
12th June 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

As the trip is fast approaching, we wanted to get in touch to clarify some important information regarding equipment, expectations and safety. I have attached the kit list again for your reference, but we would like to reiterate the importance of ensuring that our students are fully equipped for all activities.

For beach watersports students must have a pair of wet shoes/old trainers. They need to wear swimwear/shorts and a t-shirt for all activities. Acorn will provide buoyancy aids for all water based activities. The camp have a strict no bikini policy so students wishing to swim in the swimming pool require a full swimming costume, which is also required for the waterpark. Students will be provided with two KBA t-shirts for the trip. We insist that each morning, students apply a thorough layer of suncream before we set off for the activities and bring with them a fine mist spray to make re-application as easy as possible when out and about. Students are also recommended to bring a cap or sun hat. Please pack some plastic bags to carry wet clothing/shoes and to carry dirty washing home.

Please be reminded that electrical items such as hairdryers and straighteners are not permitted on the camp. Students wishing to bring phones, iPods, and iPads/tablets will be bringing them at their own risk. Our insurance for the trip does not cover electrical items. It is therefore advised that if your child is bringing one of these items, you have your own insurance policy to cover any damage or loss.

On Friday 22nd June all students are expected to be in school as normal and in full uniform for 8:25am.Students will bring their luggage into school where it will be stored securely until departure. At 11:00am (the end of break) students will be permitted to get changed into their comfortable clothing for travelling. The coach will depart from the bus bay on West Street at 12:30pm. If you would like to come to say goodbye and to collect your child’s uniform, we ask that you park in the leisure centre car park so that the coach can park safely in the bus bay. The coach is equipped with a DVD player so your child may wish to bring age appropriate DVDs for the journey.We will use the school twitter account to tweet updates of our journey. Please follow us @Kirkbalkacademy.

If your child is taking prescribed or non-prescribed medication that they will need whilst on the trip, please make sure it is brought into school by Wednesday 20th June. Any medication must be clearly labelled with your childs name and the dosage required. If you have any further quieries please do not hesitate to contact me .

Yours faithfully

Mrs L FellMr M Davies

Trip LeaderVice Principal

Mediterranean Adventure Kit List June 2018

Here is a list of items we recommend you take with you
To pack:
Sleeping bag or a blanket / To take on the coach:
Backpack or bag
Sun hat/cap
Two pairs of trainers (one for getting wet & one for keeping dry- no crocs or jelly shoes) Hot Tuna water shoes from Sports Direct are perfect!

Insect repellent / Wallet/purse (No more than €150)
EHIC Card (LFE will have these)
Passport (LFE will have these)
Packed lunch/Snacks

Swimwear (Full swimming costumes/Swim shorts)
Refillable water/sports bottle
Change of clothes for evenings
Plastic bags for wet/dirty clothes
High factor sun cream (fine mist spray) and aftersun
SPF lip balm
Wet Activities (Sailing, Snorkelling, Paddle Boarding, Kayaking & Swimming)
T-shirts (no vests)
Wet shoes or old trainers
Important safety notes
• Acorn provides all specialist equipment for activities. Regulatory equipment, such as buoyancy aids and helmets, must be worn when supplied by the instructor. This applies to everyone, regardless of their level of experience.
• To guard against injury, closed shoes i.e. trainers, must be worn for all activities, including those that are water-based. Everyone will need to bring two pairs of footwear; one for wet and one for dry activities. An old pair of trainers is recommended for the water sports and trainers for land based activities.
• Denim clothes, including jeans, may not be worn for water-based activities.
• Jewellery (bracelets/bands/rings/ earrings etc.) may cause injury and must therefore not be worn during activity sessions.
• Please note if you choose to bring valuables- mobiles, cameras etc. we cannot be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur.