Drug and Alcohol Treatment services in Nottingham City
Adult treatment for drugs and alcohol
Nottingham Recovery Network at The Wellbeing Hub
Who is the service for?
We are here to support anyone in Nottingham City who may be concerned about their own relationship with drugs and alcohol. We’re here to support those people who know that
something has to change, but who aren’t sure of how to make that change a reality. We are also here to provide advice and guidance to friends, family members, GPs and other third parties who are
concerned about the wellbeing of somebody else.
How they work?
We provide a single support hub for people wanting help or advice about alcohol and drugs. We’re available on-line, in person, or over the phone.
People can walk in, refer themselves or be referred by other services.
Our expert staff will then:
• Complete a comprehensive assessment of their needs
• Support them through appropriate treatment
• Support them after any treatment(s) to maintain their recovery
• Offer them opportunities to learn and develop.
Our aim is to guide people through a network of support and treatment opportunities that are right for them.
How to refer:to ask for our help
There are three main ways that people can ask for help or learn more about our work. People can either refer themselves to the service or be referred by a third party such as a doctor or a support worker.
Visitors to our website can ask directly for support in confidence, and will also find links to a range of useful resources.
at our drop in location:
By speaking to us on the phone:
Telephone: 0800 066 5362or 0115 970 9590
Face-to-face at Nottingham Wellbeing hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham NG1 6BB
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Wednesday: 9.30am - 6.00pm and Saturday: 9.30am - 1.00pm
Young People’s Treatment for drugs and alcohol
CGL - Journey
Who is the service for?
To work with young people and their families, up to the age of 19 in Nottingham City to reduce the impact of substance misuse, support recovery and to challenge inequalities linked to drug and alcohol use.
What does the service provide?
CGL Journey works with young people under the age of 19 to prevent and reduce the risks from drug and alcohol use. We work with a wide range of young people, from those needing brief support and advice to those with longer term needs. Support includes:
- One to one support and brief advice sessions
- Harm reduction advice and information including stop smoking advice and support
- Group Work
- Family support
- Health and well-being activities, including access to certified courses
- Referral and signposting to other agencies
How to refer?
We accept referrals from professionals and young people themselves. You can refer to us directly by telephone or drop in to CGL Journey.
Contact details
Open Monday – Friday between 9-5pm. Appointments are available outside of these times.
Phone: 0115 9484 314
Text: 07872 869 371
Drop in 10am - 3pm
CGL Journey
2 Russell Place
Support for families of people with substance misuse issues
CGL – Explore Family
Who is the service for?
Children, young people, adults and whole families affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use in Nottingham city.
What does the service provide?
Explore Family is a whole family support service. They work with whole families and individuals to reduce the impact of substance misuse, to support recovery and to challenge inequalities linked to drugs and alcohol.
Explore Family offers a variety of support options, which can include
- One-to-one support sessions
- Whole family assessments and support
- Telephone support
- Structured support groups
- Information and self-help resources
- Advocacy
- Mentoring
- Family conferencing
- Family activities
- Well-being days
How to refer: Contact the service by phone or complete a referral form. We always welcome new clients, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting help from the service or you’d just like to ask some questions. Feel free to bring someone with you on your first visit.
We are based at 200 Mansfield Road, Nottingham. You can call us on 0115 9787161
Community Needle Exchange
The Health Shop - Specialist needle exchange and sexual health service
If you need . . .
·Needle & syringe programme
·Testing for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia &Gonorrhoea for those with no symptoms
·HIV Fast Test (criteria applies)
·Harm reduction & safer injecting/smoking advice
·Free condoms & lubricants
·Information relating to safer sex & sexually transmitted infections
·Emergency hormonal contraception (for over 14s)
·Pregnancy testing
·Testing for Hepatitis B & C (for over 16s)
·Hepatitis A & B vaccinations
Unfortunately we are unable to vaccinate you if it is for travel or occupational reasons. Other exclusions may apply. Please discuss with a member of the staff team to find out if we can help you.
·Overdose Response & Naloxone training
·Access to the Homeless Health Team Nurses
Opening Times
12 Broad Street
Tel: 0115 905 5001
www: healthshopnottingham.co.uk
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping
Framework Street Outreach Team
If you need help or you see someone sleeping rough call Framework Street Outreach Team on:
0800 066 5356. 24 hours a day, every day
Other services
POW Nottingham is a peer-founded charity supporting individuals involved in or affected by sex work. POW promotes health and dignity by empowering, supporting and educating our clients. POW offers rapid access to our clients and provide a drug treatment clinic on a Thursday afternoon between 2.00pm – 5.00pm, providing treatment, support plans and needle exchange. Clients are able to self-refer to the clinic.
Self Help
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0115 941 7100
Narcotics Anonymous: 0300 999 1212 (10am – midnight)
SMART Recovery: or contact Nottingham recovery Network for local meeting details
Samaritans: 116 123
Talk to Frank: 0300 123 6600
Download the ‘Recovery Portal’ app from the app store or Android store for more information on drug and alcohol services local to you.
Domestic and sexual violence: 24 hour free helpline 0808 800 0340
Services in Nottinghamshire
For help in Notts (outside of the City)
New Directions Nottinghamshire CGL
This service is open to anyone over the age of 18 living in Nottinghamshire. If you are experiencing issues around drug and/or alcohol use, please contact our expert staff on 0115 896 0798for more information or to make an appointment.