The purpose of the IDARI meeting in November
Mark Tomlinson
5th November 2003
The main objectives are as follows:
- To allow the subcontractors to meet the students and other researchers and introduce themselves etc.
- To give the sub-contractors an opportunity to present work that their institute is doing and give some background information on their institutes
- To give the students an opportunity to present their initial ideas for their PhD work
- To assess the possibilities of sub-contractors collecting comparable data between CEE countries related to some of the research clusters
- To assess what databases already exist that the sub-contractors have access to and what might be useful to the project as a whole
- For the sub-contractors to agree and sign their contracts
There is a summary of the responses I received from the subcontractors at the end of this document, which indicates which clusters data might be available for and which clusters the subcontractors are mainly interested in.
Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway / Mark Tomlinson
Michael Cuddy
Salvatore Di Falco
Catherine Murray
Frederic Morand
Tom van Rensburg
Terry McDonough
Cathal O’Donoghue
Áine Macken Walsh
School of the Environment, University of Leeds, UK. / Sigrid Stagl
Peter Kaufmann
Chair of Resource Economics, University of Humboldt, Germany. / Volker Beckmann
Centre pour Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD), Montpellier, France. / Emmanuelle Chenys
Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. / Aleksi Alexiev
Ivan Penov
Graduate Education and the Economic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CERGE - EI) / Marie Vavrejnova
Environmental Protection Institute, Estonia Agricultural University, Estonia. / Olavi Himae
Kalev Sepp
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration. / Csaba Forgacs
Department of Sociology, Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia. / Aija Zobena
Sandra Sumane
Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Lithuania. / Romualdas Zemeckis
Institute of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. / Piotr Matczak
Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics, Warsaw, Poland. / Adam Wasilewski
Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. / Andrej Udovc
Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. / Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska
IDARI PhD Students:
Ilona Banaszak
/ Poland (Poznan)Maria Bohunova / Slovakia
Veronika Chobotova / Slovakia
Violeta Dirimanova / Bulgaria
Olga Ketkina
/ Czech RepublicSilja Lupsik / Estonia
Ahto Oja / Estonia
Liga Paula / Latvia
Wadim Strielkowski / Poland (Warsaw)
Romina Rodela / Slovenia
Andras Balint (absent) / Hungary
Draft Agenda for November workshop
Monday 10th November
9.15-15.00 / Presentations from SubcontractorsLocation: A114
Chair: Mark Tomlinson
930-1000 / Bulgaria – ‘Land owners participation in government initiatives for land consolidation’
1000-1030 / Poland (Warsaw) – ‘Demographic transformation in rural areas of Poland 1995-2000’
10.30-11.00 / Poland (Poznan) – ‘Producer groups in Poland?”
11.00-11.30 /
11.30-12.00 / Estonia – ‘Estonian agri-environmental measures’12.00-12.30 / Slovenia – ‘Socio-economic analysis of attractiveness of some Slovene agri-environmental measures for selected groups of farms’
12.30-13.00 / Slovakia – ‘The Role of Participatory Multi-criteria Evaluation in Biodiversity Conflict Mitigation’
13.00-15.00 /
Location: Aula Maxima 1st Floor15.00-16.40 /
Students’ Presentations and Discussion, Part 1
Location: Aula Maxima Ground Floor
Chair: Peter Kaufmann
15.00-15.20 /Ilona Banaszak – Poland
/ “Producer Groups in Poland”15.20-1540 / Maria Bohunova – Slovakia / “The Socio-economic impact of
Multifunctional Agriculture on rural areas”
15.40-16.00 / Veronika Chobotova – Slovakia / “Sustainable and Democratic Rural Development in the Slovak Republic”
16.00-16.20 / Violeta Dirimanova – Bulgaria / "Landowners’ Participation in Government Initiatives for Land Consolidation"
16.20-17.00 / Arrangements for Tuesday individual meetings and cluster meetings to be clarified
Tuesday 11th November
09.00-11.00 /Students’ Presentations and Discussion Part 2
Location: A114
Chair: Sigrid Stagl
09.00-09.20 /Olga Ketkina – Czech Republic
/ “Modelling Demographic Decisions; A Comparative Spatial Perspective”09.20-09.40 / Silja Lupsik –
Estonia / “Greenhouse Gas Taxation in Estonia: optimal Environmental Tax Reform and Inequality"
09.40-10.00 / Ahto Oja – Estonia / “Eco-organic Farming in Estonia: Institutions, Supply and Demand, Environmental Public Goods and Integrated Sustainable Development Planning
in Rural Areas”.
