Dr. Filippo Gilardi
Personal Details
French Tutor
BA (Turin), MA (UAB-Barcelona), PhD (Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle), FHEA
Co-founder at PubCoder http://www.pubcoder.com/
Room 432, Admin Building
199 Taikang East Road
Ningbo 315100
Tel: +86-574-8818-0289
Expertise Summary
I acquired a BA in Modern Literature and Film Studies at the University of Turin (Italy) and during my BA I lived for one year in Spain and one in Mexico, where I was able to acquire experience in teaching Italian as a foreign language. With these skills, I went to Barcelona (Spain) to do an MA degree in Literary Theory at the Autonomous University, and finally, in May 2007 I defended my doctorate at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III. I was awarded the Ph.D. degree in Comparative Literature with the highest evaluation. During my Ph.D. I lived in England, France and Germany. Since November 2007 I am a Language Tutor at The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China.
Apart from research, I have been actively organizing elections for my country at the General Consulate of Italy in Paris during three years.
My current research interests are theoretical and pedagogical. The first strand is my focus on the theoretical changes that the notion of Transmedia storytelling is creating within literary studies.
My interest in the notion of Transmedia storytelling focuses on the history of this idea looking at the conceptual changes that it is producing on the classical idea of narrative as active consumers expand their knowledge of the fictional universe by using various media platforms. I am also interested in how these productions influence the way we are teaching and learning through blog, wiki, social networks and other virtual spaces.
The second strand involves my teaching research on foreign language curriculum development adapted to local contexts. My focus is to examine the issues involved in the development, maintenance and evaluation of effective language programs.
- French Language and Culture
- Spanish Language and Culture
- BA International Communications dissertation supervision
- NTA Internship Program
- CDP Leadership Internship Business School
- French Language and Culture
- MA International Communications dissertation supervision
- NTA Internship Program
- International Communications Division Seminar Series:
· 2010/2011 “The representation of Identity through the Metamorphosis Literature. From Ovid to Transsexualism”
· 2011/2012 “Student-Centered Transmedia Inspired Language Learning Projects”
· 2012/2013 “Managing Autonomy – A case study at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China”
Committees and Responsibilities
LC Senior Tutor
LC Professional Development Representative
Representative for French European Language Portfolio (since 2009)
Selected Recent Publications
Books and Monographs
Gilardi, F. (2008) Métamorphose et Identité. D’Ovide au Transsexualisme, Nantes: Odin.
EPUB3 for ipad as Project Manager
Natale, G. (2012) Cercami, Milano: Kisbo. https://itunes.apple.com/it/book/cercami/id563246170?mt=11.
Giavarra, N. and Hirata, Y. (2013) Raggio di Luna, Milano: Kisbo.
Journal Articles
Gilardi, F. (2010)Rhétorique de la Métamorphose et Études interculturelles. Une réponse à Pascale Hummel. In Trickster. Rivista in Studi Interculturali, N. 9, Padova: Dipartimento di Storia, Università di Padova.
Chapters in edited books
Gilardi, F. & Reid, J. (2013 forthcoming) Transmedia Storytelling: Paradigm Shift in Literary Studies. Narrative, Adaptation, Teaching and Learning. In Guzmán, M. C. & Zamora A. (Eds.) Deterritorializing Practices in Literary Studies. Toronto: York University.
Other Peer Reviewed Publications
Gilardi F. (2012) Enhance Chinese students' initial motivation through communicative activities based on CEFR and ELP purposes. Case study at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. In Gülsün A. et al. (Eds.), Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences Journa 2012 (pp. 5225–5230). WCES. http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877042812021507/1-s2.0-S1877042812021507-main.pdf?_tid=e9067b36-1bfa-11e2-ae0c-00000aacb360&acdnat=1350877704_232df07aa136fc6e4de5aa60b22dc1a0
Gilardi, F. & Reid, J. (2011) E-learning through Transmedia Storytelling. How the Emerging Internet-Based Participatory Cultures in China can be Co-Opted for Education. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp. 1469-1474). AACE. http://www.editlib.org/search/?q=gilardi&submit=Go
Reid, J., Hirata, Y., Gilardi, F. (2011) Student-Centred Transmedia Inspired Language Learning Projects. In Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2011. ACTC. http://iafor.org/actc_split/ACTC2011_0046.pdf
Selected Conference Presentations
‘Le Diable amoureux et Le Serpent Blanc. Identité et incarnation du diable’. The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association. Expanding the Frontiers of Comparative Literature. Seoul, KOREA. August, 2010.
‘Transmedia Narratives. Teaching Languages through Transmedia Storytelling.’ 2nd Congress in French Language Teaching, Shaoxing, CHINA. November 2010.
‘E- Learning through Transmedia Storytelling. How the Emerging Internet-Based Participatory Cultures in China can be Co-Opted for Education’ Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011. AACE. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA, March 2011.
‘Building Intercultural Identities. Case Studies at UNNC’. UNNC Panel at the Crossing Borders: Travelling, Teaching, and Learning in a Global Age Conference. Nanjing, CHINA, April 2011.
‘Enhance Chinese students' initial motivation through communicative activities based on CEFR and ELP purposes. Case study at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China’. 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences. Barcelona, Spain, February 2012.
‘Gilardi, F. Managing Authonomy. A Case Study at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China’. IISES – International Academic Conference. Lisbon. Portugal. 9-12 September, 2012.
Invitations to address conferences and Workshops
Gilardi, F. (2013 forthcoming). Literature and New Technologies. Nuevas pedagogías orientadas a la enseñanza de la literatura. Colegio Nuevo Gimnasio. Bogotá, Colombia, 20-25 May 2013.
Gilardi, F. Three steps to become an independent learner - Plan, Log, and Portfolio. Tri-Campus Language Conference. The University of Nottingham, KL, Malaysia, 3–7 September 2012.
Gilardi, F. Transformation Shift and Human Adaptation. META/Collaboration, Black Mountain College, USA. 01-06 May 2011.
Research Awards and Grants
08/09/10/11/2012 – UNNC Conference Attendance Grant
2010 – UNNC Small Research Grant. “Building Intercultural Identities. Case Studies at UNNC”
2005 – DAAD Scholarship
2004 – Marie Curie Research Fellowship
Professional Associations
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
International Comparative Literature Association
Red Internacional de Investigadores en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas