ARTICLES Names of places
(the or Ø)
WATER with the / LAND Ø (without an article)- Oceans
- Seas
- Rivers
- Channels
- Ships
- Continents
- Countries
- Towns/Cities
- Streets
- Squares
- Parks
- Bridges
Lakes in singular – no artical
Loch Ness
Lakes in plural – the
The Plitvice Lakes
Deserts – the
The Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert
Mountain peaks – no article
Mount Everest
Mountain chains – the
The Alps, the Rocky Mountains
Island in singular – no article
Islands in plural – the
The Caribbean, the Seychelles / Exceptions:
The United Kingdom
The United States of America
The Republic of Ireland
The Netherlands
The Vatican City
The Hague (a city)
Use the or Ø
- ….. Cairo is the capital of …. Egypt.
- … Atlantic is between …. America and… Africa.
- …. Asia is the largest continent in the world.
- Kevin lives in …. Newton Street.
- ….Belgium is smaller than ….. Netherlands.
- Which river is longer ….. Mississippi or ….Nile?
- How far is ….. Trafalgar Square?
- …. Corsica is an island in ….. Mediterranean Sea.
- ….. Republic of Ireland is an independent country.
- ……Europe is bigger than….. Australia.
ARTICLES Names of places
(the or Ø)
WATER with the / LAND Ø (without an article)- Oceans
- Seas
- Rivers
- Channels
- Ships
- Continents
- Countries
- Towns/Cities
- Streets
- Squares
- Parks
- Bridges
Lakes in singular – no artical
Loch Ness
Lakes in plural – the
The Plitvice Lakes
Deserts – the
The Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert
Mountain peaks – no article
Mount Everest
Mountain chains – the
The Alps, the Rocky Mountains
Island in singular – no article
Islands in plural – the
The Caribbean, the Seychelles / Exceptions:
The United Kingdom
The United States of America
The Republic of Ireland
The Netherlands
The Vatican City
The Hague (a city)