Minutes of the AGM Meeting of Kirkbampton Parish Council held on
Monday 9th May 2016 in Kirkbampton Village Hall at 7:30 p.m.

KB 1/5/16 Election of Chairman for 2016/17

Cllr J Alexander was unanimously elected Chairwoman (nominated by Cllr M Cunliffe, seconded by Cllr T Newstead) for the year and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
KB 2/5/16 Election of Vice-Chairman for 2016/17
Cllr J Heaney was unanimously elected vice-chairman (nominated by Cllr M Cunliffe, seconded by Cllr J Alexander) for the year.

KB 3/5/16 Apologies for absence

Apologies received from PCSO P Nichol who in his absence, had forwarded a Police report advising that no incidents had been reported since the last meeting.

KB 4/5/16 Present

The Chairwoman Cllr J Alexander, M Cunliffe, J Heaney & E Newstead.

KB 5/5/16 In Attendance

County Cllr D Fairbairn & Borough Cllr V Hodgson (entered at 7:33 p.m.).

KB 6/5/16 Declarations of Interest or Requests for Dispensations

Cllr M Cunliffe declared an interest in planning application 2/2016/0179 - Land to the rear of Solway View and would take no part in the discussion surrounding the application.
Cllr J Alexander advised that she and Cllr M Cunliffe had attended a residents public meeting on the application and stated that they both came to the PC meeting with an ‘open mind’.

