Dr. Ghassan Alkadi
Associate Professor
Phone: (985) 549-5099
Fax: (985) 549-3396
Professional Interests:
Instruction; project management; systems integration, design and development; software engineering and Information Systems
Work Experience:
Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA (1993-present)
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
Taught Survey of Programming Languages, Information Systems, Introduction to Computer Science, Desktop Publishing courses, Computers in Society, Computer Literary, Operating Systems, Digital Logic, Principles of Information Assurance, Integrated Sciences and Technology graduate class, Senior Seminar, Software Engineering, Software Development and Professional Practice, and Special projects. Member of the Search, laboratory, non-major courses, library, and university honors committees. Chair of the Upsilon Pi Epsilon computer honor society. Advise 25 majors per semester.
LOUISIANASTATEUNIVERSITY, SystemNetworkComputerCenter (1990-1993)
User Consultant, Help Desk
Helped LSU Mainframes and PC users solve software problems. Assisted in VM/CMS seminars conducted for LSU students. Converted documentation on all software used on the VAX 8800 to context-sensitive. Developed a program that makes the use of E-mail on the VAX 8800 a friendly one using Pascal language.
System Support Engineer, Software Development Dept.,
Installed and Managed an Ethernet network on 3COM server running Novell software at Central Blood Bank of Kuwait (CBBK). Conducted training sessions for all the staff at CBBK on how to use a software package called Blood Bank developed by Western Star, Portland, Oregon.
Developed a package from scratch for Al-Ahli Center, Kuwait, to computerize their line of business. The package consisted of over 40 Pascal programs using ISAM for data storing and retrieval. I performed the design and programming of the package.
Installed and maintained software used by the French Consoler at the French Embassy in Kuwait.
Assisted in design and programming with other projects for many customer sites.
Installed and updated operating systems on Burroughs B20s and B1900 machines from 86- 89.
Attended a training course on UNIVAC Computers Operations Systems, Milton Keynes, England, in January 89 to install software for Kuwait Stock Exchange. Attended a training course to learn how to install and maintain a blood bank package at Western Star Co., Portland, Oregon.
Software: Pascal on B20 equivalent to Turbo Pascal for DOS, @ LINC, COBOL, and C.
Hardware: B20s, B1900, and A series.
System Analyst, Software Dept.
Developed a time card application to compute the number of hours and overtime worked by workers and their pay rate for Kuwaiti Danish Dairy. The application was integrated with an accounting package. Assisted in training the employees of different customer site to use packages developed in house and in the U.S.
Dr. Ghassan Alkadi
Associate Professor
Phone: (985) 549-5099
Fax: (985) 549-3396
Programmer, Institutional Research
Modified COBOL code to custom tailor the package to meet the director’s needs. The package dealt with faculty/staff personal files.
EDUCATIONLouisianaStateUniversity, Ph.D., LSU, summer 1999.
Dissertation“Restructuring Object-Oriented Designs Using a Metric-Driven Approach.”
Analyzing Object Oriented designs and restructuring them if necessary to meet the requirements of O-O design metrics suite introduced by two researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Masters in System Science (emphasis on Software Engineering), LSU, Dec. 1991.
ProjectA Pascal Automated Static Analyzer.
An automated static analysis of Pascal code along with reports generating results of the analysis.
Minor studies in Quantitative Business Analysis (QBA).
SoutheasternLouisianaUniversity, Hammond, LA, magna cum laude Honor.
B.S. in Computer Science. Minor in Management. January 1983 May 1985.
Zhang, Ke Yang, Theresa Beaubouef, Ju Chou, and Ghassan Alkadi, SPATIAL DATABASE CASE STUDY: A GIS BASED METAL CONTAMINATION APPLICATION CCSC-SC, Austin, TX April 2010.
T. Beaubouef, G. Alkadi, Computer Science and Math: A Precise Mix for Uncertain Database Applications CCSC-SC,Austin, TX April 2010.
G. Alkadi and T. Beaubouef, Virtualization of Southeastern Louisiana University for the Recruitment and Orientation of Future Students HCI International Conference, San Diego, CA July 18-24, 2009, accepted.
S.Grimes, G. Alkadi, T. Beaubouef, Design and Implementation of the Rough Relational Database System CCSC-SC, Hammond, LA April, 2009
T. Beaubouef, G. Alkadi, Rough Querying: A Real World Information Systems Project SIGCSE Bulletin (inroads) Vol. 40, No. 4 December, 2008.
Alkadi G., Beaubouef T., Sen F., “Students Internships: Developing Real World Skills for Real World Problem Solutions,” The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, CCSC: South Central Conference, Volume 23, No. 6, pp 97-103, June 2008.
Alkadi G., Beaubouef T., “An Experimental Group For Researching And Developing Software,” The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, CCSC: South Central Conference, Volume 23, No. 6, pp 104-109, June 2008.
Alkadi G. and Yang, K.P., “Software Engineering Projects in Our Department,” Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice (SERP 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, June, 2007, 525 - 529.
Yang, K.P. and Alkadi, G., “A Modern Hardware Kit for Computer Science,” Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computer Design (CDES 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, June, 2007, 68 - 73.
Yang, K.P., Alkadi, G., Asoodeh, M., and Bonnette, J., “Developing a Hardware Laboratory for Computer Science,” Proceedings of the 5th Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC) Mid South Conference, Monroe, Louisiana, March, 2007, 92 - 93.
Alkadi I, Alkadi G, “Biometrics”, The Review of Business Information Systems, Clute Institute for Academic Research, Volume 10, Number 3, Third Quarter 2006.
Alkadi I, Alkadi G, “A Comparative Analysis of C# and Java As An Introductory Programming Language for Information Systems Students”, Clute Institute for Scientific Research, Review of Business Information Systems journal, April 2006.
Alkadi I., Alkadi, G., “Spyware Revealed", the 9th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005) Orlando, USA, July 10-13, 2005,
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., "Effects of Information Technology on the Business World," the 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2005) and the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA 2005), Orlando, USA, July 14-17, 2005,
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Effects of Spam on Internet Technology,"The 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 10-13, 2005 - Orlando, Florida, USA,
Alkadi I., Alkadi, G., “How E-Commerce Has Changed the Business World,"The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Dallas, Texas, May, 2005.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Effects of Information Technology on The World And Beyond,” IABPAD, Conference, January 6th-January 9th, New Orleans, LA, 2005.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Effects of Information Technology on The Business World,” IABPAD, Conference, January 6th-January 9th, New Orleans, LA, 2005.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Inofmration Technology in the Business World Through the Years and Beyond," PRANJANA, The Journal of Management Awareness, volume 7, No. 2, pp. 71-79, July - Dec 2004.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., Information Technology Through The Years and Beyond!,” Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International, November 2004.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Information Technology throughthe Years and Beyond!,” Rocky Mountain Academy of Legal Studies in Business, RMALSB conference, Vail, Co, November 2004.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi, G., Zhu, Z., “Growth of International Franchising Through E-Commerce,” Human System Management, Issue: Volume 23, No. 4 / 2004, pp. 269 – 273.
Alkadi, G., Alkadi, I., Larkins, T., “Application of a revised NOC Metric to Redesign an OO Design”, International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT04, Austin, Texas, Aug. 2004.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi, G., Etheridge, H., “Automated Testing Assistant to Enforce Method Coverage in Testing OOP”, The Midsouth Association of Business Decsiplines “MSABD“Journal, August 2004.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., “Information Technology through the Years and Beyond", International Academy of Business and Economics Journal, IABE, Oct 17 -20, 2004.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Information Technology in the Business World Through The Years and Beyond!”, 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 2004, Orlando, Fl.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Information Technology in the Business World Through The Years and Beyond!” International Conference on Information Systems Analysis, July 2004, Orlando, Fl.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Information Technology in the Business World Through The Years and Beyond!”,InternationalAcademy of Business and Economics Journal Analysis, Oct. 2004, Orlando, Fl.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Information Technology in the Business World Through The Years and Beyond!,” 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 2004, Orlando, Fl.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “Automated Testing Assistant to Enforce Method Coverage in Testing OOP”, Mid-South Association of Business Disciplines, Feb 2003,Mississippi.
AlkadiI., Alkadi, G., “The Digital Divide”, Mid-South Association of Business Disciplines, Feb 2003,Mississippi.
AlkadiI., Alkadi G., “Effects of Information Technology on the Business World,” IABPAD, Jan, 2004, New Orleans.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., and Totaro, M., "Effects of Information Technology on Business", 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2003) San Francisco, July, 2003.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., and Totaro, M.,"Effects of Information Technology on Business", July 2003, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI 2003) Orlando, USA,
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., and Totaro, M.,"Effects of Information Technology on Business", HSM Journal, 2003,Issue:Volume 22, Number 3 / 2003, pp. 99 – 103.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., and Reddoch, A., "University of Louisiana Affected by Information Technology through the Years and Beyond,”International Symposium on Information Technology ITSim, September 30 – October 2, 2003,
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., and Totaro, M.,"Effects of Information Technology on Business", IC03, Las Vegas, June 2003, International Conference on Internet Computing,
Alkadi, I., Alkadi G., "Enhancing the Process of Testing Object Oriented Systems", IASTED September 2003, MarinaDel Rey, USA,
Alkadi, I., Alkadi, G., Etheridge, H., “Automated Testing Assistant Which Enforces Method Coverage In Testing Object Oriented Programs,” IEEE Aerospace Conference proceedings, Big Sky, MT, March 2003.
Alkadi, G., Alkadi, I., “Application of a Revised DIT Metric to Redesign an OO Design,” Journal of Object Technology, volume 2, No. 3, May – June 2003, pp. 127-134.
Alkadi, I., Alkadi, G., “To C++ or to Java, that is the question,” IEEE Aerospace Conference proceedings, Big Sky, MT, March 2002.
I. Alkadi, G. Alkadi, and M. LeBlanc, “A Testing framework for Object Oriented Testing,” Trends in Software Engineering Process Management, Spring2002,
I. Alkadi, and G. Alkadi, “An Automated Testing Assistant Which Enforces Method Coverage In Testing Object Oriented Programs,” ACMHCI International 2001, 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, New Orleans, LA, 5-10 August 2001, 311-313.
G. Alkadi, and I. Alkadi, “Applying A Revised RFC Metric to Redesign An OO Design,” IEEE Aerospace Conference proceedings, Big Sky, MT, March 2001.
I. Alkadi, G. Alkadi, “Algorithms that compute the number of test drivers needed in testing Object Oriented Programs,” IEEE Aerospace Conference proceedings, Big Sky, MT, March 2001.
G. Alkadi, and I. Alkadi, “Applying A Revised CBO Metric To Redesign an OO Design”, Proceedings of the Southern Conference on Computing, The University of Southern Mississippi, October 26-28, 2000.
G. Alkadi, and D. Carver, “Assessing the Quality of Object-Oriented Designs”, has been accepted for the 1998 IEEE Aerospace Conference. The paper was published in the IEEE Aerospace proceedings, 1998.
G. Alkadi, and D. Carver, “Applicationof Metrics to Object-Oriented Designs”, has been accepted as a regular paper for presentation at the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, held November 2 - 5, 1997.
Attended the NSF Regional Grant Development Conference at LouisianaStateUniversity, March 2000
Attended Roadmap to opportunities sponsored by the Board of Regents and NSF LA EPSCoR, April 2001
Attended LA EPSCoR 2002 state conference, “focus on Bio- & Information Technologies”, April 10 – 11, 2002, Baton Rouge, La
Attended a Visual Basic introductory course sponsored by NSF at University of Dayton, Ohio, June 2001
Attended a Computer Security introductory course sponsored by NSF at University of Dayton, Ohio, May 2002
HONORSMember of Phi Kappa Phi Honor society, 1985
Member of Gamma Beta Phi Honor society, 1985
Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Honor Society
Treasurer of Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Honor Society, 1985
Dean's list, SoutheasternLouisianaUniversity, five semesters, 19831985
Recipient of Departmental Scholarship at Southeastern LouisianaUniversity, 1985
Foreign student of the year awarded by the Rotary Club, Hammond, LA, 1985
Assistantship at the SystemNetworkComputerCenter at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 1990-1993
ServicesServing as Assessment Committee Chair
Serving in the Curriculum departmental committees
Served as a proxy on the faculty senate Spring 2000
Member of the Integrated Science And Technology committee that developed a Masters class “Applications of Computing in Science and Technology”, which involves three departments: Math, Chemistry and Computer Science
The Webmaster of the departmental and the college of Business homepages spring 2000 – spring 2002
Upsilon Pi Epsilon, computer science honor society Advisor, spring 2001 – present
Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Attained a Student Technology Fee Small Project Proposal for $5000.00 that supplied our major’s lab with Apple Xserve G5 and 3 Mac minis
Applied with Dr. P. Yang for a Louisiana Board of Regents grant to establish a hardware lab and Robotics software and were awarded $32,000.00.
Served as a member of the following committees: the parking and traffic, the university honor, COB President's Awards of Excellence, the International Student Organization, and a member of the college graduate faculty credentials committees
Served as the Software Engineering committee chair
Served as an Interpreter in a US Federal Court, Gulf Port, Mississippi 2008 – 2009