Brian and His Bike Series:

My School


Places and Activities


School Days

Key Stage Targets

To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

-to converse about feelings, interests, ideas, experiences and plans (I.D.b)

-to interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities such as matching and to follow simple instructions(K.D.b)

-to recognize some obvious features of the English Language in simple spoken and written texts such as the sound patterns of English (K.D.f)

-to develop an awareness and an enjoyment of the basic sound patterns of English in imaginative texts through activities such as participating in singing songs (E.D. a)

Programme Outline

Walking past a school and seeing the pupils having a great time in the playground, Ted the Teddy Bear expresses his desire to go to school and be a pupil there. Billy the Bike stresses that there is not a school for teddy bears.

One day, Brian needs to go to GreenwellSchool to fix the lights. Ted can’t wait to go to the school together with Brian. When he is inside the school, he is so excited that he goes around everywhere. What does he see in school? What adventures does he have there?

Learning Outcomes

  1. pupils learn about the names of the different rooms in a school
  2. pupils will be able to talk abouttheir school day
  3. pupils understand that school is a place to learn, to make friends and to have fun

Language Focus

  1. Use nouns or noun phrases to identify people e.g. This is my music teacher.
  2. Use proper nouns to refer to places e.g. This is the Music Room.
  3. Use the simple present tense to describe actions e.g. We paint and draw pictures.

Suggested Activities

  1. Motivate the class by asking the pupils to talk about their school days. Teachers can ask pupils to talk about their favourite subject and their favourite place in the school e.g. the library, the music room, etc. Teachers can also ask pupils what they enjoy doing most in school.
  1. Briefly introduce the programme outline to the pupils. Ask pupils to guess what places that Ted goes to in a school and what adventures that he is going to have in the school.
  1. Encourage pupils to sing along the Hello Song together with the characters in the programme. Encourage pupils to follow the lyrics and do the appropriate actions. Teachers can ask pupils to think of other actions like tap my shoulders, wiggle and giggle, etc to replace the actions in the song.
  1. Encourage pupils to talk about their school. Ask them to choose a favourite place of the school and explain why he likes that place and what he usually does there.

Copymaster 1

My School

Part 1

My School

What are these places? Write out the names of these places. Choose from the words in the box below.

Are there these places in your school? Put a ( √) in the spaces if there is one in your school.

classroom, library, playground, music room

______room ( ) /
a ______( )

the ______( ) /
the ______( )

Copymaster 2

My School


Part 2a

What is your favourite place in school?

  1. Which place (room) do you like best in your school?


  1. What do you like to do there?


Part 2b

  1. Do you like going to school?


  1. What do you like to do best in school?


Copymaster 3

My School


Sing Along

I want to clap my hands when I see you

I want to clap my hands today

I want to clap my hands and then I stop

“How are you today?”

I want to stamp my feet when I see you

I want to stamp my feet today

I want to stamp my feet and then I stop

“How are you today?”

I want to say hello when I see you

I want to say hello today

I want to say hello and then I stop

“How are you today?”