Committee B10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys


STP 1245 Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 10th International
STP 1295 Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 11th International
STP 1354 Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 12th International

STP 1423 Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 13th International

STP 1467Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 14th International

STP 1505 Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 15th International

Related ASTM Committees
G01 on Corrosion of Metals
E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores and Related Materials


H. R. "Russ" Ogden Award (Society Recognized)
An award established in 1983 by Committee B-10 in honor of its first chairman, this award is presented for outstanding accomplishments in the science and technology of reactive and refractory metals and alloys.

Past Ogden Award Recipients:
1997 Donald M Mc Cue
1998 Sydney A Aldridge
1999 John G Banker

2000 Bill Buckman

2001 Peter Krynes

2002 Bill McDonald

2003 Ron Shutz

2004 David Douglas

2005Robert Kane

2006 Samuel Worcester

2007 James Mc Master

2008 Paul Bania

2009 Terrence Tripp

Kroll Award
This award is presented in honor of Dr. William J. Kroll, who was a pioneer in the development of the process to extract zirconium from the zircon ore. The process was named after him- the Kroll process. The Award is now administered by ASTM and the independent Kroll Award Selection Committee to recognize pioneers in the development and furtherance of zirconium’s use in the world. It had been administered by the Colorado School of Mines until 2001.

Past Kroll Award Recipients:

1975 Admiral H.G. Rickover

1976 Dr. Brian Cox

1978 Dr. Benjamin Lustman

1980 W.W. Stephens

1982 Stephen W.H. Yih

1983 Dr. M.L. Picklesimer

1984 Dr. F.A. Nichols

1985 R.P. Syre


1987 J.M. Googin

1988 P. Besson, J. Guerin, and P. Brun

1989 Dr. V. Fidleris

1990 Dr. Antonina V. Nikulina

1991 Dr. J.S. Armijo, Dr. Louis F. Coffin, and Dr. Herman S. Rosenbaum

1992 David O. Pickman

1993 J.A.L. (Archie) Robertson

1994 Frederich Garzarolli, Dr. Heinz Stehle, and Eckard Steinberg
1995 Dr. Ronald B. Adamson
1996 Dr. Charles E. Ellis & Dr. Anthony Sawatsky
1997 Dr. Daniel Charquet

1998 Dr. C.E. Coleman

1999 Dr. Clement LeMaignan

2000 John Schemel

2001 Dr. George Sabol

2002 Dr. Erich Tenkhoff

2003 Dr. Kjell Pettersson

2004 - Professor Richard Holt

2005 - Dr. Malcolm Griffiths

2006 - Mr. B.J. Sanders

John H. Schemel Award
This award is presented to the author(s) of the best paper at the previous Symposium. John H.Schemel was the prior chairman of Subcommittee B10.02 for 16 years and was instrumental in promoting the preparation of standards for all zirconium products and dissemination of zirconium technology in the symposia series.

Past John H. Schemel Award Recipients:

1995 Symposium: A. M. Garde, G. P. Smith, R. C. Pirek
1998 Symposium: K. Edsinger, J. H. Davis, R. B. Adamson

2001 Symposium: B. Anderson, M. Limback, G. Wikmark, E. Hanso, T. Johnsen, R.G. Ballinger, A.-C. Nystrand

2004 Symposium: F. Onimus, J. Béchade, C. Prioul, P. Pilvin, I. Monnet, S. Doriot, B. Verhaeghe, D. Gilbon, L. Robert, L. Legras, and J. Mardon

2007 Jean Luc Bechade, Fabien Onimus, and Philippe Pilvin