The purpose of the IDARI meeting in November

Mark Tomlinson

5th November 2003

The main objectives are as follows:

  • To allow the subcontractors to meet the students and other researchers and introduce themselves etc.
  • To give the sub-contractors an opportunity to present work that their institute is doing and give some background information on their institutes
  • To give the students an opportunity to present their initial ideas for their PhD work
  • To assess the possibilities of sub-contractors collecting comparable data between CEE countries related to some of the research clusters
  • To assess what databases already exist that the sub-contractors have access to and what might be useful to the project as a whole
  • For the sub-contractors to agree and sign their contracts

There is a summary of the responses I received from the subcontractors at the end of this document, which indicates which clusters data might be available for and which clusters the subcontractors are mainly interested in.

Institute / Participants
Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway / Mark Tomlinson
Michael Cuddy
Salvatore Di Falco
Catherine Murray
Frederic Morand
Tom van Rensburg
Terry McDonough
Cathal O’Donoghue
Áine Macken Walsh
School of the Environment, University of Leeds, UK. / Sigrid Stagl
Peter Kaufmann
Chair of Resource Economics, University of Humboldt, Germany. / Volker Beckmann
Centre pour Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD), Montpellier, France. / Emmanuelle Chenys
Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. / Aleksi Alexiev
Ivan Penov
Graduate Education and the Economic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CERGE - EI) / Marie Vavrejnova
Environmental Protection Institute, Estonia Agricultural University, Estonia. / Olavi Himae
Kalev Sepp
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration. / Csaba Forgacs
Department of Sociology, Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia. / Aija Zobena
Sandra Sumane
Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Lithuania. / Romualdas Zemeckis
Institute of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. / Piotr Matczak
Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics, Warsaw, Poland. / Adam Wasilewski
Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. / Andrej Udovc
Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. / Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska
IDARI PhD Students:

Ilona Banaszak

/ Poland (Poznan)
Maria Bohunova / Slovakia
Veronika Chobotova / Slovakia
Violeta Dirimanova / Bulgaria

Olga Ketkina

/ Czech Republic
Silja Lupsik / Estonia
Ahto Oja / Estonia
Liga Paula / Latvia
Wadim Strielkowski / Poland (Warsaw)
Romina Rodela / Slovenia
Andras Balint (absent) / Hungary

Draft Agenda for November workshop

Monday 10th November

9.15-15.00 / Presentations from Subcontractors
Location: A114
Chair: Mark Tomlinson
930-1000 / Bulgaria – ‘Land owners participation in government initiatives for land consolidation’
1000-1030 / Poland (Warsaw) – ‘Demographic transformation in rural areas of Poland 1995-2000’
10.30-11.00 / Poland (Poznan) – ‘Producer groups in Poland?”
11.00-11.30 /


11.30-12.00 / Estonia – ‘Estonian agri-environmental measures’
12.00-12.30 / Slovenia – ‘Socio-economic analysis of attractiveness of some Slovene agri-environmental measures for selected groups of farms’
12.30-13.00 / Slovakia – ‘The Role of Participatory Multi-criteria Evaluation in Biodiversity Conflict Mitigation’
13.00-15.00 /


Location: Aula Maxima 1st Floor
15.00-16.40 /

Students’ Presentations and Discussion, Part 1

Location: Aula Maxima Ground Floor

Chair: Peter Kaufmann

15.00-15.20 /

Ilona Banaszak – Poland

/ “Producer Groups in Poland”
15.20-1540 / Maria Bohunova – Slovakia / “The Socio-economic impact of
Multifunctional Agriculture on rural areas”
15.40-16.00 / Veronika Chobotova – Slovakia / “Sustainable and Democratic Rural Development in the Slovak Republic”
16.00-16.20 / Violeta Dirimanova – Bulgaria / "Landowners’ Participation in Government Initiatives for Land Consolidation"
16.20-17.00 / Arrangements for Tuesday individual meetings and cluster meetings to be clarified

