Iredell Statesville Schools
Check In/Check Out Program Training for all School Staff
CICO Roles:
CICO Coordinator= School Counselor
CICO Advisor= If a student picks another staff member to be their CICO person they will be called a CICO Advisor
The goals for the first five days of CICO are that the student, parents and teachers become familiar with the program and that the student experiences success. Specifically:
- The student understands the use of the CICO sheet and the reinforcement system.
- Reinforcement incentives decided and agreed upon by student and Advisor prior to starting CICO- if student earns 80% or better, incentives are given at check out every day. Record incentives on CICO Agreement.
- The student uses the CICO sheet during the day and receives points for positive behavior. Students receive a daily incentive at check out for using his CICO Daily Sheet. This incentive is non-contingent on daily behavior.
- Teachers,CICO Advisors, and all who are involved in check ins and check outs during the day are supportive, encouraging, and positive with the student.
- CICO Advisors check out at the end of the day and records students point totals and percentage on Individual Student CICO Record.
- Parents know how students are doing each day when they receive the CICO Daily Home Report and sign. Student returns signed copy to their CICO Advisor the next morning at check in.
Example of CICO daily process with student:
Check in: Immediately at the start of school day Johnny goes to check in with CICO Advisor (or CICO Coordinator)
- If any other students are with CICO Advisor, Johnny knows to wait patiently so he can get his one on one time with his Advisor.
- Other student leaves and its Johnny’s turn. He immediately turns in his CICO Home Report from previous day that has been signed. CICO Advisor gives him a new CICO daily sheet each morning during check in.
- CICO Advisor goes over each goal EVERY morning. Reminds Johnny to work for 80% or better. Provides positive encouragement to start Johnny’s day on the right foot.
- **Example’s of what to say vs. what not to say at check in can be found in binder**
- End check in with high 5s, smiles, jokes, etc. “I can do it” attitude!
- Student carries CICO Daily Sheet throughout the day and hands it to his teacher at the start of the day (elementary) or each class period (middle or high school).
- The student retrieves their CICO Daily Sheet after each class and receives feedback from their teacher related to their target goals listed on their CICO Daily Sheet.
- Teachers provide positive feedback or reminders to get back on track.
Check out: Johnny reports to CICO Advisor at designated time at end of day.
- Again, waits his turn for one on one time if other students are with his CICO Advisor.
- When its Johnny’s turn, he gives CICO Advisor his CICO Daily Sheet, and Advisor totals and completes CICO Home Report for parent/guardian to sign. Discuss if daily goals were met.
- CICO Advisor holds onto CICO Daily Sheet, gives Johnny CICO Home Report, and celebrates successes of the day. If Johnny earned 80% or better he is given incentive earned.