The Deanne Reynolds Career Development Award 2016
The Deanne Reynolds Career Development Awardis an award for excellence in the provision of career education in schools. The Award seeks to encourage, promote and recognise the work of career development practitioners who achieve and/or contribute to increasing the educational engagement and attainment of young people and to improve their transition to post school education, training and/or employment.It is open to career practitioners in schools and colleges across government and non government schools, both primary and secondary. The Award is for outstanding contribution to career development during the previous 12 months (commencing in July of the previous year). It is open to both individual career practitioners as well as teams of career practitioners who work together to provide quality career development services in schools. The winner/s will be determined on the basis of written responses against the selection criteria. The same selection criterion applies for both the Individual Career Development Award and the Team Career Development Award.
Eligibility for nomination for the Deanne Reynolds Career Development Award
Nominationsfor teacher/s are welcome from school executive, colleagues, parents, community members, businesses and students. Nominations may also be made by an individual (self-nomination).
- Nominees must be currently employed in an ACT school
- Nominees must be made aware that they have been nominated
- In cases of self-nomination, a referee statement is required
- Nominations shall be made on the prescribed Nomination Form and submitted by the closing date Friday 24 June 2016
- Nominations are strictly confidential and will be judged by a panel appointed by the
ACT Education Directorate - The recipient/s of this Award will be notified by 22 July 2016 so that they can arrange to be in attendance for the official presentation of the Award at the opening of the CareersXpo.
Deanne Reynolds Career Development Award – Prizes
The Deanne Reynolds Career Development Award is sponsored by the ACT Education Directorate and the Canberra Business Chamber.
The prize for the Individual Career Development Award:
- $500 to go towards professional development in the career development field
- A framed Certificate of Recognitionfor excellence in the provision of career education in schools.
The prize for the Team Career Development Award:
- $500 to go towards professional development in the career development field
- A framed Certificate of Recognitionfor excellence in the provision of career education in schools.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will consist of a representative from the following organisations:
- The ACT division of the Career Development Association of Australia
- Canberra Business Chamber
- The ACT Education Directorate.
Nominations for the Award
Nominations for the Deanne Reynolds Career Development Award2016 are now open. There are three selection criteria. Responses to each selection criteria should be typed in size 12 font on the nomination form provided. Responses are to be limited to 500 words per selection criteria.
Nominations forms are available by contacting:
Pene ButtMelanie Selems
6205 78736205 7920
Nominations should be submitted in hard copy by Friday 24 June 2016 to:
Transitions and Careers
ACT Education Directorate
GPO Box 158
Alternatively, nominations may be hand delivered to:
Transitions and Careers
ACT Education Directorate
51 Fremantle Drive