As a member of the Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship. I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning or losing in my stride, remembering that without good manners and good temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavour to treat my horse with consideration.
To book in for a rally please contact our Rally Organiser Kate Thomas on:
01497831024/07898959831, , using the Googlebooking sheetor via our parents & members Facebook group. Kate will circulate a list of the names that are down for rolling rallies on WEDNESDAY morning. Please confirm any changes by 8pm WEDNESDAY as groups are done the following day. Times will be circulated on FRIDAY. Withdrawals after Wednesday will need to be paid for unless the space can be taken by another member. For rolling rallies with 2 venues, placesneed to be allocated according to the spread of names down so please be prepared to attend either venue.
Payment for rallies and other activities is due on the day by cash or cheque. If you don’t carry cash or cheques then please arrange for a lump sum to be paid in advance from which we can deduct amounts used. Kindly notify Clare or Julie if this is the case.
6th - Stable management - Juniors and any newer members 5:30-7:00 £5Pearl Island
15th - Rolling rallies at MaesyrronenGlasbury (Mounted games after) £5
20th - Stable management - Seniors - Vowchurch 5:30-7:00 £5
22nd - XC rally at Monkland- All welcome (don’t forget back protectors) £20
29th - Rolling rallies at Brilleywood (Halloween theme, fancy dress encouraged)Maesyrronen£5
31st - GVH Children’s meet venue tbc
3rd - Stable management/badge session - Juniors 5:30-7:00 £5 Home Farm, Dorstone
4th - GVH Opening meet at Cabalva.
5th - XC ride and mock hunt. Hot sausages afterwards. £5 Lane Farm, Painscastle
9th - SJ rally at Kings Equestrian - names + earliest ride time please - price tbc
12th - Rolling rallies at Vowchurch(dressage)Glasbury (Mounted games after) £5
16th - Stable management - Seniors - 5:30-7:00 £5 Louise Skelton’s
20th - Parents meeting - 7:00 - Baskie, Clyro
23rd - SJ rally at Kings Equestrian - names + earliest ride time please - price tbc
26th - Pony Popping at Brilleywood - classes 40-70cm inc lead rein - All welcome
26th - Senior dressage rally at Vowchurch £5
1st - Stable management - Hay Vets - all welcome - 5:30 £5
3rd- Rolling rallies at BrilleywoodMaesyrronen £5
7th - Quiz night & raffle at Baskie,Clyro - come along and join the fun
10th - Pizza Party - Pizza Express, Hereford11:00£10. Leave the children while you go shopping
15th - Stable management - Seniors - Vowchurch 5:30-7:00 £5
17th- Christmas Fancy Dress rally and team jumping-Vowchurch £5. Bring food to share. Mulled wine
24th - GVH Meet
26th - GVH Meet - Hay Clock
5th- Annual prize-giving at Clyro CourtFood from 6:30 (menu will be circulated nearer the time), presentations, raffle.
7th - Rolling rallies at BrilleywoodGlasbury (Mounted Games after) £5
12th- Stable management - juniors 5:30-7:00 £5 Pandy Inn
26th - Stable management - seniors 5:30-7:00 £5 Louise Skelton’s
2-3April 2018 - Senior Camp at Somerford Park. (Arrive 1st)