Softball Lesson Plan

Modified Games / Games
·  Catching: In field/ Out field
·  Throwing: Pitching/ To Base
·  Hitting
·  Bunting
·  Bunting Game: Multiple Teams and each person gets one pitch to bunt a ball. If the team gets the bunt correct it is a point. The pitcher is on their team and you rotate from batter to pitcher to back of the line.
·  Base Hit Game: Same set up as bunting game. Except now they are hitting for a home run. In field hit is 1 pt. In the outfield is 2 pts. And a homerun is 5 pts. Teams with the most points win. While one team hits the other fields the balls. / ·  Go over Rules
·  Divide up into multiple teams. Play for 15 minutes and switch teams around.

Pre/ Post Test Softball

  1. While running a Base, what is your aiming point for foot placement for the base?
  1. When Bunting, what is not correct?

A: Don’t reach for the ball B: Let the ball come to you

C: Knees bent D: Don’t keep your eyes on the ball

  1. What is 1 que for catching a softball with your hands?
  1. When can the runner run to the next base and still be safe, when the ball is hit up as a pop fly and caught.

A: Right when it’s Hit B: As soon as the ball is caught

C: As soon as it hits the ground D: They cannot run at all

  1. In softball how does a team score a point? (Explain)
  1. How do you know when the team goes from offense to defense?
  1. What is the usual amount of Innings in a softball game?
  1. What is a full count?
  1. What is considered the strike zone for a batter?
  1. What is a Force Runner?