
January 22, 2016

  1. Updates/Announcements

See Art and Music content listed under Specialties.

  1. Home Study/Homework – See for


  1. Projects and Due Dates
  1. Book Reviews

5. Book Review #5 - January 22 or 29th

6. Book Review #6 – February 29th

7. Book Review #7 – March 30th

8. Book Review #8 – April 18th

9. Book Review #9 - May 20th

1. Summer Review

2. Book Review #2

3. Book Review #3 (Jewish content)

4. Book Review #4 (was due 12/18/15)

  1. Poems
  1. (Winter) Poem #5 – January 22 or 29th
  2. (Purim) Poem #6 – February 19th
  3. (Free) Poem #7 – March 18th
  4. (Mom) Poem #8 – April 8th
  5. (Dad) Poem #9 – May 13th
  1. Poem #1
  2. Poem #2
  3. Poem #3
  4. Poem #4 (Chanukah)
  1. General Studies
  1. Language Arts
  1. Grammar– All parts of speech, as well as sentence patterns,

have been introduced. It is our goal to continue

perfecting our identification of the parts of

speech and to also continue writing better

sentences in our book reviews and our poetry ̶

basically, writing in ALL subject areas.

  1. Reading – Read every night.

Theme 2 Skills – Vocabulary, fact & opinion,

making predictions, main idea, compound words,

wordfamilies, common &proper nouns,

possessivenouns & phrases, storystructure, roots

specopt, multiple-meaningwords, action verbs,

direct objects, suffixes –ward-ous,

homophones, linking verbs, suffixes –ive-ic,

stress on syllables, present, past, & future tense.

Selections read and discussed so far include

“Michelle Kwan” and “La Bamba.”

Next up “The Fear Place.”

  1. Spelling – Individualized spelling

Pretest on Friday, incorrectly spelled words added

toan on-going spelling list, 5 words a week are

studied, partner tests are taken.

  1. Vocabulary– Unit 6–New words coming soon to your local

Teacher Page.

  1. SAT Words –New words coming soon to your local Teacher


  1. Writing – We have studied ALL 6 sentence patterns to help

with varying sentence structure in writing. We are

also writing and revising book reviews. We began

poetry lessons on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. We have

been writing during class and receiving one-on-one

conferencing to help improve our writing. Revisions

are an on-going process.

Revisions for book reviews and poetry are accepted

each Monday. Papers are returned throughout the

week with corrections in the hopes of perfection on

the next revision. Corrected (old) copies MUST be

turned in with the revised (new) copy.

Math– Once we complete the next 3 major concepts in math

on area of a triangle, ratios, and angles, we will be

going on to the second textbook and workbook of the

Singapore program.

To keep fresh with skills, students can always go back

tounfinished material in the workbook.

Mastery of math concepts is crucial to future math


  1. Science– We are reviewing the concepts covered this year through group work on Common Core information on the atmosphere, Earth’s water, weather, climate,

Earth, Moon and the Sun.

Science Lab – Students worked on lateral thinking skills using

toothpick structures.

  1. Social Studies – We have begun our study of the colonies ̶ New England, Middle, and Southern.
  1. Specialties –

Library - Students go to library weekly.

Computer - In computer class (also weekly), students are currently learning about coding. They are truly enjoying the lessons. More on coding was studied this week.

Art – Fifth graders returned from winter break to find themselves in-between art projects. After completing their colorful Native American charms “Ojo de Dios,” the fifth graders will work on a project inspired by Keith Haring which involves an action pose that is transferred to a life size silhouette. Both of these projectsinvolved math vocabulary like measuring, symmetry, and shapes ̶ an important component in STEAM.

Mamta Mehta

Music – The 5th graders are working on creating original rhythmic compositions in either duets or trios. They will create and perform them in class next week. Also, we are learning a new xylophone piece called Mbirain which we are applyinglarge-ensemble skills, and developing mallet techniques. We are adding the Star-Spangled Banner to the list of Chime pieces this trimester as well. James Falcon

  1. Contact Information
  1. Email –
  2. Phone – 214-295-3400

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you,

Susan Landry