Tuesday 11th November

09.00-11.00 /

Students’ Presentations and Discussion Part 2

Location: A114

Chair: Sigrid Stagl

09.00-09.20 /

Olga Ketkina – Czech Republic

/ “Modelling Demographic Decisions; A Comparative Spatial Perspective”
09.20-09.40 / Silja Lupsik –
Estonia / “Greenhouse Gas Taxation in Estonia: optimal Environmental Tax Reform and Inequality"
09.40-10.00 / Ahto Oja – Estonia / “Eco-organic Farming in Estonia: Institutions, Supply and Demand, Environmental Public Goods and Integrated Sustainable Development Planning
in Rural Areas”.
10.00-10.20 / Liga Paula - Latvia / “Interactive Learning in Rural Partnerships”
10.20-10.40 / Romina Rodela – Slovenia / “Governance and Institutional Change in a Slovene Rural Community”
10.40-11.00 / Wadim Strielkowski – Poland / “Factors influencing the Success of SMEs in Rural Poland”
11.00-11.30 / Break

Cluster meetings

Location; Aula Maxima – Ground Floor

11.30-13.00 / Possible Cluster 1, 4 and 6 meetings[1].
13.00-14.00 /


Location: Aula Maxima 1st Floor
14.00-15.00 / One-to-one meetings between subcontractors, supervisors and students /
Possible Cluster 1, 4 and 6 sessions
15.00-1800 / Cluster/Data collection sessions:
Possible Cluster 1 meeting.
20.00 /

Workshop Dinner

Location: Nimmo’s, Spanish Arch.

Wednesday 12th November

09.00-12.30 / Cluster/data collection sessions continued
Cluster 5 continued
12.30-14.00 / Lunch
Location: Aula Maxima, 1st Floor.
14.00-1800 / Cluster/data collection sessions continued/
Cluster 2
Cluster 3

Thursday 13th November

Meetings with Áine Macken Walsh to discuss and agree contracts (if already departed by Thursday, meetings will be arranged before then).

Subcontractors agreements on data:

[cluster numbers are as follows:

1 rural population

2 partnerships and networks

3 common pool resources

4 rural enterprise and production

5 agri-environmental measures

6 non-agri environmental policy]

Contractor / Contact / Clusters interested in / Data already? / Prepared to collect / Data collection experience
Hungary / Csaba Forgacs / 1 2 3 4 / NO / MAYBE
Data can be purchased / ?
Poland 1 / Piotr Matczak / 2 4 5 / Farm Environment
Investment / YES / YES
Poland 2 / Adam Wasilewski / 3 5 6 / 1 4 5 6
panel / YES / YES
Czech / Marie Vavrejnova / 1 / 1 4? / YES / YES
Latvia / Aija Zobena / 2 4 5 / 1 2 4 / YES / YES
Estonia / Kalev Sepp / 3 5 6 / YES / YES / YES
Slovenia / Andrej Udovc / 3 5 / 2 3 4 5 / YES / YES
Bulgaria / Aleksi Alexiev / 2 3 / NO / YES / YES
Slovakia / Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska / 5? / YES / YES / YES
Lithuania / Romualdas Zemeckis / 1 2 3 / 1 2 4 5 / YES / YES

Summary of interested countries by cluster:

1 Pop – HU CZ LT2 Part – HU PL1 LV BG LT

3 CPR – HU PL2 EE SL BG LT4 Prod – HU PL1 LV

5 AgEnv – PL1 PL2 LV EE SL SK6 Nonag – PL2 EE



1 Rural Population. Chair: Mark Tomlinson, Cathal O’Donoghue.

2 Partnerships and Networks. Chair: Catherine Murray

3 Common Pool Resources: Chair: Tomvan Rensburg.

4 Rural Enterprise and Production. Chair: Salvatore di Falco

5 Agri-Environmental Measures. Chair: Sigrid Stagl.

6 Non-Agri Environmental Policy. Chair: Catherine Murray.