8 June – Day 1

EDUC730 – Educational Technology

0832 Start

Room 1132

Dr. David Holder (Dr. Dunn was reassigned) (Ph.D Learning Technologies Univ No Texas)

You will be using your laptop . . . TAKE NOTES!

Platform not as relevant as the tools. . . .

0842 Prayer

Two ways to fail – Plagiarism (sheer laziness); Failure to perform

  • Introductions
  • Foundations/PhilosophicalMeanderings – part of the goal of the University is to change the world for Christ. We want you to learn and grow . . .
  • Palm 3; Palm Color; micro pc; windows flip phone; Palm Trio Windows phone;
  • The pre-solid state era of hand-soldered vacuum tubes. Returning to the stereo system for a warmer sound.Technology will always change. . .

0917 – lights out – anxiety . . . . .

  • So, what is the purpose of haste? Instead, be engaged with the technology . . .
  • NOTE: HEADSETS ON THURDAYS (would have brought my own)
  • Blog is a reflective exercise . . .
  • Research/ Endnote
  • Assignment Explanations
  • Technology with a plan . . . . the Webquest; (exemplar within class)
  • The lit review used to be a 50 page document, became a presentation only
  • Discussion elements tomorrow Critically engage the literature.
  • Instructional Audio/Video in class on Thursday (exemplar in class)
  • Flipped Classroom Plan – Can be an inclusive assignment (Webquest, Instructional, Flipped Classroom). (exemplar in class)
  • Course Activities/Blog
  • Post-Course Prospectus – Build a theoretical research PPT on your piece of the lit review. (10-12 slides) (TWO WEEKS AFTER CLASS)
  • Documents/ Collaboration – work with your group
  • Presentation/ Portfolios/ Non-linear
  • DUE: Research Group Signup, Initial Research, Quizzes 1, 2, 3, Blog Post

0954 still no lights . . . anxiety level continues to climb . . .

1015 moved to 4046 for brief on dissertation . . .

Then to lunch

1330 – restart coursework

What is effective technology integration?

Why do we teach the way we do? Are we just used to it? Is it the way we were taught? Do we recognize what they already know? Or do we simply expect them to know?

Ideally, we would put teachers and programmers together for this purpose, but the cost effectiveness has not been shown.

Davism “The purpose of technology in education is to make the process of learning more efficient.” Dr. Holder

It isn’t what you have, but what you do with it that matters. Computers don’t make learning easier, but better pedagogy allows for more effective learning. Learning ability can be manipulated via technology for individual learning needs. The technology can identify and develop skills as needed.

The Christian Worldview:

== recommend the 50/50 rule, spend $.50 on hardware; spend $.50 in training. Hard to get money just for training.

== if technology makes things more efficient, consider parenting, consider the reality ofdiversity parenting

== volume has value . . .

What should teachers know, technology-wise? Why?

What should students know, technology-wise? Why?

What should educational administrators, etc. know technology-wise? Why?

Students need to identify as well as solve problems.