Secondary Course Syllabus 18 weeks of Study

Welding Technology App. Welding I W/Pl

Course No. 430071.01

Selma High School

Instructor: E. Marshall

Course Description

This course provides specialized classroom and laboratory experience leading to entry-level welder status. Content standards reflect national standards for entry level welders established by the American Welding Society. Content Standards were designed to develop the total student in all areas of metal welding, brazing, cutting operations, blueprint reading, and math. Particular emphasis is given to the use of decision making and problem- solving techniques in mathematics and technological problems.

Course Outline

1. Welding Safety 1 week

2. Oxyfuel Cutting 1 week

3. Base Metal Preparation 2 weeks

4. Weld Quality 2 weeks

5. SMAW – Equipment and Setup 2 weeks

6. SMAW – Electrodes and Selection 1 week

7. SMAW – Beads and Fillet Welds 2 weeks

8. SMAW – Groove Welds with Backing 2 weeks

9. Joint Fit-Up and Aligning 1 week

10. SMAW – Open V-Groove Welds wi/bk 2 weeks

11. SMAW – Open V-GR. Welds 2 weeks

Total: 18 weeks

Course Outline will vary from time to time at (Instructors Discretion)


NCCER (2003) Welding (Level One): Complete coverage of the welding field in one easy-to-use volume Publisher (Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458)

Modern Welding Publisher The Goodheart- Willcox company 1997.


1. Textbook

2. Unit and Chapter Handouts

3. Notebook (binder 1 inch)

4. Shop welding machines and tools

5. Leather steel-toe boots & coveralls (cotton only)

6. Thirty-eight dollars for fees ($38.00)

Grading is based on the following:

Tests 30%

Classwork 20%

Projects/Portfolio/Notebook 30%

Quizzes 15%

Homework 05%


1.  Be in class on time and ready to work.

2.  Bring books, pen, pencil, and paper to class.

3.  Stay in seat at all times until you have permission to leave it.

4.  Raise hand to speak.

5.  No chewing or eating in class.

6.  Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

7.  No profanity in class.

Safety Rules

1.  Be properly dressed. (Boots, welding cloth pants, welding cap)

2.  Wear gloves when working with metal.


4.  Never use a cutting torch where sparks may be a hazard.

5.  Keep fire extinguisher 20 degrees of any cutting operation.

6.  Report all accidents to instructor.

7.  Inspect equipment for defects before use.

8.  Never pick up any metal that has just been welded on or heated.

9.  Don’t strike an arc if someone without proper eye protection is nearby.

10. Don’t overload equipment.

11. Wear safety glasses when on shop side of yellow line.

12. Wear face shields when grinding or chipping.

13. Always keep work area clean and free of debris.


Grade Scale

A= 90-100




F=64 & BELOW