Instructions for Data Entry

Rev. 09/23/14

Enterthecircled responseinto WebNEERSforallquestions.

Example: For Question1, ifthechildcircled Never oralmostnever,enter“1”into WebNEERS.

Ifthechild doesnotrespondtoaquestionon thesurvey,pleasedonotenterany valueinto WebNEERS;leavethequestion blank.

If the child circled multiple responses (circled more than one answer or the line between two answers) please do not enter any value into WebNEERS.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1.Ieatvegetables… / Neveroralmostnever / Somedays / Mostdays / Everyday
2.I eatfruit… / Neveroralmostnever / Somedays / Mostdays / Everyday
3.Ichoosehealthysnacks… / Neveroralmostnever / Somedays / Mostdays / Everyday
4.Ieatbreakfast… / Neveroralmostnever / Somedays / Mostdays / Everyday
5.Idophysicalactivities… / Neveroralmostnever / Somedays / Mostdays / Everyday
1 / 2 / 3
6.Beingactiveisfun. / Ido notagree / I’mnotsure / Iagree
7.Beingactiveisgoodforme. / Ido notagree / I’mnotsure / Iagree
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
8.Apizza wasleftoutof therefrigeratorallnight.Whatshouldyoudo? / Eatthepizza / Smellthepizzaandthendecideifit’sokay to eat / Putthepizza intherefrigerator / Don’teatthepizza
9.Achickenandricedishhasbeenintherefrigeratorforoveraweek.Whatshouldyoudo? / Eatthechickenandricedish / Smellthechickenandricedishand thendecide ifit’sokaytoeat / Putthechickenandricedishbackintherefrigerator / Don’teatthechickenandricedish
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
10. I washmy hands beforemakingsomethingtoeat. / Almostnever / Sometimes / Mostof thetime / Always
1 / 2 / 3
11. Willyouaskyour family tobuy yourfavoritefruitorvegetable? / No / Maybe / Yes
12. Willyou askyourfamily tobuy non-fat or1%milkinsteadofregularwholemilk? / No / Maybe / Yes
13. Willyouask yourfamily tohave fruitsinaplaceliketherefrigeratororabowlonthetablewhereyoucanreachthem? / No / Maybe / Yes
14. Willyouaskyourfamily tohavecut-upvegetablesintherefrigeratorwhereyoucanreachthem? / No / Maybe / Yes
1 / Developed by the EFNEP Youth Evaluation Committee Rev. 9/23/14