Lesson Three Command Browser and Accuracy Center

Topics Covered

·  Using the Command Browser

·  The Accuracy Center

·  Improving the acoustics

·  Improving the vocabulary

Using the Command Browser

The Command Browser can display the voice commands available in Dragon NaturallySpeaking. It can be accessed by clicking the link in the Accuracy Center window, choosing Command Browser from the Tools menu on the DragonBar or saying the command {Start Command Browser}.

Current command content

To see the Commands available in different application, choose that application from the list and wait while it loads.

To Train A Command

You can train a command by choosing Train from the Word menu or find the command in the Command Browser and train one or many commands.

1.  In the Command Browser, click on the command or select it with your voice, moving the highlight bar with {Move Down #}, for example.

When they appear in the Command Browser, some commands may not be fully visible. Click on one of the commands in the list and expand the selection until you see the command you want to train.
Refine: Shows just the current selection and expands the selection.

Optional: Expands optional statements. Optional statements are parts of the command you do not have to say for the command to work. Optional statements are shown in brackets: [ ]

Or: Expands Or statements. Or statements are used to indicate a number of alternative commands. Or statements are usually preceded or followed by other commands and are shown by a separator bar, |, usually enclosed by parenthesis.

Ellipsis…: Indicates that more than one command can begin or end with a particular word. You can click the Ellipsis button multiple times to expand a complex command.

Undo All: Reverses all operations and re-displays the list of commands.

2.  {Click Train} to immediately train the selected command.

3.  {Click Train Later} to add the command to a list of commands for later training. By selecting Train Later, you activate the Train List button.

4.  {Click Train List}, to see the list of words to train.

The Accuracy Center

The Accuracy Center collect together in one place all of the tools that help you improve accuracy. Open the Accuracy Center through the Tools menu in the DragonBar. What follows is a description of the items in the Center.

Use the Accuracy Center to improve your vocabulary. There are a variety of tools available in this dialogue box. Notice that the choices are underlined links. Say the words that are underlined to activate the link.

Getting Help

Which Tool Should I Choose?

Clicking this link opens up a wizard which describes common recognition problems, like “When I speak, nothing happens.” Find the difficulty you are having, and Dragon will direct you to the tools that can help. By clicking this link, the Accuracy Assistant window opens and gives you information on common problems with solutions.

Improving your acoustics

Use these links to check your microphone, enhance your use file, and perform additional training to improve your user file.

Improving your vocabulary

Increasing the vocabulary that Dragon has to work with will help improve the recognition accuracy. The links in this section will help you add one new word at a time, add many words from your documents, analyze your writing style and add that information to Dragon to improve recognition and let you view the existing vocabulary and customized vocabulary that you have added.

Add a single word to your vocabulary

This lets you add an unusual word to your vocabulary. This is especially helpful for names.

Add words from your documents to your vocabulary

This allows you to add words from a document (letters, assignments, etc.) to your vocabulary. To use this feature, you select the document, and then Dragon analyzes the document for new words to add to your vocabulary.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Manual Lesson 8-1

Fiori, Lariviere, Kraemer 2008