Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held in Cramond Kirk Hall on Monday 21st March 2016 at 7.30
- Present: President – Margery Naylor; Vice President – Anthony Seaton; Secretary – Diana Hart; Treasurer – Georgena Wylie; and Committee members: Bert Scott, Kathleen Dods, Bill Weir, Angela Smith, Richard Bright, Lois Bryden, Stefan Slater, Bill Weir, Richard Bright, Alan Brebner, Lois Bryden, and Tom Wylie.
- Apologies for absence: Sandy Anderson, Angela Smith, Una Woof, and Ian Huggan.
- Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 30th March 2015: These have been on the Association’s website for some time. Approval of the minutes as a true record was proposed by KathleenDods, seconded by Bert Scott, and approved by the meeting. There were no matters arising from them.
- The Association’s Annual Report:The President presented the Association’s annual report for the year. The report had been circulated via paper copies, e-mail newsletter and on the Association’s website. The President took the opportunity to thank all the Committee members for their support during the year and in particular the work of the Vice President, The Treasurer and the Secretary.
- Treasurer’s report: This had been circulated within the Association’s annual report. The Treasurer was pleased to report an improved position from 2015. This was due to an increased level of subscription income, an increased level of donations, which was much appreciated, and a lower level of costs. The planned expenditure next year includes upgrading the website, and continuing the work of the Woodlands Group. Approval of the Treasurer’s report was proposed by Michael Dick, seconded by Diana Hart and approved by the meeting.
- History Section report: In Una Woof’s absence the President reviewed the History Section report, which had been circulated within the Association’s annual report. This year has been a successful one with membership now at 52.
- Election of Cramond Association Committee Members:The President indicated that there were no new additions to the Committee, although if members wished to put their names forward they were welcome to do so. Sandy Anderson and Bill Weir have indicated their intention to step down from the Committee. The President thanked both Committee members for their excellent support during their time in office.
- Becoming a Scottish Charity: Anthony Seaton advised the meeting of the current plans and a resolution was put to the Association’smembers as follows: The Cramond Association Committee wishes to pursue the option of obtaining the status of a Scottish Charity. The Committee asks for the Association’s members to give approval to it pursuing this option. It is also discussing the implications of this with the Cramond Heritage Trust, which is a registered charity in its own right. The resolution was proposed by John Naylor, seconded by Adam Cumming and approved by the meeting.
- Any other business:A question was raised about how the Committee reviews local planning applications. The President advised that Alan Brebner is the Committee member who is responsible for bringing all relevant planning applications to the attention of the Committee and the Committee then decides what action should be taken on each planning application.
Cramond Heritage Trust AGM
Kathleen Dods, Convenor, indicated that the annual report of the Cramond Heritage Trust had been circulated within the Association’s annual report. The convenor highlighted the work done to improve the lighting in the Maltings. The convenor also indicated that the sections of the recent “Dark Goings on in Cramond” exhibition would be on display in the Maltings this year.
The current committee members of the Cramond Heritage Trust are: Isabel Barclay, Ann Cole, Val Dean, John Dods, Kathleen Dods, Diana Hart, Marjorie McDowell, Ian Rogers, Marjorie Vennelle, and Fay Wilson.
No other business was raised.
Subsequent to the meeting Ruth Boreham gave an informative talk on “100 Years of the Usher Hall”.
The Cramond Association Registered Charity No: SC047183