OCT 5TH,2011/10/05

Dear Customers.


Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) have come to implemented this system ROCARS. Road Cargo System (ROCARS) will be fully starting on November 17, 2011. All Industry players need to submit cargo manifest data in advance with this system. This become mandatory for all imports and exports of road cargo.

Key features of ROCAS

(1) Exporter or Importer or a Freight forwarding acting as shipper provides cargo data to C&ED electronically through ROCARS not earlier than 14 days before the cargo consignment enters or exits Hong Kong by truck;

(2) As an acknowledgment, ROCARS returns a customs cargo reference number (CCRN) for the cargo consignment to the shipper who would then pass it on to the relevant trucker with the cargo description;

(3) Not less than 30 minutes before his truck is due to pass through a land boundary control point (LBCP), the trucker does the “bundling” by providing to C&ED, through ROCARS :

(i) The CCRN of the cargo consignment; and

(ii) His vehicle’s registration number (VRN);

(4) C&ED performs risk profiling on the cargo before a truck arrives at a LBCP and determines in advance whether inspection is called for; and

(5) An instruction on whether a truck needs to be inspected will be shown on a visual display unit at the LBCP. A truck not selected for inspection may leave immediately after the trucker has completed immigration clearance.

Details of ROCARS can be found at the Website : WWW.ROCARS.GOV.HK.

Enquireis can be made by calling the ROCAS HOTline at : 3669 000

If we are requested to arrange cross-border trucking. All the documents related need to be sent to our CSR team 24 hours in advance before consignment enters or exits boundary. We can arrange ROCARS application on behalf of you or customer. A processing fee will be applied per truck per way.

Our CSR is gratefull to assist with you.

Sincerely yours.

Nissin Transportation & Warehousing (H.K.) Ltd.