FEBRUARY17, 2011
A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on February17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;DeVore, Gustafson, Heaton, Moos,Thomas and Truax and Mayor Moser. Absent: Attorney Anson.
Item 2 – Review of the Minutes of the January20th meeting. Trustee Thomas moved the minutes of January20th be approved as written, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried 6– 0.
Item 3 –Eaton Library Proclamation. Mayor Moser introduced Nomie Ketterling, representing the Library Board, to speak in regards to the proclamation. Mrs. Ketterling stated the reason for the proclamation is to celebrate 100 years of service for the library. Schedules of monthly activities/contests/events/calendars will be available on line or at the Library. Mrs. Ketterling urged Board Members and citizens to recognize and participate in this year long celebration.
Item 4 –2011 funding request by Great Western Trail Authority. The Board received an invoice from the Great Western Trail Authority in the amount of $7,500 for the 2011 contribution to the trail operations budget. Jim Gustafson, resident of Eaton expressed concern about the terrible debt involved to take care of the trail and is opposed to the Town participating at this time. Dan Haythorn, another resident of Eaton, questioned what is being done on the trail located in Eaton with the money that has been given in the past. Mr. Haythorn is also opposed to the Town participating with a $7,500 contribution because he feels the money could be put to better use in this current economy. Trustee Moos stated that he was under the impression that the Great Western Trail Authority was an entity developed to stand on its own and that the town is not obligated to fund it whatsoever. Trustee Moos also reviewed their bylaws and found the purpose of the organization was to plan, fund and maintain the trail. Trustee Moos stated he doesn’t feel that currently it is something the Town should spend money on. Trustee Truax reported that he had talked to a developer in town who knew nothing about the trail and had not been contacted to provide funding and felt the taxpayers should not be burdened with it. Trustee Gustafson is also opposed to funding the trail and feels they should be applying for grants and private funding. Trustee Thomas stated the town had entered into an agreement about five or six years ago with the Trail Authority promising to help fund the trail with an annual contribution which has not been done for the last two years, thereby creating a shortage of funds for them to accomplish their goals. Trustee Heaton feels that we should see some results here in Eaton before granting any funding, as it appears the current focus is in Severance. Concluding a lengthy discussion, Trustee DeVore moved to support the Great Western Trail Authority with funding in the amount of $7,500, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Roll call: Gustafson-nay, Moos-nay, Heaton-nay, Truax-nay, DeVore-aye and Thomas-aye. Motion fails 4 – 2.
Item 5 –Intergovernmental Agreement with WeldCounty. Gary stated this is the first time WeldCounty has done anything like this. In the past they have had county staff try to follow-up on where the oil and gas employees reside, to calculate the formula used in determining where the monies go. Gary reported one employee generates around $1,700 for Eaton. It is very important to report the employee’s residences and claim them accurately. Gary stated based on the formula being used and the cost to Eaton it would be in our favor to approve the agreement, which is a one year contract. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Gustafson moved to enter in the IGA with WeldCounty, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Motion carried 6 – 0.
Item 6–Resolution 2011-02 regarding Kamm well purchase. Garyreported that he and Bill Kamm met with the State Engineers office last week to start the permit process. Trustee DeVore moved to accept Resolution 2011-02, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 6 - 0.
Item 7 – Justine’s Pizza – Beer & Wine License renewal. Chief Jacobson reported he has no objection to the renewal and all paperwork is in order. Trustee DeVore moved to approve the renewal for Justine’s Pizza, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried 6 – 0.
Item 8– Citizen Comments/Questions. None.
Item 9 - Reports. Gary reported Eaton will be hosting an Economic Development meeting on March 15th to comply with the Governor’s request to complete an Economic Development Self-Assessment Survey to develop a WeldCounty plan by identifying needs, priorities, and vision strengths and weaknesses. Mayor Moser announced Congressman Cory Gardner is hosting a meet and greet on February 22nd at North Ridge High School Auditorium from 4 – 5 p.m.
Item 10 – Adjourn. Asthere was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk