Arts Micro Grants Scheme 2015/16

For sums of £500 only



Please retain the notes (p1-5) for your records. Do not return them with your application.








Funding criteria

Eligibility criteria

General exclusions

Protecting children, young people and vulnerable groups





This application form is for use by groups/organisations wishing to apply to Bath & North East Somerset Council for funding via the Arts Micro Grants Scheme.

This funding is only awarded to support arts projects.

These £500 grants are available only for arts projects. Projects must:

·  Address the aims and objectives set out on p2-3 of this application pack.

·  Meet the Council’s funding criteria set out on p4 of this application pack.

·  Take place between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016.

Your project or activity can be as short or as long as it needs to be – anything from a few hours to several days or weeks.

This form can be made available in a range of accessible formats and can be translated into other languages if required. If you have any problems filling out the form please call the Arts Development Team for advice on 01225 396432.


Who can apply

Any voluntary sector (‘not for profit’) group or organisation which is properly constituted and has its own bank account. See Guidelines - eligibility criteria on p4 -5 of this application pack.

How much money you can apply for

Micro Grants are awarded for a fixed sum of £500 only

How to apply

By email to , using the form provided which starts on p6 of this application pack.

When to apply

The quarterly deadline dates for application are listed below.

If you apply by this deadline / We will tell you if you have been successful on
28 February 2015 / Tuesday 31 March 2015
31 May 2015 / Tuesday 30 June 2015
31 August 2015 / Wednesday 30 September 2015
30 November 2015 / Thursday 31 December 2015

Please note these deadlines carefully as no exceptions will be made for applications that are submitted after the deadline. Funding cannot be awarded for work that has already begun prior to the date for notification of funding.

All funded projects should be completed by 31 March 2016.

How applications are assessed

All grant applications will be assessed by officers from Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Arts Development team.

If you are successful

We will notify you by email using the details provided on your application form. Your grant of £500 will be paid in two instalments: £450 will be paid immediately. The balance of £50 will be paid after we receive your completed end of project report form, see p13-14 of this application pack. All payments will be made by BACS using the bank details provided in your application form. Successful applicants may not apply again to this funding scheme during the financial year 2015-16.

If you are not successful

If the timescale of your project permits, you may apply again to this funding scheme by a later deadline. However, we strongly recommend that you contact the Arts Development Team for advice before submitting a further application.


This funding is only awarded to support arts projects. The activity for which you are seeking Council funding must:

o  Address at least one of these three aims

o  Reaching new audiences

Reaching new audiences might involve work that addresses the needs of a particular group or community that you do not normally work with or who do not normally take part in your activities. For example: children and young people, or people with physical or learning disabilities.

o  Making a difference

Making a difference refers to using the arts to address a clearly identified need or issue. This might include arts and health projects, or projects that respond to and highlight local history and heritage.

o  Delivering a legacy

Delivering a legacy refers to the lasting impact or change that will happen as a result of your project taking place. This might include making new artwork(s), helping people to gain new skills and abilities, or changing their perception of themselves and their community.


o  Achieve at least two of these five objectives

o  Encouraging people to take part

o  Animating public spaces – for example, through street theatre, live music, dance

o  Using art to respond to issues such as environmental sustainability, health and wellbeing

o  Providing community arts activity

o  Enabling people to develop new skills

If you are not sure whether your project meets these aims and objectives – please contact the Arts Development team to discuss on 01225 396432.


Describe your project on the form provided. Before filling in the form, think about:

o  Background information about your group or organisation

o  What is the project or activity that you want to do?

o  What evidence do you have that your project is needed?

o  Where it will take place?

o  When will it take place?

o  Who will be involved in running it / making it happen?

o  Who will take part in the project?

o  What do you think they will get out of doing it?

o  How will a B&NES Council grant of £500 help you make this project a success?

o  What other money and/or volunteer time is being put into this project? This can include the value of goods or services donated to the project that you would otherwise have to pay for.


When your project is finished we will want you to tell us about the impact and benefit of your work. You should do this using the attached End of Project Report form (pages 13-14).



·  Applications for funding must be to support arts projects.

·  Applications can be made quarterly from 28 February 2015 until 30 November 2016 and will be assessed according to the timetable on page 1 of this application pack.

·  Applicants must be voluntary sector (‘not for profit’) groups or organisations.

·  Groups or organisations applying do not need to be registered charities; however they must have a formal constitution / set of rules. You can find guidance about creating a constitution on the Funding Page of our website

·  Applicants will need to provide details of a bank account in the name of their group or organisation. Grants cannot be paid into an individual (personal or business) account.

·  We cannot process incomplete, or illegible, applications or those where the required supporting documentation is missing.

·  Groups or organisations are encouraged to apply in partnership but one group will be required to take a lead for contact and payment purposes.

