day, everyday kindergarten classes could not be funded out of Title I. The district now has to pay for those teachers using general funds. Pat Batista has contacted our field service representative for the district on how to fix this problem for next year. She was told that the board would have to cut the program and then recreate it as a Title One program for Emerson once they have school-wide status. This information needs to be supplied in writing before going forward.
  4. Each of the Title I buildings has received their Title I budgets for the year. There was more money than expected because of the change in the funding of the 2 all day, every day kindergarten classes. All the Title I buildings will use their money for paraprofessional hours, Extended Day, and Summer School. Buildings are also choosing programs to boost reading and writing and parent involvement. Julie thanked the building principals for being so patient and hard working on the new building budget plan.

IV. Report by Principal Stacey Bovee on changes and initiatives at Boyce Elementary.

  1. Beginning ICT training. JulieKlumppfacilitator and Jen Ricciusas Buddy. Looking to add staff to the team. This is the 1st year for ICT at Boyce.
  2. Hosted tech support group at building. Teachers shared students for training
  3. School Improvement Goals: reading, writing and math. Great training with Simone Margraf on October 29th using the new Lucy Calkins Units of Study for K-2 teachers
  4. Continuing with 6 traits of writing, writing buddies, daily oral language. MEAP supports that writing is an area of need for the building.
  5. Reading – Title I – 10 hours of paraprofessional time now increased and also more focused on Structured Language,
  6. MEAP over Held a MEAP parent meeting. 20-25 parents attended. Amy Fuller facilitated.
  7. Used Jumpstart to prepare for MEAP.
  8. Will be working with Julie on School-wide Comprehensive Plan as the year progress.
  1. Power Point Presentation by Ben Kirby on MME.
  2. MME contains the ACT, Michigan Content Expectations, and WorkKeys
  3. Need to improve in all areas compared to the state average
  4. 95% of students have to be tested in order to comply with AYP
  5. All juniors without disability scored above in social studies, and at the state average in reading and close in science.
  6. Students with disabilities fall below state average for Special Education.
  7. Julie Milewski asked if the test contained accommodation for students identified as special Ed. Answer - There are some accommodations. There areMichigan vs. National accommodations. National accommodations are more limited but allow the test to be used for college entrance whereas the Michigan accommodations to no+.
  8. Pat Batista asked if there was a specific breakdown by special education disability and score on the ACT. Answer – there is not but we could look at each student separately on our own if that information is needed.
  9. The MME is given days 2-5 with the ACT portion on the first day.
  10. ACT results for Ionia fell just below state average
  11. District AYP results – Rather = A, Emerson = B, Jefferson = A, Boyce = B, TR = B, MS = B, Alternative Ed. = TBD, HS = TBD. There are 40 ways to not make AYP and this applies to all subgroups.
  12. NCLB wants all students proficient by 2014.
  13. To improve scores –
  14. More time in core areas
  15. Junior Core Academic Preparation class
  16. Assessment FOR Learning focus – 3-12 teachers exposed to this concept new focus on unpacking
  17. Lenses on Learning in Math Leadership training
  18. Exposure for special educations special education teachers working more closely with general ed.teachers
  19. Class content changes meet the Michigan merit curriculum.
  20. Curriculum survey closes tomorrow. 56 responded so far.
  21. Curriculum work – Unpacking
  1. Professional Development Update from Monday, October 29, 2007
  2. Simone Margraf from Portland presented Basic Literacy Training II to all K-2 teachers with a focus on the work of Lucy Calkins Units of Writing. Writing units were purchased last year for all K-5 teachers in the district and special focus is being given to the content in the books. Extended PD will be given starting in January to study the remainder of the Lucy Calkins materials though the ICISD.
  3. There is a great need in the district for a more updated, cohesive ELA curriculum and there is concern as to how the middle school will fall into that alignment. Ben commented that focus on writing needs to come from the building school improvement plan.
  4. Pat Batista made the comment that curriculum needs to be more focused and research based and that the district is looking at a long term plan based on the work of Assessment FOR Learning.
  1. Evaluate 2006-2007 School Improvement Plan –
  2. Ben broke the committee up into 3 groups to look at SIP Goal I on pages 9-12. A facilitator, recorder, and spokesperson were assigned within each group. Ben asked that each group document changes, additions and deletions that need to be made and report those to him before the next meeting.
  1. Video
  2. The video “Animal School” from Raising Small Souls was shown at the conclusion of the meeting.