St. Ambrose Catholic Church Bazaar

1 World, 1 Faith, 1 Community

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chili Cook Off Team

Name of team______

Team Captain ______

Email Address & Phone number of Team Captain


Team Members & Phone numbers





Cost is $50 a team.

Please make check payable to St. Ambrose Catholic Church, 4213 Mangum Road, Houston, Texas 77092, Attn: Bazaar/Chili Cookoff.

Please see rules and regulations page. Please sign agreement and enclose it with your check.

St. Ambrose Catholic Church is conveniently located at 4213 Mangum Road in Houston, Texas. Teams are welcome for the the Chili Cookoff. Vendor booths are still available for indoor space. Sponsorships are also needed! Please see contact info below:

Sponsorship:Lori Woods

Vendors: Lori Woods

Chili Cookoff: Danna

2013 Chili Cookoff

Sponsored by St. Ambrose Catholic Church

April 28, 2013

SPACES will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. No space is considered reserved until we receive your payment and signed contract. Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you require confirmation; otherwise, your cancelled check will confirm your reservation.

ALL rental spaces are approximate. There is a limited amount of space available. No refunds will be given due to rain or other weather related conditions. Please bring your own canopy or tent, tables and chairs. Your booth space is approximately 10’ x 10’.

CHECK-IN for the Chili Cookoff will begin at 7:00 a.m. the morning of the Cookoff. You will be shown your reserved location at this time. Tents, tables and chairs can be set up immediately after check-in. All tents must be set up by 9:00 a.m. The Bazaar will begin at 11:00 a.m.

NO REFUNDS will be given for cancellations or for no-shows.

ALL FEES MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION. If you application is not approved, your check will be returned to you.

Exhibitor agrees to relieve sponsor from any and all liability resulting from fire, theft and/or accident of any cause. All property brought to the Bazaar and Chili Cook off area by the exhibitor will be at the risk and responsibility of the exhibitor/team.

The Chili Cook Off will close promptly at 3:00 p.m. Judging will be at 2:00 p.m., with awards presented immediately after winners are announced. Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning up their space and must be completely vacated by 8:00 p.m.


Entry Fee ~ $50.00 ~ One entry per contestant, one entry per team. Fee must accompany application and be received by April 28, 2013. All entry fees should be mailed to St. Ambrose Catholic School - Chili Cook Off, 4213 Mangum Road, Houston, Texas 77092.

Three Places will be awarded: First, People’s Choice and Best in Show (Most Spirited). Winners will be determined by the judges. The People's Choice Award will be determined by visitors sampling cups of chili for $3.00. The team with the most votes will be the People's Choice Winner. All money is donated to St. Ambrose Catholic Church.

CONTESTANTS MUST KEEP BOOTHS AS CLEAN AS POSSIBLE. All trash must be put in trashcans and emptied as necessary.

Teams must be set up at 9:00AM. A MANDATORY cooks meeting will be held at 10 AM. All head cooks must attend. Judging will be at 2:00PM. All teams must clean up their area by 8:00 PM.

CHILI COOKED ON SITE - All chili must be cooked from scratch on site, the day of the cook off. All chili must be prepared in the open, in your assigned booth. Meat may be cut up prior to start of contest.

CHILI COOKED FROM SCRATCH - "Scratch" is defined as starting with raw meat, which may be cut up prior to contest. Commercial chili powder is permissible, but complete commercial chili mixes ("just add meat" mixes that contain premeasured spices) are NOT permitted.

CHILI COOKER SITES - The Steps Kickoff Committee has final say over space assignments. All cookers are responsible for their own tables, shades and propane cookers (wood fires are not allowed).

NO FILLERS IN CHILI - Beans, macaroni, rice, hominy, or other similar ingredients are NOT permitted.

SANITATION - Cooks are to prepare and cook chili in as sanitary a manner as possible. INSPECTION OF COOKING CONDITIONS - Cooking conditions are subject to inspection by the head judge or his/her designee.

COOKS MAY HAVE TO TASTE THEIR CHILI - At the discretion of the head judge, chili cooks may be required to remove the lids from their chili cups and taste their chili before turning in for judging.

ONE CHILI PER COOK - Each head cook is REQUIRED to prepare a minimum of twocups of chili that he or she intends to be judged and turning in one judging cup from that pot.

PROTECT THE JUDGING CUP - Once judging cups have been issued, each head cook is responsible for his or her judging cup. Cooks must not remove or tamper with the numbers on the outside of the cups. Any marked or altered cup must be replaced prior to turn-in or it will be disqualified.

FILLING CUPS - Cups will be filled 3/4 full or to the level designated at the cooks' meeting.

CHILI TURN-IN - Chili will be collectedby a designated person from the committee. Do NOT bring your chili to the chili coordinator!

JUDGING CRITERIA AND SCORING - A single score takes into consideration the five criteria for scoring chili: Aroma, Consistency, Red Color, Taste and After Taste.

DOGS are not allowed in event area.

There is a special prize for Best in Show/Most Spirited Booth. The Theme of the St. Ambrose Bazaar is; 1 World, 1 Faith, 1 Community. The Bazaar Committee encourages you to decorate your booth and have fun!!

Participants/team members do not hold St. Ambrose Church, Bazaar Committee, Employees or Representatives responsible in case of injury or accident. St. Ambrose School and Church is not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment.

Any questions or comments, concerning Chili Cook off, please contact Danna Jankowski at or call 713 686 6990.

NO REFUNDS will be given for cancellations or for no-shows.

Exhibitor agreesto relieve sponsor from any and all liability resulting from fire, theft and/or accident of any cause. All property brought to the Chili Cookoff by the individual team members will be at the risk and responsibility of the exhibitor.

By signing the agreement, you agree to all the rules as stated above.

2013 St. Ambrose Catholic Church Bazaar

Date:Sunday, April 28th

Time:11:00 a. m. until 7:00 p.m

Place:St. Ambrose Catholic School

4213 Mangum Road

Houston, TX77092

St. Ambrose Catholic School does hereby rent to space(s) at the Chili Cook Off to be held on the above date on the grounds of St. Ambrose Catholic Church and School. St. Ambrose Catholic Church and School will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibitor’s/team’s equipment, fixtures or supplies from any cause whatsoever, either moving in to or from set-up or maintaining cook off area prior, during, or subsequent to the St. Ambrose Steps for Students Kickoff, nor be liable to team members, any employees, or guest of exhibitor, or any member of the public for any physical or personal injury suffered by any such party at this event. It is agreed that St. Ambrose Catholic Church and School will not be liable to the undersigned exhibitor for any loss or damages to property. My signature below indicates that I have read and will abide by the 2013St. Ambrose Catholic Church Chili Cook Off rules and regulations.


Captain Name


Phone ______


Team Members




Signature of Captain Date

For office use only

Check number ______

Date received ______

Received by ______

Approved by ______