Ms. Camila del Castillo Academicyear 2016-17

Room 110 MCVTS Woodbridge

Email address: Spanish Honors I


Spanish Honors is a class designed for high achieving students who have demonstrated strong mastery of the basic vocabulary and grammatical structures of the Spanish language. The lessons are presented at a faster pace than a standard Spanish I class. This class will help students build a solid base for upper level Spanish classes and ultimately the AP Spanish class. Students will also have the opportunity to take the National Spanish Exam and the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica during the spring of their second year or third year of Spanish in High School.


This class aims to help students acquire communication skills in both oral and written Spanish through the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes at a Novice Mid-High literacy level in Spanish. Upon successful completion of this class, students should be able to:

1.Comprehend spoken Spanish with sufficient ability to grasp the main idea and some supporting details in short conversations, both spontaneous and taped, that relate to daily life and represent authentic situations.

2. Speak Spanish well enough to have short conversations with native speakers about topics such as describing activities and events in the present, giving commands, giving advice and recommendations, expressing emotions and feelings, providing or obtaining specific information for survival, as well as being able to talk about customs, pastimes, health, and quality of life.

3.Read and understand newspaper articles, classified ads, and brief segments taken from various forms of literature that touch on many different topics.

4.Write a coherent string of sentences with some organization in a paragraph -like format of varying lengths on topics that relate to personal situations and experiences as well as more general topics that deal with world events and situations that occur in daily life.

As a World Language Teacher, I agree that…

“Language is the universal connector that facilitates cultural understanding; all languages are valuable to teach and learn.

A multi-lingual society fosters diversity, respect for others, and greater opportunities for all children.

Language learning is an integral part of the American education system; it is for ALL children, it starts early, and is a life-long endeavor.”


Class Materials

Estella Gahala, Patricia Hamilton, Audrey L. Heining-Boynton, Ricardo Otherguy, Barbara J. Rupert.Avancemos 1, 2007/2010 edition |McDougal Littel.

Online help student Access to Home Tutor at

A good bilingual dictionary such as

The University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary

Oxford New Spanish Dictionary

Harper Collins Spanish Dictionary

Class Requirements:

1. Students must be punctual to class.

2. Students must be prepared with textbook, notebook and pen.

3. Students must complete all homework.

4. Students must participate in class activities.

5. Students must follow teacher instructions.

6. Students must speak Spanish in class.

Class Rules

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Raise your hand for permission to talk

3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat

4. Respect others and their property.

5. Students must refrain from eating or drinking in the classroom

6. Hats are not allowed in the class.


8. Speak SPANISH at all times unless the teacher says English is allowed, or an emergency is in place.

Grading Policy:

25% - Class participation and performance both oral and written

25% - Tests

20% - Projects

20% - Quizzes

10% - Homework

With regard to homework assignments, students are not allowed to use computer-assisted translation or seek outside help in any form to complete their work. In other words, the writing is to be entirely their own work (words and ideas). If students are using material produced by another person under any circumstances, students must acknowledge it. Any outside help is considered unacceptable collaboration and will be dealt with accordingly.

Grading Scale

A+ = 100-98, A = 97-92, A-=91-90, B+=89-86, B=85-82, B-=81-80, C+=79-76, C=75-72, C-=71-70, D=69-65, F=64 and below.


Students will start every day with 100 points for participation. Points will be deducted for: A) 100 points for being absent unless excused. Points will be given back when missing assignments are completed and handed in within three days of being back to school. B) 10 points for unexcused late. C) 10 points for being unprepared for class (No book, notebook, etc.). D) not speaking Spanish in class F) disrupting class (in any language).


  • Students are given 3 late excuses a year to turn in homework; after using those, teacher will no longer accept late homework assignments.
  • You are in charge of the classwork, tests, and homework given while you were absent. A list with your peer’s email addresses will be given in the beginning of the year so you can contact them in case you are not in class.
  • The teacher always return your work after correcting it, you should always keep your work in a safe place, so if anything happens you have proof that you handed in your work.

Missing Tests/Quizzes/Videos:

  • Students are responsible for the work missing and should ask their peers for notes and assignments due.
  • Test and quizzes can only be taken another time if you were out due to sickness (proof of absence required). If you know you will be absent let the teacher know BEFORE.
  • Absence because of sports is not an excuse to miss a test/quiz. You will have a schedule for the sport you participate, and you should share it to your teachers and find a way to move test/quizzes around PRIOR to the dates. If you fail to do so because of your own responsibility, you will not have a chance to make up that grade.

To hand-in:

I ______, acknowledge I have read and understood the content of this form.

Date: ______


Signature of the student Signature of the parent/guardian