Commonwealth Home Support Program Advisory Group

Review of HACC Service Group 2 Sub Group

Meeting 19 April 2013, 10am to 4pm

Location – Department of Health and Ageing, Victorian State Office,

Nurrungar Room, Level 9, 595 Collins Street, MELBOURNE

Morning tea available on arrival

10:00 – 10:10Item 1:Welcome and introductions

10:10 – 10:30Item 2:Agree Statement of Purpose

10:30 – 11:30Item 3:Overview of Review processes

-Paper will include project plan, timing, roles and responsibilities, communication processes.

-ACTION - Invite any feedback from the Sub Group Members on proposed process.

11:30 – 12:30 Item 4:Survey of Commonwealth HACC Service Providers

-Paper will include the rationale for conducting a survey, who will be targeted, how they will be targeted, and draft survey questions.

-ACTION – Invite any comments from the Sub Group Members regarding structure/focus of questions.

-ACTION – Invite Sub Group Members to nominate up to five service providers to test the draft survey instrument.

12:30 – 1:00Lunch

1:00 – 1:30Item 5:Overview of Gateway and assessment reforms
(to provide context for the group discussion)

1:30 – 2:30 Item 6:Defining HACC Service Group 2 Service Types

-Group activity 1 hour: whiteboard questions for ½ hour and the feedback to the group 10 mins per group

-all material typed up and disseminated to Members after the meeting

ACTION - Group 1 - Assessment

-Whiteboard the types of assessment activities that service providers currently undertake.

-Whiteboard the types of activities that are likely to remain with service providers (eg Work Health and Safety assessments).

ACTION - Group 2 – Case management and client care coordination

-Whiteboard the different activities service providers currently deliver under the service types of case management and client care coordination.

-Whiteboard what could be the scope of activities for these services types in a Home Support Program.

ACTION - Group 3 - Counselling, support, information and advocacy

-Whiteboard the different activities service providers would deliver under the omnibus service type counselling, support, information and advocacy (differentiating between both care recipient and carer).

-Whiteboard the types of activity that arealso done in other programs or elements of the aged care system (e.g. Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres, National Carer Counselling Program, Carer Information Support Service, the National Aged Care Advocacy Program and the Gateway).

2:30 – 2:45Afternoon tea

2:45 – 3:45Item 7:Consultation with stakeholders

-Paper will outline the opportunities for stakeholders to contribute to the Review process.

-ACTION – seek advice from Sub Group Members regarding key stakeholders to invite to participate and locations for consultations.

3:45 – 4:00Close