10.00-10.20 / Liga Paula - Latvia / “Interactive Learning in Rural Partnerships”
10.20-10.40 / Romina Rodela – Slovenia / “Governance and Institutional Change in a Slovene Rural Community”
10.40-11.00 / Wadim Strielkowski – Poland / “Factors influencing the Success of SMEs in Rural Poland”
11.00-11.30 / Break
Cluster meetings
Location; Aula Maxima – Ground Floor
11.30-13.00 / Possible Cluster 1, 4 and 6 meetings[1].13.00-14.00 /
Location: Aula Maxima 1st Floor14.00-15.00 / One-to-one meetings between subcontractors, supervisors and students /
Possible Cluster 1, 4 and 6 sessions
15.00-1800 / Cluster/Data collection sessions:
Possible Cluster 1 meeting.
20.00 /
Workshop Dinner
Location: Nimmo’s, Spanish Arch.Wednesday 12th November
09.00-12.30 / Cluster/data collection sessions continuedCluster 5 continued
12.30-14.00 / Lunch
Location: Aula Maxima, 1st Floor.
14.00-1800 / Cluster/data collection sessions continued/
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Thursday 13th November
Meetings with Áine Macken Walsh to discuss and agree contracts (if already departed by Thursday, meetings will be arranged before then).
Subcontractors agreements on data:
[cluster numbers are as follows:
1 rural population
2 partnerships and networks
3 common pool resources
4 rural enterprise and production
5 agri-environmental measures
6 non-agri environmental policy]
SubContractor / Contact / Clusters interested in / Data already? / Prepared to collect / Data collection experience
Hungary / Csaba Forgacs / 1 2 3 4 / NO / MAYBE
Data can be purchased / ?
Poland 1 / Piotr Matczak / 2 4 5 / Farm Environment
Investment / YES / YES
Poland 2 / Adam Wasilewski / 3 5 6 / 1 4 5 6
panel / YES / YES
Czech / Marie Vavrejnova / 1 / 1 4? / YES / YES
Latvia / Aija Zobena / 2 4 5 / 1 2 4 / YES / YES
Estonia / Kalev Sepp / 3 5 6 / YES / YES / YES
Slovenia / Andrej Udovc / 3 5 / 2 3 4 5 / YES / YES
Bulgaria / Aleksi Alexiev / 2 3 / NO / YES / YES
Slovakia / Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska / 5? / YES / YES / YES
Lithuania / Romualdas Zemeckis / 1 2 3 / 1 2 4 5 / YES / YES
Summary of interested countries by cluster:
1 Pop – HU CZ LT2 Part – HU PL1 LV BG LT
3 CPR – HU PL2 EE SL BG LT4 Prod – HU PL1 LV
5 AgEnv – PL1 PL2 LV EE SL SK6 Nonag – PL2 EE
1 Rural Population. Chair: Mark Tomlinson, Cathal O’Donoghue.
2 Partnerships and Networks. Chair: Catherine Murray
3 Common Pool Resources: Chair: Tomvan Rensburg.
4 Rural Enterprise and Production. Chair: Salvatore di Falco
5 Agri-Environmental Measures. Chair: Sigrid Stagl.
6 Non-Agri Environmental Policy. Chair: Catherine Murray.