Littlefork Times Vol. 14, No. 41 Thursday, Oct. 16, 1919 Guardian, Vol.17, No.42
The Littlefork Times, Chas. S. Jameson Publisher, published every Thursday at Littlefork, Minnesota. Subscription $1.50 per year.
Local News Items; For sale—9 tons of hay. See J.R. Allen.
Ed. Reno returned Sunday from a trip to Cloquet and Duluth.
Graveling of the statioin road is in grogress.
Curt Williams spent the week at Big Falls.
It is stated that the International Lumber Company will open two camps in 68-26 this winter.
Mrs. Jas. Anderson spent a part of the past week at Baudette where Mr. Anderson is employed.
A.T. Armstrong returned this morning from St. Paul, where he attended the state timber sale.
Miss Ethel Keehr came up from Bemidji Sunday and visited here, returning Tuesday evening.
Claude Bahrs went to Minneapolis Tuesday, where he spent a couple of days.
C.M. Osborne has purchased the hotel at Margie and is now operating it.
- J. Riggs of Bertha, Minn., arrived this morning to visit his daughter, Mrs. C.A. Miller of this place.
Rev. Kaneen, formerly Methodist pastor at the county seat, who conducted services at this place from time to time during the past three years, died of cancer of the stomach at 10 o’clock on Sunday evening at a Minneapolis hospital. Interment was made at Anoka and was in charge of the Odd fellow lodge. The many friends of the family in this section sympathize.
Iver Olimb was a business visitor at the county seat Tuesday.
Mike Lemmer is spending the week at International Falls.
Wm. Keiver and others have purchased a clover huller through M. C. Longballa of the First State Bank.
Theo. Gaetke, filer at the mill, left Monday evening for Ada, Minn., where he will spend a few weeks.
John Heath on Saturday purchased from Adolph Croucher a small house located on 4th street near the upper bridge.
W.R. Deteker, P. L. Peterson and H. M. Munroe spent Tuesday at Blackduck in quest of ducks. The shooting is said to be good there.
- S. Romens of Happyland on Monday sold his threshing rig to Andrew Hauner and other neighbors resident in Cingmars township.
Mrs. B. W. Perrigo and Carl Jacobson of the Nett Lake reservation, and Mrs. J. J. Hendrickson of the Nett River section were business visitors here on Monday.
A bouncing boy came to brighten the home of Mr. And Mrs. Oliver Massey on Saturday. The mother and child are at a county seat hospital, but are expected home tomorrow.
Relatives of the VonAlman family of Cando, N. D. arrived with stock and farm machinery during the past week. They are at the VonAlman home in Cross River township.
The total enrollment at the end of the fifth week of school, October 10th, was 148, there being 74 boys and 74 girls. The average per cent of attendance for the week was 98. The fifth, seventh and eighth grades were perfect in attendance.
There were seven cases of tardiness last week; one in th first, one in the second, three in the third, and two in the fourth grades. The rest of the school was perfect in punctuality.
Columbus Day falls on the 12th of October. On that account the school observed Monday, the 13th brief programs being given.
The pupils of the school purchased on Tuesday 25 thrift and one war savings stamp, making a total of 78 thrift stamps and 8 was savings stamps for the first half of the month.
We were glad to receive two shipments of books on Monday, for several of the high school classes are in need of more texts, and each shipment helps.
The high school program has been changed to make it easier for pupils who formerly recited in three or four subjects in succession. While the change may inconvenience one or two pupils it brings the greatest good to the greatest number.
At the home of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Nelson, of this village, took place on Oct 7, 1919 at 6 p.m., the marriage of Miss Esther Stevens, of Forada, Minnesota to Mr. George McCumber, of Sparta, Wis. The Rev. Belsaas officiating.
The wedding was private, only relatives being present.
The bride taught the Cross River School a part of last year and is somewhat known to our residents, who extend to her their best wishes for a long, and prosperous and happy wedded life.
The worthy couple left last evening for Forada, where they will reside.
2nd stock notice; Notice is hereby given that live stock will not be permitted to run at large. Owners will please ad-here to this notice. By order of Village Council, S.E. Gregg, Recorder.
Pioneer Restaurant – open day and night at old stand – Lodging in Connection – Oliver Massey – Littlefork, Minnesota.
Peoples Blacksmith Shop; Frank Gean, Prop. – Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing work done at any time on short notice. Littlefork, Minnesota.
Paulson’s Dray and Livery; I wish to announce that I am prepared to give teams a comfortable stabling when you are in town. Have teams for hire for any service. General Dray and Livery work. O.M. Paulson, First door Northeast of Pioneer Store, Main Street, Littlefork, Minnesota.
Meadow Brook Lumber Yard and Hardware;. H. Rose, Prop.,
Hotel Shelgren; Aaron Shelgren, Proprietor, Good Accommodations for the Traveling Public
Transcribed by Irene Hauner, copyright 2002.