Voluntary Action IslingtonTraining Providers List forSmall to Medium Sized Voluntary Organisations
March 2010
Resource Pack Part 3
The Voluntary Action Islington Training Providers List has been written to give a general guide to training provision appropriate for small and medium sized voluntary and community organisations in Islington. The list covers large and small providers in London, with contact details, information on the subjects relevant to the sector that the organisation provides alongside a guide to prices.
The List is divided into subject areas, beginning with the broad category of CapacityBuilding, then the trainers providers names in alphabetical order. Just because a provider is listed under a specific category this does not mean that they only provide this type of training, also the list is not exhaustive; - training programmes /venues frequently alter. Always contact the provider directly for full details of current programmes.
Name = Name of organisation with hyperlink to website
☼Topic = general guide to main topics offered by training provider
£ = Postcode & Prices = Org post code and where training takes place, (except where UK or London wide) plus general guide to range of prices
= Click on footnote number for further useful information
Contents Page
Voluntary Action Islington – Updated Tuesday 16 March 2010
- General Capacity Building Page 4
- Child Protection/Working With
Children,Young People and Families Page 9 - Disability Page 11
- EmploymentPage 12
- FinancePage 12
- Health Page 12
- Health and SafetyPage 13
- HousingPage 14
- IT Page 15
- LanguagesPage 17
- LawPage 17
- Leadership and ManagementPage 18
- Promoting yourOrganisationPage 20
- ResearchPage 20
- Training for or about BME,
Migrant and Refugee GroupsPage21
- Volunteering Page 22
- Women Page 23
Voluntary Action Islington – Updated Tuesday 16 March 2010
Name /☼Topic: GeneralCapacityBuilding
/ £Post code & Prices /Contact Details
Advice UK/ Training and advice – this is a membership network for advice giving orgs
Various courses covering assessment, supervision, management, key skills for advice workers, etc. / EC3 8AA
Prices from £85 upwards per a day, discounts for long courses & members / Web:
Tel: 020 7469 5700
Birkbeck College / Large range of adult courses, usually for longer term learning from certificate to masters level, in voluntary and community studies, youth participation, arts management to designing a website Also run a level 5 diploma in managing community and voluntary organisations / WC1 E15
Prices vary according to type, level and length of course. Some concessions available. / Web:
Tel: 020 7631 6000
Charities Evaluation Services
/ Courses are primarily, though not exclusively, for voluntary organisations wishing to self-evaluate or implement a quality assurance system. If you fall outside this category, please phone their training team to discuss your needs. They also provide in-house training at your organisation. / UK wide.
Some courses free, others £99 to small organisations. / Web:
Tel: 020 7713 5722
Charity Days
/ Charity Days is a group of trainers who have volunteered to give their time free of charge to registered charitiesto help you make a bigger difference by making the training budget go further.
Their aim is to match the best trainer to the charity on expertise and geography. If you are a registered charity andhavea specific training need they may be able to assist. / Postal address?
50p/mile for mileage (or the cost of a train ticket), £75 per night for accommodation, if required, an up to £75 to cover the cost of producing materials. / Web:
Tel: 01757 638748
College of North East London (CONEL) / The courses are designed specifically for: people who work with young people (e.g. youth workers, mentors, personal advisors, health workers, project workers, group workers); managers and management committees of youth provision; young people. / Central London
1 day workshops: £84 - £142, 2 day workshops: £168 - £286 / Web:
Tel: 020 7549 8806
Or 020 7549 8800 (London Office)
Community Matters / Community Matters’ training courses have been specifically developed for multipurpose community organisations.Advice on managing a charity, free legal surgeries, training on various subjects including quality and developing your community buildings. / UK wide.
Members: One day course £629.00
Non Members: One day course £711.00 / Web:
Tel: 020 7837 7887Email:
(CVS )Community Action Southwark / CAS delivers a number of training sessions to empower those working in the sector. We also have resources available such as meeting rooms, hot desks and equipment that can be used to deliver training. / SE1 6TE
All sessionsare free to voluntary and community groups that are based or work in Southwark and include lunch. / Web:
Tel: 020 7703 2368
(CVS) Lambeth Voluntary Action Council (LVAC) / LVAC runs a yearly training programme tailored to meet the needs of Lambeth's Voluntary and Community Sector. They offer various training courses such as:
* Management Committee Roles and Responsibilities
* Developing a Fundraising Strategy
* Project Management
* QuickBooks Practical Training plus many more ` / Awaiting Information / Web:
Tel: 020 7737 1419
(CVS) Voluntary Action Camden / Provide training on all aspects of capacity building, governance, funding, management, strategy etc. / Camden
Courses are offered to Camden based organisations first and then opened to others if not full.
Many courses are free, prices vary for others. / Web:
Tel:020 7284 6550
Voluntary Action Hackney / Half day – 1 day capacity building courses. / Hackney
Courses are offered to Hackney based organisations first and then opened to others if not full.
Prices from £6.50 - £50 / Web:l
Tel:020 7241 4443
(CVS) Voluntary Action Islington / Formerly known as IVAC. VAI offers a wide range of capacity building training under different projects aimed at small to medium sized groups. VAI will also be hosting external providers at their new building located near Kings Cross from December 2009 onwards. / N1 – 9JP
Currently free. / Web:
Tel: 0207 382 5801
Voluntary Action Westminster (VAW) / Voluntary Action Westminster is an independent charity, working with local voluntary and community groups. We offer a range of support, including advice on funding, help with running a voluntary organization and a programme of low cost training courses / Training courses and workshops are free to members of Voluntary Action Westminster. / Web:
Tel:020 7723 1216
Wandsworth Voluntary Sector Development Agency / WVSDA's training program runs throughout the year offering courses to WVSDA members based in the London Borough of Wandsworth on a variety of topics relevant to voluntary organisations, such as governance, fundraising, finance and volunteering. / SW8, SW11, SW15, SW18, SW12, SW17
Prices range from
Free to £40 / Web:
Tel:020 8870 4319
Directory for Social Change
(DSC) / Over 300 courses and publications on all areas of capacity building also offer e-letters and do personal training courses. / NW1 2DP
£145 – 285 depending on band / Web:
Tel:08450 77 77 07
Email:London Voluntary Services Council (LVSC)
/ Wide range of courses, including ILM, NOCN and BTEC (level 4) accredited and unaccredited training and offers on line learning. Also offers personal development courses / London
Prices vary according to type of course – on line = £35-65, accredited level 3 = £795 at certificate level / Web:7
Tel: 020 7700 8113
Email:Migrant Organisations Development Agency (MODA)
/ Runs intensive 3 –5 day courses on many aspects of buidling capacity – the programme will be starting again in February but they also provide in house training on request. / London
Large charities: £125 per person
Small charities (under 8 staff): £45 per person
Unfunded groups: £20 per person / Web:
Tel: 020 8555 8948
MOSAIC Training and Consultancy / Wide range of courses: Supporting Pople and the QAF; Client Interventions; Management skills; Substance Use; Mental Health; Welfare Benefits; Housing and Homelessness; Training and Facilitation Skills; Criminal Justice / SW11 2WT
Less than £40 per person per day / Web:
Tel: 020 7924 7420
On board / Governance training and seminars for charitable organisations / UK wide.
Based in London, £25 for seminars, £250 for individual courses, grants available for up to £1000 / Tel: 020 7551 7724
Red Ochre / Red Ochre is a social enterprise that offers training and support for the Third Sector.Red Ochre works to support organisationsdelivering social change across the UK. Wide range of expertise and experience in financial, managerial and
Technical fields. / Fees apply and vary, starting at £50 / Web:
Tel: 020 7785 6295
The National Council For Voluntary Organisations / Provide a comprehensive list of trainers as well as running some training events and conferences. Also now in partnership with public law project - training on understanding public law
and free public law advice line. / Prices range from £95 – £275 / Web:
Tel: Help desk 0800 2798 798
Name /
☼ Topic: Child Protection/Working With Children, Young People and Families
/ £ Post code & Prices /Contact Details
Children Services Training (LBI) / Common Assessment Framework training, (training for frontline practitioners in children’s services, safeguarding and transitions, Trauma and Healing / IslingtonFree - If you work with children and young people in any sector / Web:
Tel: 020 7527 2944
OrMargarette Moorcroft
Tel: 020 8527 2944
Continyou / We are currently offering four one-day courses. If you are a practitioner whose work involves support for families, parents or carers
ContinYou aims to help parents reflect on how they carry out their role as parents, and to enable them to find positive ways of dealing with their / For up to 20 participants - £2200+VAT. This price includes all training resources. / Web:
Tel:020 7587 5080
/ The charity has been a leading provider of services to disadvantaged and socially isolated families since its foundation in 1869. They work with over 45,000 families a year by providing practical, emotional and financial support through over 100 services based in communities across England. / E8 4AU / Tel: 020 7254 6251
Islington Childcare Trust
/ Run ‘Step into childcare’ accredited courses. / Islington –Barnsbury Complex and PrioryHeights
Price not specified. / Web:
Tel: 0207 527 5916
Islington Play Association / Run various training courses and workshops around working with children and parents – including conversing with parents and children; supporting children with disabilities. Also do some capacity building training / Free, based in Islington for residents and for others. / Web:
Tel: 020 7607 9637
Islington Safeguarding Board / The Islington Safeguarding Board do lots of child protection training /
N5 1EB / Tel:0207 527 4234
One KX / Free training for young people One KX is in the process of plotting its training programmes for 14-21 year olds for the next year / WC1H 8BS
Free / Tel: 020 7520 3070
SAFE network / The Safe Network is working together with EduCare to provide free child protection training in the third sector / LE4 1EZ
Free online training programmes for Not for Profit or third sector organisations with fewer than 5 employees / Web:
Tel: 0116 234 7217
The Parent House, Islington / The Parent House offers a range of learning and support for parents and carers from the local community. We offer a free registered crèche for our learners' children. Small and friendly, it is a place where every parent/carer is welcome / N1 9AZ
Free / Tel: 020 7837 1383
Name /
Topic: Disability
/ £ Postcode & Prices /Contact Details
Disability Law Service / Training in the following areas of law: consumer contract; community care; discrimination; education;employment & benefits / UK wide, but premises in E1Each half-day session costs:
£50 for voluntary organizations. Block booking discounts are available. / Web:
Tel: 020 7791 9800
E-mail:Name /
Topic: Employment
/ £ Postcode & Prices /Contact Details
Community Advice and Support Scheme/
Project running training and advice on getting into employment generally and specific areas of work for a range of clients (set up to advocate and advise disabled and elderly clients)
/ Islington, Finsbury, Camden and Andover Estate.Free for volunteers, employees and partners of CASS / Web:
Tel:020 7686 0049
Name /
☼Topic: Finance
/ £ Postcode & Prices /Contact Details
Community Accountancy Self Help/ Training and financial management resources including ‘cash facts’. / London borough-
dependant, courses £25 half day - £90 1 day / Web:
Tel: 020 8969 0747
Name /
Topic: Health
/ £Postcode & Prices /Contact Details
Islington NHS / Universal Health Promotion Training: This training aims to put health promotion at the centre of all that we do in Islington.This training will work towards developing the skills that will enhance patient-practitioner interactions and health promotion interventions and developing a Health Promoting workforce. / EC1V 7LQ
Cost: free. / Tel: 07795 253 089
Fax: 020 7527 1412
Islington PCT / Recognising Symptoms of mental health problems / Held at the Islington Training Network
Cost: free / Tel:Sian Jones on 0207 527 1245
Terrence HigginsTrust / (THT) is offering a series of free training sessions for professionals - training in areas such as sex and relationships education, HIV awareness and tackling homophobia / WC1X 8DP
Free / Tel: 0845 1221 200
Name /
☼Topic: Health and Safety
/ £Post code & Prices /Contact Details
Carlton Training / First aid Training, Fire and health and safety courses / Based in London, serve UK.1 day courses £135.00 including VAT; discounts available /
Tel: 0845 299 4049Email:
Central Training / Risk Assessment, H&S, fire safety and also safe guarding children courses and other topics / EnglandWales
Developing discounts for VAI tbc / Web:
Tel: Clare on 020 7354 6433
Kruger Associates / Health & Safety Training / E11 2AA / Tel: 0208 530 3888
Portobello Business Centre / Training in Health and Safety or food Safety Awareness / W10 5YG / Tel: 020 7460 5050
Name /
☼Topic: Housing
/ £Post code & Prices /Contact Details
Central Training / Risk Assessment, H&S, fire safety and also safe guarding children courses and other topics. / EnglandWalesDeveloping discounts for VAI tbc / Web:
Tel: 020 7354 6433
FinFuture / FinFuture is an independent community-ledsocial enterprisecreated to improve the quality of life now and in the future for all the communities that make up FinsburyPark. It is a membership organisation representing local residents, businesses and voluntary sector and community groups from the area. FinFuture works closely with the local community, police and the three local authorities that cover FinsburyPark (Hackney, Haringey & Islington) to develop a consensus on key issues. / Web:
Tel: 020 7272 1465
Housing Association Charitable Trust / Not direct training providers but host and source training events for housing advisors and others involved in social housing / UK
Fee not specified but likely to be free training provided by local authorities / Web:
Tel: 020 7247 7800
Name /
☼Topic: IT
/ £Post code & Prices /Contact Details
Happy Computers / Active learning seminars for computer and IT skills and advanced use of popular office software; the most popular being the Microsoft Office packages; web design packages like Dreamweaver and Flash; desk-top publishing packages like Quark and In Design, and accounting packages like Sage. / E1 1EECourses vary in price – they sometimes have special offers for charities. Charities also pay a lower rate than private sector. / Web:
Tel: 020 7375 7300
Hilldrop Community Centre / Training in Dream Weaver, Flash MX. / Islington
Free (targets unemployed) / Tel: 020 7607 9453
Holloway Neighbourhood Group
(HNG) / HNG Multimedia is a community based project, courses on computer based skills and technologies – timetable varies.They run accredited and non accredited training / Islington/Finsbury.
prices not specified / Web:
Tel: 02076079794
Islington Libraries / Offer basic IT training and help in community profiling (also have many statistical fact sheets). Run on term basis / EC1V 4NB
Free for community groups. / Web:
Tel:020 7713 6593
Mouse Training / Training in various IT including Microsoft, Mac, Adobe, Google Docs. / EC2A 2AH
Free for volunteers at Islington charities. All registered charities get 10% discount. Fee for others vary. /
Tel: 020 7920 9500
Fax:020 7681 1383
Training Link / Provides IT and ESOL courses. Link (TL) is a community learning Centre based in SomersTown, Kings Cross. / NW1 1ESCourses are free or low cost depending on status. / Web:
Tel:020 7383 5405
Name / Topic: Languages / £Postcode & Prices /
Contact Details
Islington Families / English Language. Classes every Tuesday from 6pm to 7pm. Beginners and more advanced classes. / N7 6QT / Tel: Phillippa on 020 7502 4917Mobile: 07854162852
The Light Project International at Westminster Kingsway College / They run a programme of classes on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). They are in partnership with WestminsterKingswayCollege. ESOL classes for beginners and also for people whose spoken English is at an intermediate or more advanced level. / N1 OAF
Free / Web:
Tel: Micheline at the Light Project International on 0207 833 4009 or
Understanding Community Interpreting Course / This 21 hour course offers participants the chance to gain three credits within the Open College Network London Region (OCNLR) at level 2.
The course is mainly for people who would like to build up some voluntary interpreting experience.
The course will focus on the role of the community interpreter in assisting communities to access services, awareness of the provision of public services in the local area, basic terminology from public services, and opportunities for a career in community interpreting. / EC1Y 8JA
£5 booking fee for all
(If you are not receiving benefits the course costs £80) / Tel:Jacqui Shearman on 020 7786 4800
Name /
☼Topic: Law
/ £ Postcode & Prices /Contact Details
Blake Lapthorn / 5th October 2010Charity trustee induction and refresher training.
A tailored half-day course providing a comprehensive induction for new trustees and a useful refresher for existing trustees, ensuring they are fully aware of their legal and ethical responsibilities as trustees.
Informative and practical, this course will also provide an opportunity for you to network with other trustees and share information with other organisations in order to develop new perspectives and insights into the running of your organisation. / EC1M 4DB
The half-day training course costs £100 + VAT per delegate. A discount of 25% will be offered for organisations that register more than five delegates.
The price includes a buffet lunch, refreshments and a presentation folder of course materials. / Web:
Tel:020 7814 6855
Or 020 7405 2000
Email:Sarah Turner on
Law Works / Run training on all aspects of law pertaining to charities, - employment tribunals, charity law, advice skills, housing. Also give free advice and seminars for 3rd sector orgs.
Talks can be arranged on particular subjects that involve training / UK Wide EC2A 2AH
Seminars free
courses free for individual members mainly for people with a legal background (£60 a year) / Web:
Tel: 0207 929 5601
Name /
☼Topic: Leadership and Management