Response, Recovery, and COOP

UPDATE January 2017 responses in bold black

  1. Organizations that have Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs) in place that include the sharing of personnel, equipment and resources.All Hospitals and EMS have Regional MOAs with the RAC.
  1. Organizations that have MOAs in place for the transportation and relocation of patients in the event of an evacuation.All Hospitals and EMS have Regional MOAs with the RAC.
  1. Organizations that support information sharing through the following systems with local, regional, and state partners:
  • EMTrack86%
  • EMResource100%
  • WebEOC57%

Training opportunities are available through Intermedix web based training.

WebEOC usage is a continuous work in progress. Not all agencies utilize the application at this time. BP5 will focus on Implementing WebEOC usage and training.

  1. Organizations that have identified a Public Information Officer (PIO) to gather, verify, coordinate, and disseminate information during an incident. 86%

No GAPS at 100%

  1. Organizations that have identified the following topics as educational training gaps:
  • WebEOC86%
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS)71%
  • Patient Tracking71%
  • EMResource43%
  • Radio Communications57%
  • Medical Operations Center (MOC)14%
  • Mass Fatality43%
  • Decontamination57%
  • Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)/Recovery 86%

Training is ongoing for all items listed above. There have been FSEs, TTXs, and meetings held over the past year focusing on the above items. COOP is still a difficult task due to turnover and lack of appropriate training. Will continue to work on as BP5 progresses.

  1. Organizations that have developed the following plans:
  • Emergency Mass Notification71%

100% All facilities now have

  • Medical Operations Center (MOC)29%

The MOC will be in a virtual setting, unless requested by DDC or EMC for staffing to support those activities.

  • Multi-Agency Coordination Center (MACC)29%

HOTHCC would be responsible for representing the healthcare coalition in the MACC.The MACC is located downtown in the City of Waco offices.

  • Regional Epidemiology Coordination Plan (RECP)14%

Agencieswill work closely with the Local Health Departments and Regional Health Department staff as needed for epidemiology collaboration.

  • Regional Mass Fatality Plan (MFM)57%

Regional plan was created and exercised. All TSA M member agencies refer to this plan in the event of a Mass Fatality, the plan is managed by Homeland Security with input from RAC and County OEM.

  • Regional Medical Response Plan14%

Regional DMCC (Disaster Medical Coordination) plan. In the process of member approval.

  • Regional Public Health Coordination Framework 14%

Participation will be provided as requested for this PHEP plan.

  • Regional Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)29%

A Regional COOP has been created and included in the draft of the DMCC.

  1. Organizations that have a minimum of four (4) decontamination trained personnel readily available. 86%

Training is being scheduled throughout 2017.

  1. Organizations that have at least twelve (12) Level C suits with Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR). 100%
  1. Organizations that have the ability to decontaminate ambulatory and non-ambulatory patients.100%
  1. Organizations that have a COOP plan.29%

COOP training has been provided and will continue to be provided in BP5 for coalition members.

  1. Organizations that have exercised their COOP plan.0%

COOP plans must be in place to adequately test the plans through exercises. We will continue our assistance to see that these plans are completed.

  1. Organizations that have a Mass Fatality Plan.100%
  1. Facilities that have the ability to store human remains in a dedicated refrigerated area. 43%

Unfortunately, rural facilities do not have adequate space or funding for additional dedicated refrigerated areas.

  1. Facilities that have the ability to report the following Essential Elements of Information (EEI) with key response partners: All Hospitals and EMS has access to EMResource and EMTrack
  • Facility operational status100%
  • Facility structural integrity100%
  • Status of evacuation/shelter in place operations100%
  • Critical medical services100%
  • Critical service status100%
  • Critical healthcare delivery status100%
  • Staffing status100%
  • EMS status100%
  • Electronic patient tracking100%
  • Electronic bed tracking100%
  1. Facilities with the following redundant communications capabilities:
  • UHF Radio57%
  • VHF Radio57%
  • 700 MHz Radio14%
  • 800 MHz Radio14%
  • POTS Telephone (Plain Old Telephone System, twisted copper wire connection, no call waiting) 43%
  • Cellular Telephone71%
  • LAN (Local Area Network)43%
  • WAN (Wide Area Network)0%
  • VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)14%
  • Microwave0%
  • Satellite Radio14%
  • Amateur Radio (HAM)100%
  • WebEOC71%
  • E*TRACS14%
  • EMResource86%

The GAP in this category is Amateur Radio (HAM), the 100% shows that our members have HAM radios but they may not have an operator at the time the monthly drill or an actual event occurs. This GAP is closing due to an agreement with HOTARC (a local amateur radio club) in which HOTARC provides operators for the hospitals when needed. This process is still being streamlined.

  1. Facilities that have the ability to share the epidemiology and/or clinical data with relevant regional health departments:
  • Both50%
  • Clinical Only33%
  • Epidemiology Only0%
  • Unknown17%

All hospitals indicated they have the ability to share epidemiology and/or clinical data with relevant regional health departments.

  1. Facilities that have written plans to address medical evacuations/shelter-in-place.


  1. Facilities with medical evacuation/shelter-in-place plans that address:
  • Vertical and Horizontal evacuation within the hospital100%
  • Evacuation outside the facility, but within the local area100%
  • Evacuation outside the facility, and out of the geographic area 33%

All agencies have a shelter in place plan. Evacuations both inside and outside the effected agency are a work in progress. Alternate care sites are being determined throughout the region.

  1. Facilities thathave the ability to maintain patients in negative pressure.


  1. Facilities that can maintain patients in negative pressure isolation in non-ED settings.


  1. Facilities that have received awareness training on the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Program.71%

SNS training is being discussed currently in HSR 7.

  1. Facilities that have received training in how to request and accept supplies from the SNS Program. 100%
  1. Facilities that have identified authorized personnel (appropriately trained) to access WebEOC, EMResource, and EMTrack for the purposes of obtaining emergency medical materials/regional notifications.
  • WebEOC29%
  • EMResource100%
  • EMtrack100%

Training opportunities are available through Intermedix web based training.

WebEOC usage is a continuous work in progress. Not all agencies utilize the application at this time. BP5 will focus on Implementing WebEOC usage and training.

  1. Facilities that provide training for identified personnel to access WebEOC, EMResource, and EMTrack for the purposes of obtaining emergency medical materials/regional notifications.
  • WebEOC14%
  • EMResource71%
  • EMtrack71%

TSA M will continue to provide EMResource and EMTrack webinars and on-site trainings.

  1. Facilities that can effectively demonstrate the ability to request any and all needed emergency materials (i.e., WebEOC, EMResource, etc.).71%

Training has been provided to all coalition members

on how to request additional materials (resources).

  1. Facilities that have documented through After Action Reports (AAR), the success or failure of WebEOC, EMResource, and EMTrack for the purposes of obtaining emergency medical materials/regional notifications annually.


  1. Facilities whose role in a catastrophic event is as a:
  • Receiving Facility43%
  • Surge Facility29%
  • Support Facility29%
  1. Facilities that identified the following needs and gaps:
  • NIMS Training72%
  • EMTrack Training72%
  • EMResource Training43%
  • WebEOC Training86%
  • Radio Training57%
  • MOC Training14%
  • Exercises43%
  • EMC ROLE14%

Ongoing training/drill/exercise opportunities will continue to be provided for the above mentioned gaps in TSA M.

Gap Analysis Summary and Identification of Priorities:

TSA M Gap’s: (7 Hospitals)

Training- During BP4 we plan on implementing more training throughout the region. We will offer training in all programs used in TSA L.

Plans- The majority of plans used are Regional, not individual or agency specific. The TSA M HCC made the decision a few years back to use Regional plans in order to streamline the process between the different hospitals. The plans listed in question 6 are all held at the Regional level, either the RAC or COG maintain.

Training – Training will continue to be provided throughout the region to address gaps found by this assessment.

Plans – HOTHCC will provide updated/current information to be included in Regional Plans, since many Regional plans are held by their respective entities this is a combined effort to keep all the plans up to date.