Mary T. Runyon


Dr. Nancy J. McGinley

Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Louis J. Martin, Jr.

Associate Superintendent

WestAshleyHigh School


4060 West Wildcat Blvd.

Charleston, SC 29414

Tel. (843) 573-1212

Fax (843) 123-4567

3 January 2013

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Due to the high demand of the students and the number enrolled in both sections of Spanish III honors during the day, this spring West Ashley High School is offering an extra section of Spanish III honors after school starting at 2:30PM and ending at 4:00 PM. Your son/daughter has shown interest in taking the course; however, before the school can officially offer it, we would like for you and your son/daughter to know the expectations because once the student enrolls, he/she cannot withdraw.

For the following expectations, in the first blank please mark your (parent or guardian) initials and have your son or daughter mark his or her initials in the second to signal that you and your son or daughter have read and understood these expectations as they are written:

  1. ______We understand that the course begins promptly at 2:30 and will end at 4:00 in the afternoon. No transportation will be provided for students by the school district.
  1. ______We understand that even though the course is offered after school it is still a course in which students will have the same expectations as they would if they were in a regularly scheduled class. This means:
  2. Only 5 absencesare allotted for the course.
  3. More than 5 absences will result in an FA, which is weighted as an F.
  4. Students will still have to turn in absences for the course to attendance whether medical, court, parent excuse, etc.
  5. Excessive tardies will result in absences.
  6. Class will not be dismissed before 4 o’clock every day.
  7. Students will meet every day during the regularly scheduled school week.
  1. ______We understand that by signing this form we agree that if the course is officially offered I, the student, cannot withdraw from the class.
  1. ______We understand that by signing this form we agree that any discipline infraction happening during class will result in full removal from the course and an F will show up on one’s transcript.
  1. ______We understand that this is an honors course and the expectations for students will be higher on assignments; furthermore, Spanish will be spoken for a good majority of the class considering this is the third year of the language.
  1. ______We understand that since the class is after school any make-up work will have to be done before school, first period, or after 4 PM given that the instructor has agreed to that appointment.
  1. ______We understand that the class is still not officially offered and the point of this document is to get an official count in order for the principal and associate superintendent to give final approval i.e. the course may still not make.

These are the expectations for the course as they are a part of the requirements to receive a full Carnegie unit for graduation. Please have your son/daughter and yourself sign the bottom of this document and turn it in to Tristan Hill room 2008 by Monday, 7 January. If you have any questions, please email the instructor, Tristan Hill, at . Thank you for your time and interest in your son/daughter’s education and interest in the Spanish language and culture.


______Tristan Hill______

Parent/Guardian Date Spanish III Instructor Student Date

4060 West Wildcat Blvd.●Charleston, SC29414●tel. (843) 573-1212●fax. (843) 573-1228●