KB 7/5/16 Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2016

The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on the 14th March 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairwoman.
KB 8/5/16 Public Participation
Nine members of the public were in attendance.
County Cllr D Fairbairn reported the following:-
·  Roadworks A595 – overnight re-surfacing works were planned over the coming weeks which may result in the A595 being closed between Thursby roundabout and Street Roadends.
·  Kirkbampton Speeding Traffic – advised that the Police camera van targets roads/areas that have high accident levels recorded and that Kirkbampton did not currently fulfill this criteria. If an accident occurs then residents should ensure that these are reported to the Police for statistics to be collated as this would then trigger further action. Advised that he would request accident statistics for the area from the Police.
Cllr reported that the flashing speed sign within the village seemed to only work intermittently. Cllr Fairbairn advised that he would report this to the Police and Carlisle City Council – who had erected the sign.
Cllr D Fairbairn left the meeting at 7:40 p.m. due to his attendance being required at Aikton Parish Council meeting.
Members of the public raised their concerns on the outline application to erect 18no dwellings (to including access) on land to the rear of Solway View. Advised that approximately 30 objections had been submitted to Allerdale Borough Council for the following reasons:-
·  Settlement Boundary Erosion – the development would erode the existing green space boundaries between Thurstonfield and Kirkbampton;
·  Limited Growth Village - Kirkbampton is a village outlined in the Allerdale Local Plan as being restricted to ‘small scale development’. This development equates to a 15% increase and is therefore, larger than the 6% outlined planned growth;
·  Residential Amenity - the application contains two storey developments that would overlook existing single storey properties, this would compromise the privacy of existing residents;
·  Access Road – visibility from the proposed access road onto the B5307 is considered unsafe due to the given the speed of some vehicles travelling along the B5307 and the close vicinity of the village school. Additional light pollution from traffic using the access would be detrimental to the amenity of existing residents;
·  Surface Water Drainage – the proposed site is witnessed to be subject to standing water between the months of November to May and photographic evidence was provided. The land is low lying and doesn’t drain during the winter months;
·  Foul Sewage – Kirkbampton sewage system is already considered to be at full capacity and frequently overflows/backs up with effluent flooding gardens along Oak Lane & Solway View. The building of an additional 18 properties would only further compromise this system;
·  Heritage Assets – the site is identified by the Historic Environment Officers as rich with Roman heritage;
·  Ecology – the area supports colonies of wildlife including bats, swans, geese, ducks and numerous species of garden birds including woodpeckers, robins, blackbirds, etc.
The residents urged the PC to support them by submitting an objection to the application.
It was then agreed that the meeting would now move to consider item 9.1 Planning Matters.
KB 9/5/16 Planning Matters
9.1 Applications
2/2016/0179 Land to the rear of Solway View, Kirkbampton – outline application for the erection of 18no. dwellings including access.
Resolved: to ‘object’ to the application, for the reasons outlined above. To request the ‘right to speak’ at the Allerdale Borough Council Development Control meeting when the application is to be considered.
Nine members of the public left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
16/0143 Land adjacent to Garth Cottage, Thurstonfield – erection of 1 No. dwelling (reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission 15/0478), amended details.
Resolved: ‘no further comments’ to be submitted.
2/2016/0241 Studholme Farm, Kirkbride – lean-to cattle shed.
Resolved: ‘no comments’ to be submitted.
KB 10/5/16 Finance Matters
10.1 Resolved that the following payments are approved:-
A McCallum – Salary April/May 2016 (D/D) £ 328.51
A McCallum – reimbursements £ 64.91
HMRC – PAYE April/May £ 2.40
Came & Co – Insurance 2016/17 £ 273.00
J Airey – internal audit 2016/17 £ 41.20
Cumbria Association of Local Councils – Subscription 2016/17 £ 157.00
10.2 Receipts
Precept payment (half year) £3,543.00, interest payments of £19.49, wayleave
payment of £115.00 & VAT repayment of £424.20.
10.3 Income and Expenditure to 30th April 2016
Opening balance 1st April 2016 (current & passbook) £ 5,749.22
Income to 30th April 2016 £ 3,663.58
Expenditure to 30th April 2016 £ 0.00
Balance at 30th April 2016 £ 9,412.80
10.4 Accounts 2015/16
The accounts for the financial year ending 31st March 2015, end of year budget summary and the internal auditors report had been circulated for approval alongside the agenda. Clerk advised that an underspend of £1,409 had occurred in 2015/16, this was due to an underspend on grass cutting, courses/training, grants and community project spending and savings made in the area of insurance.
Resolved: the accounts for 2015/16 were approved.
The Chairwoman drew the attention of Cllrs to the comment included within the internal auditor’s report which commended the Clerk on her high standard of record keeping and she was thanked for her work in this area.
10.5 Audit Commission Annual Return 2015/16
The Council was requested to approve the signing of the statement of approval and annual return for the y/e 31st March 2016.
Resolved: Chairman and Clerk were approved to sign the return.
Clerk advised that accounts would then be made available for inspection by members of the public from the 13th June to 22nd July 2016 and this would be publicised via notice boards and the Kirkbampton web site.
10.6 Parish Council Grants 2016/17
Consideration was given to applications for grant funding in 2016/17 from community groups.
Resolved: that the following grants be awarded, subject to the submission of receipted invoices of expenditure:-
·  St Peters Church - £400 contribution towards churchyard maintenance and Parish Magazine production costs.
Further Agreed: Clerk to obtain clarification from the village hall committee as to if they wished to submit a grant application towards insurance costs and a contribution towards the new front door costs.
Cllr J Alexander advised that due to the time and effort being invested within the new village website and finances towards funding this new website (and the hall being a benefactor on this initiative) she queried if Cllrs would support a request that the meeting room should be used free of charge by the PC for meetings for two years?
Agreed: Cllr J Alexander to pursue this item with the hall committee.
KB 11/5/16 Clerks Report
Actions following the last meeting were reported as:-
NEST Pension Scheme
Clerk now enrolled. However, advised that it had been a very time-consuming process dealing with the HMRC.
Summer Play Scheme
Provisional dates of Monday 1st August & Monday 22nd August booked – subject to the success of external funding applications submitted. Results of which should be known in early July 2016. Aikton Parish Council advising that they have not planned a similar scheme and Kirkbampton school advised that they supported the scheme.
Little Bampton Green
Clerk advised that she had forgotten to determine the status of the green and this would be reported to the July meeting.
KB 12/5/16 Village Matters
12.1 Oughterby – Deed of Easement
Consideration was given to the draft Deed of Easement that had been prepared for Oughterby.
Resolved: that further clarification should be obtained as to if Mr J Bertram could be a named party within the easement – due to being a minor and also that if West View was sold, would the agreement end or would the new owner of the property be required to re-apply? Cllr Cunliffe commenting that the initial agreement had been with Mr Scott Bertram only. Clerk to determine.
Item’s/information agreed to be included within the document included the boundary of the area known as Oughterby Green (highlighted in red on the map); start and finish points of the track (labelled as A & B); that the track is 4 metres wide; the public highway is the U2014; that the track is to be used at ‘all times’ by vehicles not exceeding 30 tonnes fully laden or 13 metres in length and that a charge of £1/annum is payable.
Items agreed to be deleted from the document included that under item 9.1 Termination, that at the end …the Grantee shall at their own cost return the Track to grass. [deleting ‘and will also replace the gate situated at Point A with a hedge’]. Also agreed that no reference is required to the two boulders that are currently situated on the green, as these serve to protect the area from traffic encroachment by turning vehicles.
12.2 Kirkbampton Community Website
Cllr J Alexander circulated a project brief/tender document that had been prepared to enable suitable companies to submit proposals to design a website.
Resolved: document approved for circulation. Submitted shortlisted tenders to be considered at the July meeting. Cllr J Alexander to advise representatives of the village hall committee and church of the timetable for tenders.
KB 13/5/16 Schedule of Correspondence, Notices & Publications
·  Wigton Baths Trust – letter of thanks for donation received.
KB 14/5/16 Councillor Matters
County Cllr V Hodgson reported the following:-
·  Waver Wampool Management Board
Advised that he was to attend a meeting on Tuesday 10th May to discuss the charges that are likely to be imposed on landowners.
·  Oughterby Drain
Advised that again, his efforts to contact T Shields, Highways Engineer had proven fruitless, but he would continue to pursue this matter on the PC’s behalf.
Cllr J Alexander advised that County Cllr D Fairbairn had been requested to examine an area of road south from Little Bampton, due to an accident involving a child falling from his bicycle. Borough Councillor V Hodgson commented that it was thought that this road was adopted highway and that it had been re-surfaced within the last 3-4 years.
Also advised that she was meeting the new grass cutting contractor in the near future to discuss the cutting schedule.
KB 15/5/16 Date of Next Meeting – the next meeting is to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday 11th July 2016 in Kirkbampton village hall.
The meeting closed at 9:00 p.m.