Around the World

Don't miss the bus!

GASP is fifteen years old!

Around the World


/by Krzysztof Grabias/

Las Palmas is a city on the Canary Islands. Cristopher

Colubmus arrived there when he was going to America,

becouse his ships ( Santa Maria, La Niña, La Pinta )

were ruined. There is a museum of Christopher

Columbus in the house where he was staying. There is

also Sant Ana’s Cathedral, Sant Ana’s square,

the castle of light, a famous botanic garden and many more.

Poland and Warsaw in other countries

/by Krzysztof Grabias/

Poland in Kiribati

Kiribati is a country on the islands situated on the Pacific Ocean.

There is a little town in Kiribati called Poland.

At the beginning of 20th century Stanisław Pełczyński was working on an American ship transporting coconuts. When they arrived in Kiribati the residents of the island had problems with coconut plantations. Only Stanisław could help them. To thank him for saving the plantations they called this little town - Poland , in memory of Pełczyński. There is also The Bay of Stanisław and a church of St. Stanisław too.

Warsaws in America

In America there are many Warsaws, for example in such states as : Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Arkansas, and North Caroline. In the XIX and XX centuries a lot of Polish immigrants went to America looking for freedom and better life conditions. They still loved and missed their fatherland – Poland and, in memory of our country, they called many towns Warsaw.


The best day of my life : GASP interview

- when I met my cousins first time three years ago. ( Kacper K. V c )

- when my small brother was born on 8.10.2008 ( Jaś M. V c )

- our last Christmas with my grandmother. ( Kacper S. V b )

- the day before my birthday because I successfully trained climbing (nickname-chmura V b)

- when I was at the match FCB vs Athletico Madrid ( Rafał K. V b)

- when I got a scooter on Children’s Day ( Karolina W. Vb )

- when I got my dog Beti ( Hanna M. Vb )

- when I got my cat Greace ( Jaśmina J. Vb )

- when I finished the portrait of David Bowie ( Pani Marta Madejska )

- when my son was born (Pani Ania Korcz)

GASP news

GASP is fifteen years old!

Our school is fifteen years old. Gasp started in 2001. First we were a small school with a few students and teachers. Now, after 15 years, there are 320 students in our school!

Maja Kaczorowska and Ola Gottfried - Great success!

Our two GASP students were awarded in a well known school contest More Than Words Festival /Konkurs Rejonowy Poezji i Piosenki Angielskiej/

This year there was the 9th edition of More Than Words Festival. The students from the whole voivodeship Pomorskie took part in the Contest. Their performances were at a very high level and that’s why the Final Show in The Old Town Hall of Gdańsk was a great experience. It was really difficult to compete with such great performers and that is why we appreciate the success of Maja Kaczorowska (3rd place) and Ola Gottfried (extra prize – wyróżnienie)!


Hobby in GASP

MODELLING / by Jan Mikliński /

Modelling starts in human imagination. It has been so from the beginning of the world. At the moment many people build beautiful small dioramas or mobcaps, sharing their passion with others. The biggest mobcap in the World was built in Hamburg in a beautiful old warehouse Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg . It took 13t of steal and 33km of traction for trains. Over 30 computers and around 132 employees take care about it.

This group doesn’t consist of the people from art schools, but as you can see the final project is amazing.

Perheps you will be able to visit Miniatur Wunderland one day!

Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg

Fun Pages

/by Piotr Niekra/ QUIZ

Family Competition

What famous places can you recognize in the pictures? You can ask your parents for







If you want to win the prize, sand an email with the answers till the 30th of June to : The prizes in September!

Find the treasure /by Piot Niekra/

Instal this app to zap this


Newspaper Editors: - Krzysztof Grabias

-  Jan Mikliński

Distribution: - Aleksandra Chejmanowska

- Dominika Górny

Managing Editor: - Piotr Niekra

Teacher Advisor: - Ewa Snopek