Meeting Notes

Downtown Action Alliance

October 28, 2009

Partners in Attendance: Alison Fried, BID; Joan Redeen, BID; Julie Duffy, BID; Steve Malicott, Chamber; Greg Doyon, City Manager; Carol Lindseth, CVB; Kevin Williams, DGFA; Sue Ferrin, DGFA; Sharon Virgin, GF Realtors; Terry Stevenson, GF Realtors; Brett Doney, GFDA; Robert Smith, Vista; Ellen Sievert, HPO; Patty Cadwell, Neighborhood Councils (NC); Sheila Rice, NeighborWorks (NW); Carol Bronson, Weed & Seed (WS); Brian Kaufman

I.  Call to order: Alison called the meeting to order at 9:04am.

II.  Introductions: Introductions were made.

III.  Purpose of the Downtown Action Alliance: Alison explained the premise behind the BID initiating the Downtown Action Alliance. The general idea is to be holding a regular conversation, keeping each partner aware of what all of the other partners are currently doing. In regard to the Memorandum of Understanding, the BID simply wants each partner to ask themselves what they are already doing that is part of downtown. Make each partner aware of what your organization is already doing so that we can all assist each other in completing these tasks to better our downtown. Essentially every meeting each partner will report on what they are working on in regard to downtown. The BID wants to continue to have this regular conversation, which is why each partner has been invited.

IV.  Partner Reports:

a.  BID: The Board of the BID has approved our commitments to the DAA. The BID will provide organization of the Downtown Action Alliance; agendas, meeting notes, e-mail notifications, scheduling & running of the monthly meetings. This is an ongoing goal. The BID is continually working on beautification efforts downtown. We continue to seek out ways to improve our downtown. We will be replanting 39 dead/dying trees within the BID by next summer.

b.  No one was present at the meeting from Cascade County.

c.  Chamber: The Chamber can promise to be a faithful partner. Steve would like to see the DAA eventually establish specific goals. He wonders why the BID is so small; perhaps a project that the DAA takes on is growing the BID. The Chamber held their board meeting this morning, 1st meeting of their new fiscal year that runs from October to September. They adopted their Strategic Plan with five Core Competencies that include business advocacy, supporting the military, partnerships, and leadership. The Chamber wishes to reach out and be partners. They held their first Oktoberfest and it was very successful, this will become an annual event. They are holding their quarterly luncheon today. Their annual banquet will be held in January where they will recognize the Business of the Year.

d.  City of Great Falls: Elections are Tuesday. Greg believes that our elected officials need to understand groups like the DAA. New City Planner has started work. He is external for a few weeks. We also have a new building official for permits. Last year’s Leadership Great Falls class is working on the Vision Xpo. They are getting feedback from the community, asking what value people see in Great Falls. They are focusing on the long term vision. It is an evolving process and will culminate in the final Xpo next spring.

e.  CVB: In listening to others Carol L feels that the work that goes on is often not acknowledged. She suggested that perhaps the DAA could implement some sort of monthly or quarterly award program, recognizing the efforts and work that takes place. Carol Bronson also added that she heard these same things at the recent Government Roundtable hosted by the Vision Xpo. She heard that people want to know what is going on downtown, they want information. Alison added that this goes back to our main purpose in holding these meetings each month. If each partner attends the monthly DAA meetings we have a better base of knowledge of each other’s activities. We share this knowledge with others and more people will be aware. As each one of us represents a different organization and base of people (members), each one of us is tasked with educating our organizations and members on what each partner is doing and how it all relates. Greg commented that we need to use some key buzz words, “partnering with” or “collaborating with”. Alison believes that we are giving each other a great deal of power by attending these monthly meetings and holding these regular conversations with each other. Carol L suggested that we create a sub-committee within the DAA to provide recognition. Alison reminded everyone to communicate with their organizations on what each partner is doing, if we continue to do this it will be a good thing. Greg commented on the ability of this group to build synergy and excitement. Attend each other’s meetings, talk about the good things. Re-tool our brain to think about the positive and talk about the positive. Be part of the good things. Alison reminded everyone to think about the number of people that we represent. This group has the ability to talk and make change happen. Carol L noted that the CVB wants to make a positive impact at City Commission meetings. She believes the notes from the DAA meetings will be helpful. Greg commented that the negativity at meetings affects everyone; anything that can be done in a positive manner will be appreciated. Carol L said that the CVB wants to give praise & kudos to the City. They recently had a familiarization (FAM) trip via Travel Montana. The focus was on our downtown, with a writer from Calgary. They are hoping the trip will generate positive press. The CVB will be conducting more FAM trips. They will be attending the National Association in Reno in November. Rocky Mountain International (RMI) will be held in Great Falls in April 2010. The theme is Spirit of the Buffalo. This is European tour operators. They often use Great Falls as a one night stop, but CVB is hoping to encourage them to see Great Falls as a destination. Their new employee that they will share with TBID will start on 11/2. Their office is located in the JCCS building.

f.  DGFA: Kevin informed everyone that DGFA has committed to working on a five-year marketing plan for downtown. The first meeting of this committee was held yesterday. Kevin provided everyone present with copies of the notes from that meeting. He noted that each of the four arms of the marketing campaign begin with the phrase, “To promote…” We have an MBA candidate at the U of M who is going to assist in creating this campaign. The goal is to create a recognizable brand for downtown. The committee will meet again in a few weeks. Sue reported that she is working on gathering coupons from members for the coupon book. The goal is to have 50 coupons. They will print 6,000 books and the majority of them will be distributed to hotels for long-term guests. DGFA held their potluck last night with a guest speaker who spoke about the Buy Local Program. One key point from the speaker was that business retention is far more important than business attraction. Educating consumers about keeping money local. It is an inexpensive program to buy into. DGFA is looking at joining. The program would provide the promo materials and marketing campaign. They also provide a means to decorate empty store fronts. Sheila mentioned that DGFA is thinking that it would be started downtown, but it has the potential to expand to be City or County wide later on. Sue likes that DGFA can join and the members don’t have to buy in individually. This campaign is a means to bring a lot of independent businesses together and educate the community on why they should buy local. DGFA is sponsoring the Safe Trick or Treat on Friday October 30th from 3 to 5pm. The costume contest will take place in Times Square. The Christmas Stroll and Parade of Lights are being held on December 4th. Santa’s Village will be in Times Square. The stroll will run from 5 to 9pm with the parade happening at 6pm. Brian added his thoughts about the timing for downtown being right. He has seen nothing but positives with the BID and DGFA working so well together. The BID encompasses about 10% of the HUB zone. We need to create traffic flow. He believes that the timing is right to do something bigger and better. Other cities have these various entities under one umbrella; one person is in charge of generating investment, generating lead. We need to make an investment in a lead generator. We need to clean up the corridor; it is a strong, vibrant corridor. We need to create a strong, vibrant life with night life as well. He sees great opportunity to actually get things off the ground and get things done. Between the BID and DGFA we have a great opportunity right now.

g.  First Friday Art Walk: Sue informed everyone that this is the beginning of the third year of First Friday Art Walk. It was developed to promote artists. The trolley makes itself available to transport people between the different venues. November 6th is the next Art Walk. DGFA has encouraged businesses to stay open late, providing advertising. Over 16 retailers have agreed to stay open on November 6th. Sue suggested that we invite either Jenny Dodd or Chuck Fulcher to attend the DAA meetings – while still providing copies of meeting notes to Tim Austin.

h.  GF Realtor’s Association: Terry thanked everyone present for the invitation to join the DAA. But she also asked why the Realtor’s Association was invited. She noted that before the GFRA can commit to anything they need to understand what the DAA might want from them. She brought Sharon Virgin, the owner of American Realty Group, as she chairs the Image Committee. She commented that from our first meeting notes the phrase “workforce housing” stuck out for them. They have been tasked with creating a workforce housing summit by next spring. They want partners and sponsors. They need to define workforce housing. The GFRA would like to invite everyone present to join them/participate in their conversations about workforce housing. They have received a template from Billings, the goal there was to identify issues in the community with getting workforce housing developed and retaining it. They are not just concerned about downtown. Sharon commented that they are hosting a meeting tomorrow. Asking for 3-5 issues that are concerns for Great Falls. Terry added that they are receiving a grant to put on these summits; it is considered continuing education for real estate agents. They are taking it very seriously that Great Falls needs workforce housing; providing median income housing opportunities. Kevin noted that in order to retain the Hub zone designation a certain percentage of people must live and work within the Hub zone. He said that he’d like the Realtor’s association to work with us on directing folks to live and work downtown and the DAA as a whole could continue to work on the cleaning up the blight. Terry noted that several of their agents have rental units within the downtown area, so the agents do invest in cleaning up downtown as well. Brett commented that eventually downtown will not qualify and that is actually a good thing as that would show that we are progressing. Terry asked that the DAA work on educating the Realtor’s Association on what the Hub zone is. They hold weekly meetings at their office; they always have a guest speaker. We are welcome to come and educate the realtors. She noted that if our members are not educated on what we are doing that is where the negativity comes from. She also made everyone aware that the GFRA has meeting space available if we needed to use their space for our monthly meetings.

i.  GFDA: Brett informed everyone that their Executive Committee approved their commitments to the DAA. Brett provided a copy of their MOU to everyone present. GFDA has been paying a membership fee to national Main Street and they will continue to do that. Brett provided everyone present with many copies of the Main Street publication. A new restaurant is opening downtown at the Quality Inn within the next two weeks. They are working with Shai Workman on the development of the first floor of the Montana building. They have had a lot of requests for market data, which is a challenge. Robert has interviewed over 30 people in regard to the downtown master plan. He is working on finishing the grant for the master plan – defining the scope. GFDA has an investor considering some downtown development. Robert is working on compiling a new packet of information; showing potential properties and new downtown development. He is still working on getting downtown more connected with signage. Brian suggested that if they are looking into downtown signage they should look into putting a kiosk on the corner of each block with a map of downtown and listings of events. Brett noted that once the EDA grant (master plan) is complete Robert will be tasked with a way-finding CTEP grant application to connect all hot spots downtown; this grant will be submitted next spring with the next round of CTEP applications. Brett informed everyone that GFDA is talking up their downtown loan fund. They should be closing on their first loan by the end of November. The Quality Inn is owned by a couple from Phoenix, they have recently completed $1.4 million in renovations inside their building. Brett suggested that they need to do something outside and make people aware of the improvements they have invested in.

j.  Historic Preservation: Ellen informed everyone that the basic premise behind Historic Preservation is not to dwell in the past but to identify what is important in the community, evaluate it and protect it. Creating the Central Business Historic District in 2004 allowed the property owners within the district to qualify for tax credits. The state of Montana was the only state to set aside funding from the stimulus funds for historic preservation. There is $3.6 million available in the fund with projects that total over $20 million. It will be a very competitive application process. Applications are due by 11/16, Ellen is aware of at least 10 applications in the process. Ellen is still encouraging people to submit applications so that the state is made aware of the need. The Rocky Mountain Building is submitting for windows and has the potential for a roof very soon. Ellen attended the Main Street Montana conference. She attended a talk entitled “Your Building as a Billboard”. She said that people have eight seconds to decide if they will walk into your building. The Montana Main Street Program Advisory Committee is meeting in early December. They would like to know how the Main Street program can help Great Falls. Greg commented that his experience shows that successful Main Street programs have full-time directors; he has found that it can’t be done successfully with a half-time person. Ellen informed everyone that the Montana Historical Society annual conference was two weeks ago, and it was hosted by Great Falls. All of the Historic Preservation officers from throughout the state were here. Carol L inquired about whether or not there is a way to be sure our historical buildings have adequate fire protection. Greg mentioned that we’d need to ask the fire marshal this question.