·  Demographic information based on 0.5; 1.0; 10 mile radius of downtown center 8th and Scott for Real Estate / Commercial Developers and Investors

·  Under contract to develop a new website with ability to interact with the City of Wichita Falls, Wichita Falls CVB, MPEC, and Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce and Industry websites as well as the city web ‘portal’ site.


·  Pride in the Falls Campaign continues with:

1.  New website designs complementary to each other and coordinated with the site.

2.  Working with fd2s on a Signage and Way finding Plan for the City of Wichita Falls

3.  The Task Force comprised of 20 local business owners, leaders, students, and citizens have said that Yes, we should continue the Pride in the Falls campaign for years 4, 5, and 6 to begin 2013. The third and final year of the original campaign will end in November 2012.

·  Promotion of downtown businesses; dissemination of information to inquiries regarding various agencies, businesses, properties, and opportunities for investment. Inquiries regarding downtown properties are referred to local property owners as they meet criteria

·  Site visits with prospective downtown clients to tour various buildings for projects

·  Work with downtown nonprofits to help secure funding thru grant research and applications.

·  Media information to keep Wichita Falls informed as to the opportunities and possibilities in downtown.

·  Annual Events 2011, brought more than 25,000 to the downtown. Fun events like the annual St Patrick’s Downtown Street Festival, unusual Downtown Proud Cajun Fest and the beloved Annual City Lights Christmas Parade and Festival drew visitors from all over the Texoma area. Our new event for 2011 was the Zombie Crawl and Survivor 5K Run held downtown in October. Great new venue for DWFD.

·  DWFD and the City of Wichita Falls CVB presented an application to the Texas Downtown Association for the Annual Texas Downtown Association Conference to be held in November, 2012. We received notification of the award at the July TDA Board meeting. This will bring approximately 175-225 people to Wichita Falls for the annual conference. In November 2010 Austin School Lofts won the President’s Award for Best Adaptive Reuse at the Annual Conference. In 2011, the Pride in the Falls Marketing Campaign is a finalist for the President’s Award for the Best Marketing Program, to be announced in Nacogdoches at the Annual 2011 Conference.

·  Assist the Downtown Merchants Association with quarterly events to bring shoppers/consumers to the downtown business district.

·  DWFD Economic Development committee is pursuing the acquisition of a building downtown for renovation and attraction of new business.

·  Staff serves as voting member of the NorTex Economic Development Council at the request of Judge Wood Gossom and the Wichita County Commissioners.

·  Received $50,000 grant from the 4A Economic Development Board for the sustainability of DWFD programs and organization and received local foundation grants for the purpose of marketing and promotion of downtown Wichita Falls.

·  2011 Membership campaign resulted in new memberships and increased membership contributions.

·  Joined with the CVB to create “rack” cards and brochures to promote downtown member businesses. Promotions will be placed in hotels, restaurants, travel centers, etc.

·  DWFD actively serves on committees for several downtown events put on by other non-profit organizations.

Please return this form and your check, payable to DWFD, Inc. Also, please be sure to email a jpeg file of your logo to: so that it may be listed alongside your information on our website.

Member Name (For Publication): ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Contact Person(s)/Title(s): ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail(s): ______

**this is the most cost effective way for us to communicate with you. Don’t have email address? Contact the office so that we may work out another option for communication.

Company Website: ______

Revitalization $2,000 and up Member Listing linked to member website; email updates regarding downtown; opportunities for co-op

Champion advertising; free listing of buildings or properties for sale on website; other advertising opportunities through e-blasts and social media; discounted ticket prices to all DWFD events (if bought from DWFD office) and (4) free ticket to St. Pats and (6) free tickets to Cajun Fest; opportunity for free 10X10 booth space at all festivals (4); listed as a Major Sponsor at all festivals; (2) event t-shirts from all festivals.

Patron $500 - $1,500 Member Listing linked to member website; email updates regarding downtown; opportunities for co-op advertising; free listing of buildings or properties for sale on website; other advertising opportunities though e-blasts and social media; discounted ticket prices to all DWFD events (if bought from DWFD office) and (2) free ticket to St. Pats and (4) free tickets to Cajun Fest; opportunity for free 10X10 booth space at 3 festivals; listed as a sponsor at (3) festivals and (2) shirts per sponsored event.

Promoter $300 - $499 Member Listing linked to member website; email updates regarding downtown; opportunities for co-op advertising; free listing of buildings or properties for sale on website; other advertising opportunities though e-blasts and social media; discounted ticket prices to all DWFD events (if bought from DWFD office) and (1) free ticket to St. Pats and (2) free tickets to Cajun Fest; opportunity for free 10X10 booth space provided at your choice of (2) festivals.

Friend $100 - $299 Member Listing linked to member website; email updates regarding downtown; opportunities for co-op advertising; free listing of buildings or properties for sale on website; other advertising opportunities though e-blasts and social media; discounted ticket prices to all DWFD events (if bought from DWFD office); opportunity for (1) free 10X10 booth space at either St. Pat’s, Cajun Fest or City Lights festivals.

Contributor $50 - $99 Member Listing linked to member website; email updates regarding downtown; opportunities for co-op advertising; free listing of buildings or properties for sale on website; other advertising opportunities though e-blasts and social media; discounted ticket prices to all DWFD events (if bought from DWFD office)

***A member in good standing may email upcoming events/specials or other information about their business and DWFD (upon its discretion) will forward information to members and post it on FB. Please email:

Please Return with Check: Make Check payable to: DWFD, Inc.

Please Mail to: 719 Scott Street

Suite 418

Wichita Falls, TX 76301

Enclosed is my check for $______

*We are unable to accept credit card payments at this time.

DWFD, Inc. has been designated a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; therefore your membership investment is tax deductible to the extent the law allows. An acknowledgement of receipt will follow.

For More Information:

Phone: 940-322-4525 Fax: 940-322-4526