Adnan Menderes University | Faculty of Engineering
EMT 206-Electromagnetic Field Theory
Course Information
Name: Electromagnetic Field TheoryCredit / ECTS: 3 / 4
Code: EE 206 Pre-requisites: FIZ 162
Hours per week: 3 hrs
Course Instructor
Name / Dr. Coşkun DENİZOffice / Aydın Menderes Derslikleri, 2nd floor
Email /
Schedule / Tuesdays 09:30-12:15 at Classroom: MA201
Office hours* / Tuesdays 13:30 –15:00
Wednesdays 12:30 –14:00
(*Note: in case of an urgent occasion, such as a meeting or any unexpected project labor coinciding with any office hour, you have to follow the directions in the note hung on my door)
Required Textbook:D. K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd ed., Addison–Wesley, 1989.
Other useful Textbooks (recommended): 1) David K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, Addison–Wesley, 1993. 2) David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1993. 3) Sadiku, Matthew N.O., Elements of Electromagnetics (3rd ed.), Oxford University Pres, Inc., 2010. 4) William H. Hayt, and John A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics (6th ed.), the McGraw- Hill Book Company, 2011.
Announcements: E-mail will be used to send important announcements, it is therefore important for you to check your email regularly.
Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism is using someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. It is academic thievery, and it will not be tolerated. In case of a first offense, if you turn in such work, the grade for the assignment will be a 0. Plagiarism or any other form of cheating in examinations, term tests or academic work is subject to serious academic penalty.
Student attendance is mandatory and students must attend at least 70 % of the classes.
Use of cell phones during class and lab:
Cell phones are not allowed to be used in class. Students using cell phone for any purpose in class (other than an emergency) will be asked to leave the class.
No food and drinks are allowed during lectures. Only water.
Students are expected to be on time for lectures.
Weekly outline
Week / Mo. / Date / Topics1 / February / 7 / Vector Analysis (Cheng, Chapter 2)
2 / 14 / Vector Analysis (Cheng, Chapter 2)
3 / 21 / Vector Analysis (Cheng, Chapter 2)
4 / 28 / Electrostatics (Cheng, Chapter 3)
5 / March / 7 / Electrostatics (Cheng, Chapter 3)
6 / 14 / Electrostatics (Cheng, Chapter 3)
7 / 21 / Review
Midterm Exam 1 (Cheng, Chapter 1-3)
8 / 28 / Solutions of Electrostatic Problems (Cheng, Chapter 4)
9 / April / 4 / Solutions of Electrostatic Problems (Cheng, Chapter 4)
10 / 11 / Steady Electric Currents (Cheng, Chapter 5)
11 / 18 / Steady Electric Currents (Cheng, Chapter 5)
12 / 25 / Magnetostatics and magnetic materials (Cheng, Chapter 6)
13 / May / 2 / Review
Midterm Exam 2 (Cheng, Chapter 4-6)
14 / 9 / Magnetostatics and magnetic materials (Cheng, Chapter 6)
15 / 16 / Time varying fields and Maxwell’s equations (Cheng, Chapter 7)
(Up to Section 7.3: Maxwell’s Equations –yes, it is included!)
16 / 23 / Final Exam (Cheng, Between sections 1.1 and 7.3 -yes, it is included!)
Grading Scale:
An ADU member does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.
Adnan Menderes University | Faculty of Engineering
Course grades will be assigned as follows:
Grade / Letter90-100 / AA
85-90 / BA
75-84 / BB
70-74 / CB
60-69 / CC
55-59 / DC
50-54 / DD
0-49 / FF
Grade weights:1st Midterm exam=25 %, 2nd Midterm exam=25 %, Final exam=50 %
An ADU member does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.