Director: Dr. Kristin Kirschbaum

419.530.7847 Office Phone

419.530.2141 Fax


Square Footage: Approximately 6000 ft2 purpose-built instrument space containing instrument laboratories, preparation laboratories, an instrument workshop, a computer room, offices, and a conference/seminar room.

Facility Location: Main Campus, Bowman-Oddy Laboratories, Room 200A

In 1985, the state of Ohio appropriated money for the creation of the Instrumentation Center at The University of Toledo. The center supports faculty research, provides access and training for graduate students in the use of advanced instrumentation, and provides a scientific support base for local industries through technical advice and sophisticated problem solving capabilities. The Center also offers outreach programs that allow cyber-access to instruments. Areas of advanced technologies include scanning electron microscopy (SEM), mass spectrometry (MS), and crystallography.

Major Equipment

  • Single Crystal Diffractometer: Bruker APEX Duo with Cu and Mo microfocus sources and APEX II CCD detector. Cu K radiation available for absolute configuration and for protein crystal screening, with fast and fully automated wavelength shift. SAINT software is available for data reduction and SHELX software for structure refinement.
  • Powder Diffractometer: PANalyticalX’Pert Pro MPD with Cu Kα radiation. Sample stage temperature range from -150C to 400C. Capillary tubes can be used for air sensitive or small volume samples. Analysis programs include JADE and various versions of PANalytical X’Pert software.
  • Macromolecular Diffractometer: Rigaku FR-E High Brilliance Cu K X-Ray Generator with R-AXIS IV++ image plate detector, Oxford Cryosystems 700 cryostat for low temperature data measurement, and CrystalClear software for data processing. Apple HD graphics workstations in near proximity have open-source software for data reduction and structure refinement.
  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): JEOL JSM-7500F Cold Cathode Field Emission Microscope, Cyber enabled for remote use. Includes LABE, STEM, EBIC and EDS detectors.
  • Polarized Stereoscopic Light Microscope with Image Processing: Olympus SZX7 with cellSens processing software from Olympus offer magnification to 560X, polarized light emitter and analyzer, object counting and measurement, and image storage and export in widely accessible formats.
  • MALDI: Bruker Daltonics UltrafleXtreme Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometerwith PROTEINEER fc spotting robot for facile LC-MALDI and ImagePrep system for deposition of matrix onto tissue slices for tissue imaging experiments. Data measurement and analysis is facilitated by Bruker Compass 1.4 software, offering ready access to databases for peptide fingerprinting.
  • Dynamic Light Scattering and Zeta Potential: Anton-Paar Litesizer 500 with Kalliope software. 3 optical ports for DLS particle sizing and Zeta potential measurement. The 90 port can be used for Static Light Scattering molecular mass determination using a Debye plot. Optical stage has Peltier temperature control for series measurements with time or temperature.
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeter: TA Instruments Q20 DSC with chiller for temperature scanning range of -90C to 500C.
  • UV/Vis/Near-IR Spectrophotometer: Cary 5 Double-beam Spectrophotometer with Diode Array detectors. Scanning range from 190 nm to 3200 nm. Sample holders for liquid, solid and reflectance measurements, with NIST defined mirror for reflectance calibration. Temperature controlled optical stage.
  • Thermogravimetry Analyzers (TGA): 2 TGAs are available: TA Instruments Simultaneous TGA/DSC-SDT Q600 Simultaneous differential scanning calorimeter-TGA capable of measuring transitions and reaction in materials over the range from ambient to 1500C. TA Instruments Simultaneous Thermogravimetry-Differential Thermal Analyzer STD 2960. Temperature range ambient to 1500C. Data analysis for both with TA Universal Analysis Software.
  • Combustion Analyzer: PerkinElmer Series II 2400 CHN for determination weight fraction of carbon, nitrogen or hydrogen in a sample.
  • Gel and Western Blot Imager: Azure Biosystems c500 with 8.3 MP Camera with UV 302/365 nm sources for UV fluorescence measurement, chemiluminescent detection without film, RGB LEDS for visible wavelength dyes and white light gel imaging, Infrared laser excitation for NIR-IR detection (reduced background noise for sensitivity to low abundance proteins). Allows use of blue excited DNA dyes.