Class of 2007-08
Ross Bishoff- Lancaster Eagle Gazette
Elizabeth Cavanaugh- Animal Rescuers’ Friend
Missy Clum- Fairfield Medical Center
Greg Cordle- Business Systems Solutions
Ron Cullums – Ohio University Lancaster Campus
Cora French Robinson- Fairfield County OSU Extension Office
Mary-Jane Gard- Meals on Wheels
Sherry Keller- Meals on Wheels
Justin Lape- Westerman Companies
Chad Lehman- Fairfield Medical Center
Lindsay McGhee- Westerman Companies
Phil Meadows- Fairfield Medical Center
Sean Murnane- Fairfield National Bank
Jolyn Pugh- Fairfield Metropolitan Housing Authority
Karla Repp- Fairfield Medical Center
Chad Shuttleworth- Mid West Fabricating
April Smith- Peoples Bank
Bob Travis- McKesson Information Services
Lynn Tramontano- Fairfield Industries
Adam Wilson- Westerman Companies
Opening program includes introduction of participants, goals from the program and an
introduction to the tools and concepts we will be using throughout the program.
Mina Ubbing – Fairfield Medical Center
Bob Ubbing – Former City Council President
Jean Farmer – Peoples Bank
Nanci Rosier – Ohio University Center for Adult Learning
Chris Agnitsch – Lancaster Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce
Stacey Maholm- Fairfield Medical Center
Matt Lytle- Peoples Bank
Robin Williams- Fairfield Medical Center
Opening Retreat
September 14
1:00-5:00 p.m.
750 Fairview Drive
Our opening program includes introduction of participants, goals for the program and an
introduction to the tools and concepts we will be using throughout the program. Snacks and
refreshments will be provided. Come dressed for outdoor activities.
Module 1- Excellence - Session 1: Overview - Strategic Planning
September 28
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Fairfield Medical Center
401 N. Ewing Street
Strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it's going to get there and how it'll know if it got there or not. In this session, we will discuss Strategic Planning, and prepare you to develop a strategic plan for your employer.
Mina Ubbing
Module 1 Excellence – Session 2: Creating a Culture of Excellence
October 12
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Fairfield Medical Center
401 N. Ewing Street
The Baldridge Criteria for Performance Excellence provide a systems perspective for understanding performance management. They reflect validated, leading-edge management practices against which an organization can measure itself. With their acceptance nationally and internationally as the model for performance excellence, the Criteria represent a common language for communication among organizations for sharing best practices. The Criteria are also the basis for the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award process. Learn how to use tools to solve problems and create a culture of excellence. Malcolm Baldridge Criteria Presentation and definitions of customers/quality and excellence.
Jerry Roche- Fairfield Medical Center
Module 1 Excellence – Session 3: Develop a Plan for Your Employer/With Your Employer
October 26
7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Shaw’s Inn
123 N. Broad Street
During this extended session you will use Malcolm Baldridge and Six Sigma Tools to develop a strategic plan to achieve your vision for your organization. We will identify the tactics of the strategic plan, determine stakeholders and consider to whom you might assign each task. During the morning we will also discuss business etiquette, meeting etiquette, and we will invite your employer to lunch to discuss strategic planning, and to begin to discuss YOUR ideas with those who will help you implement your plan.
Mina Ubbing
Module 1 Excellence – Session 4: Personal Development
November 9
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio University-Lancaster
In this session we will look at ways you can improve your own performance, and attain the skills that will help you advance in your career.
Module 1 Excellence – Session 5: Executive Coaching
November 30
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio University-Lancaster
Individuals and organizations can partner with other people and ideas to achieve unconditional success. The only limitations to success are self-imposed. Individuals who are proactive, bold and determined can maximize their potential assets and achieve their objectives. Using powerful and effective strategies, participants can unleash their ability to define and attain their self-determined destinies.
Carol Roche
Module 2 Economic Development – Session 1: Economic Development in Lancaster & Fairfield County
December 14
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Lancaster Municipal Gas Company
Understand how economic development works in Lancaster and Fairfield County. Who are the players? What are the plans? What should we look forward to and what can we do to help?
Mike Pettit: Lancaster Economic Development
Bill Arnett: Fairfield County Economic Development
Tim Hansley: Pickerington-Winchester Economic Development
Module 2 Economic Development – Session 2: Economic Development – Local Government
January 11
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Lancaster City Hall
What is the role of local government in economic development? How do our elected officials interact with firms looking to expand in the region? How do communities interact with other local government to create an environment conducive to economic growth and expansion?
