Registering a domain checklist

By registering your domain name, you are safeguarding your online identity. In the information age, that's a critical factor for business success.

A domain name is a unique Internet address. Having your own domain name is the first step towards creating an online presence. It's what you see in the address bar after "www." in your web browser and it's what comes after the @ sign in an email address.

Just about every business today requires an Internet presence. Having your own domain name increases the name recognition of your business and makes it easier for customers to remember your address.
When you have registered the name you want, it's protected and no-one else can use it. You can also change your email provider and still keep the same email address if you have your own domain. This means that your Internet investment is safe regardless of what happens to your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

1 / You register your domain name with a registrar. Check whether your preferred domain name is available at or
2 / You can register a domain name yourself or you can pay an Internet service provider to register it on your behalf.
3 / Once your domain name has been registered, the location of your website and email service are recorded so that they can be found when someone types in your domain name in a web browser or sends emails.
4 / A domain name is registered for one year at a time and must be renewed annually.
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There is a difference between web hosting and domain names. A domain name is the actual name of your website and it points to your web hosting account. Web hosting is the space that you buy on a remote computer to store your website files.
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Some web design, IT firms or hosting companies register domain names in their own name, for convenience, they say. In practice, this means that you cannot transfer your domain names to another hosting company without their permission. Ensure that your domain name is registered in your name.