Date:Thursday 12th February 2015

Venue:Hurley Group Lister Medical Centre, Conference Room

Attending from the Lister Group Practice:

  • Aritri Mukherjee
  • Anita Owusu-Aninakwah
  • Sara from Allerton Road (Hurley Group)

Attending members of the Patient Group;

  • Ariti Mukherjee (AM)
  • Anita Owusu-Aninakwah (AOW)
  • Peggy Covey (PC)
  • Esmerell Henry (EH))
  • Yvette Mckenzie (YM)


  • Leroy Bailey (LB)
  • Roz Austin (RA)
  • Christine John (CJ)
  • Emma Jane Beadle (EB)
  • Alice Jones (AJ)
  • Patricia Clarke (PC)

Welcome members

  • Introduction to all members.
  • Welcome to Sara, Practice Manager of Allerton Road based in Hackney, part of the Hurley Group.

PPG Feedback questionnaire

  • Members completed questionnaire and handed in reception area.

Action: AOW to locate questionnaire and compile a report.

Priority areas of development

  • Patient engagement – Discussed possible times to change PPG meeting time to allow those who are working to attend. Discussed other ways to encourage patients to join the PPG. PC unable to attend in PPG meetings in the evening.

Action: AO text messages to be circulated to all patients registered at the practice, to form a A5 poster inviting to next meeting on 19th March.

  • Continuity of Care- PPG felt that they were still being seen by various doctors who they did not know. Discussed a new salaried General Practitioner advertisement that has already gone out.

Action: AM to keep patients informed of new salaried GP

  • Appointments- PPG felt that the waiting time for a booked appointment is still too long (7 working days).

Did not Attend (DNA) rates have significantly fallen from 11% to 8%. This is still a problem however has improved since enforcing a strict DNA policy.

Dr Baqai has extended her sessions to increase the amount of appointments offered.

Action: AOA to place DNA poster at reception and noticeboard.

Feedback of key issues to Locality Patient Participation

  • Identified key concern areas with communication between hospital and Gp services with reference to Discharge summaries. Electronic Document Transmissions (EDT) are received to the GP from Kings College Hospital, St Thomas and Guys. GP names needs to be correct from the hospital end for documents to be sent to the correct place.

New Health Centre opening in Dulwich (near Dulwich hospital)

  • Brand new health centre will be on the South East corner of the current Dulwich Hospital site with easy access from both East Dulwich Grove and East Dulwich station. Next step of process is deciding how building will be funded.

New Staff

  • Rosemary Lawrence is our new Healthcare Assistant who will work Wednesdays and Fridays.

Action: AM to follow up and update on new salaried GP

Patient Questionnaire/ Centralised Complaints

  • Sara discussed the introduction of a centralised complaints service whereby patients are able to contact a central place to raise their concerns/complaints.
  • Acknowledgement of complaint should be received within 3 days. A response should be received within 10 days from acknowledgement.
  • Sara explained the normal NHS complaints procedure. PPG agreed that face to face was a more viable concept to discuss their concerns rather than the phone.
  • Education days to be introduced at Lister to encourage engagement with Guest speakers, e.g Diabetes seminar

Action: Anita to follow up and feedback on general consensus amongst other patients in regards to a centralised complaints service.

Planned Healthcare Activity

  • PPG have agreed a healthcare activity to take place in April. This will be around Childhood Obesity and cover oral health and healthy eating.

Action: AO to organise health activity and resources by next meeting for PPG members to view.


  • Newsletter ; Ideas needed to what information to put in the quarterly.

Action: AO to formulate clinical information for the newsletter

PPG to provide information for the newsletter.

  • Inter Health. We are now collecting unused medicines to send over to Africa.

Action: AO to create poster to inform all patients of this initiative


Next Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 19th March at 6pm

Action: AOA to create and circulate the meeting agenda.