We will hear an overview from our panel of Mayors, and we will break out to discuss how government might impact the strategic plans we are preparing for our own organizations.
Dave Smith, Mayor-Lancaster
Jeff Miller, Mayor-Canal Winchester
Bob Kalish, Mayor-Village of Baltimore
Barb Curtiss, Fairfield County Auditor
Lancaster City Treasurer
Module 2 Economic Development – Session 3: Economic Development – Infrastructure
January 25
7:30-11:30 a.m.
Chamber Office
109 N. Broad Street
Roads, Rail, Gas, Water and Electric. Infrastructure is critical to the long-term economic growth of the community. Where do we stand? What are our community’s plans to create and maintain the infrastructure needed as our community grows. We will take a trip around Fairfield County to learn about our critical infrastructure and our capacity for growth.
South Central Power
Lancaster Water Department
Lancaster Street Department
Module 2 Economic Development – Session 4: Economic Development – Recruit a Business to Fairfield County
February 8
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Lancaster Municipal Gas Company
Decide on a type of business that would benefit Fairfield County and identify how to attract that business to the community. Goal: Gain insight into the process regarding site selection/staffing/regulatory issues/contracts etc.
Present your ideas to the City and County Economic Development officials for feedback.
Mike Pettit, Lancaster Economic Development
Bill Arnett, Fairfield County Economic Development
Module 3 Community Assets – Session 1: Historical Assets
February 22
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio Glass Museum
Fairfield County has a rich history, much of which can be seen through our wonderful museums and parks. In this session we will combine a history lesson with a look at our parks and museums, and the critical support structures that keep these community treasurers afloat.
Greg Eyerman, Fairfield County VCB
Joyce Harvey, Fairfield Heritage Association
Mitch Overton, City of Lancaster Parks & Recreation
Julie Parke, Decorative Arts Center of Ohio
Module 3 Community Assets – Session 2: Health Care
March 7
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio University-Lancaster
Fairfield County residents are fortunate to have access to world-class health care through our many physicians and Fairfield Medical Center. We also have a developed system to support those with fewer resources, and in this session we will learn about this support network in our community.
Tony Motta, New Horizons Youth and Family Center
Frank Hirsch, Department of Health
Suzanne Pelletier, Lighthouse
Module 3 Community Assets – Session 3: Education
March 21
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio University-Lancaster
Understand school funding and educational successes/failures. Exercise to discuss information gaps and impressions of the educational opportunities in the community.
Denise Callahan
Many Ann Janosik/Nanci Rosier
Linda Sheridan, Fisher Catholic
Fairfield Christian Academy Representative
Field Trip to Lancaster Noon Rotary
March 31
Lancaster Inn
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Get a taste of Service Club Activity when we visit a meeting of the Lancaster Noon Rotary at the Lancaster Inn.
Module 3 Community Assets – Session 4: Board Membership & Volunteer Opportunities
April 4
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio University-Lancaster
Civic Organizations and not for profit boards – understand options and causes and where openings might exist for participation.
Exercise: Gain experience in planning and chairing a meeting
Amy Eyman, Fairfield County Foundation
Steve Wells, Fairfield National Bank
Cathy Bitler, South Central Power
Dave Harcum
Module 4 – SIMSOC
April 18
750 Fairview Drive
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
SIMSOC, the simulation, was developed by William Gamson at the University of Michigan in the 1970's. It has been adapted here to create a realistic understanding of the dynamics at work in organizations by removing the participants from their own organizations and putting them in artificial ones. The simulation ceases to be artificial within the first few minutes as participants begin to learn the workings of their 'society' and the roles they have been given.
What emerge are different communication styles, individuals coming from different power places and constant change. Decision-making and problem solving have intended and unintended consequences and participants keep an ongoing diary in order to compare the simulation to the realities in their own work setting.
• Participants will explore organizational dynamics through simulation including problem-solving, decision-making, leadership, communication and change;
• Participants will relate the specific observations from their own SIMSOC experience and that of others in the simulation, plus that of the observers, to their own work situation.
Module 4 – Sell Your Plan to Your Employer
May 2
7:30-9:30 a.m.
Ohio University Lancaster
Celebration of Leadership Luncheon & Leadership Program Graduation
May 16
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