·  No grants will be awarded retrospectively. We cannot fund work that has already taken place or purchases that have already been made

·  Applications may be for 100% of the cost of capital items such as costumes, props, musical instruments, etc.. You must tell us in your application why you need these items and what benefit they will bring to your project. You must provide a copy of a dated receipt for each capital purchase with your end of project report. If your purchases are not supported by a valid purchase receipt we may ask you to return all or part of the funding.

·  All applicants will be required to complete an end of project report form to show what was achieved as a result of receiving this money.

·  Projects must acknowledge Bath & North East Somerset Council’s support.

·  If you receive Council funding, the Council will publish details of your project and its outcomes on its website.

·  Successful applicants may not reapply during the financial year 2015-16. Only one award will be made per group/organisation, or partnership of groups/organisations, during this period.

·  Any unspent funding must be returned to Bath & North East Somerset Council

if it has not been spent within one year of being issued.


You must be able to answer YES to the following questions

·  Is the activity of your group/organisation non-statutory?
- By ‘non-statutory’ we mean services or activities which groups or organisations are not legally obliged or contracted to provide and which are not funded in whole or part by the Government.

·  Is your group constituted as a voluntary organisation?
- By ‘constituted as a voluntary organisation’ we mean managed by a board or a committee of people who are entirely voluntary (unpaid).

·  Is your group/organisation non profit distributing?
- By non profit distributing we mean that any profit from the activities of a group/organisation is retained and used to offset the legitimate costs of the group/organisation in carrying out and developing its core activity (rather than being accumulated for commercial gain, or paid as bonuses to directors or dividends to shareholders).

·  Does your group/organisation give fair and equal participation to all its members?

·  Does your group/organisation provide something that is of benefit to local people?

·  Does your activity or project take place in Bath and North East Somerset between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016?


·  You may not apply to this scheme if your organisation already receives any other arts funding from B&NES Council – grants or contract fees.

·  The Council does not fund individuals. Funding is only available to properly constituted voluntary sector groups and organisations.

·  The Council will not fund any group or organisation that seeks to promote or oppose any religion or political party.

·  Application to this fund is not open to: schools; colleges; Universities; statutory organisations; groups who are already in receipt of other B&NES Arts Development funding during 2015/16.


If your activity involves children, young people or vulnerable groups, such as people in care, elderly people or people with learning difficulties, you must be able to demonstrate that you will take adequate measures to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

Please supply a statement of the meaningful actions that will be taken by your organisation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable groups when they are participating in your activities.

In particular, you should refer to:

·  The contact details of a named, responsible person who leads on child protection for the activity

·  How you will ensure high standards in relation to child protection from freelance staff and contractors

·  How you will ensure that staff and volunteers are aware of best practice in respect of child protection

·  How you will make this statement accessible to users of your service, including parents and carers

If your activity involves regular and frequent interaction with children, young people and vulnerable groups then we strongly recommend that you contact Child-safe, a local charity that supports organised groups to ensure the safety of participants.

The Child-safe Clubright scheme offers free advice and support to groups and event organisers

If you require further information about protecting children, young people and vulnerable groups, please visit our web page.


Arts Micro Grants Scheme

For sums of £500 only

This application form is available in Microsoft Word for Windows only. It can be made available in other formats to meet access requirements and it can be translated. Type your answers in the boxes provided. If you cannot see your text then you have probably exceeded the word count.

1. Enclosures.

Please send copies of the following documents with your completed application form:

·  Constitution

·  A copy of your Safeguarding statement, if your organisation or project involves children, young people or vulnerable adults (see guidance notes page 5)

·  BACS payment form

2. Basic Information.

Name of activity or project.

Name of organisation or group.

Name of person completing form.

Position in organisation or group.

Contact address, postcode, phone number and e-mail address:

3. Describe your organisation and what it does. [250 words maximum]

4. Describe the project that you want us to fund.

What is the project or activity that you want to do? [250 words maximum]

What evidence do you have that your project is needed? [150 words maximum]

Where will your project take place? [50 words maximum]

When will your project take place? [50 words maximum]

Who will be involved in running / making your project happen? [150 words maximum]

Who will take part in the project? [150 words maximum]

What do you think they will get out of taking part? [150 words maximum]

How will a B&NES Council grant of £500 help you to make your project a success? [150 words maximum]

If the project costs are more than £500, where will the rest of the money come from? [150 words maximum]

5. To be eligible for funding, your project must address at least one of the following aims:

Please mark all that apply to your activity. You must mark at least one.

Reaching new audiences
Making a difference
Delivering a legacy

6. To be eligible for funding, your project must address at least two of the following objectives:

Please mark all that apply to your activity. You must mark at least two.

Encouraging people to take part
Animating public spaces
Using art to respond to issues such as environmental sustainability, health and wellbeing
Providing community arts activity
Enabling people to develop new skills


The information given in this application and related enclosures is true and correct. I will tell you immediately if this information needs to be up-dated.