February 26, 2014
Black Hall 228-19
ATTENDING: Gary Ballou, Rodney Bransdorfer, Bobby Cummings, Kayleen Durant, Ian Loverro, Kirk Mathias, Mark Oursland, Bruce Palmquist and Todd Shiver
UNABLE TO ATTEND:Ginni Erion, Ian Quitadamo, Keith Salyer, Beau Snow, and Crystal Weddington
GUESTS ATTENDING: Janet Finke (LL&SE), Chris Schedler (Multimodal Learning), Steve Stein (ETC), Heidi Henschel-Pellett (PES&PH), Mark Perez (PES&PH)
MEETING CONVENED: The meeting was called to order at 3:20PM by Bruce Palmquist.
CHANGES TO AGENDA: A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the agenda as presented.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the February 12th, 2014 minutes as presented.
Good news stories to be shared with the college, university, alumni and donors -- activity and advances in the programs that we are proud of and that others should know about, stories that show the IMPACT of what we do everyday -- partnerships and relationships that you believe should be celebrated to help share the story of our education programs
1.Volunteer Appreciation Celebration - April 10th , 2014 - 6pm-8pm at the Bahama Breeze in Tukwila
- Our Dean Connie Lambert looks forward to having a strong representation of all volunteer boards and groups from across the college at this event. We encourage you to join this evening celebration and network amongst other fabulous CWU volunteers.
- Please contact Michoan Spoelstra (963-1423) for more information
- RSVP by March 18th to ()
2.EHS Winter Musical - Annie Get Your Gun
- Two members of this council (Ian Loverro/Bruce Palmquist) have children performing in this musical. The performances will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30p.m. in the McConnell Auditorium.
- Steve Stein, Director-Educational Technology Center (Advanced Programs)
- Proposal for meeting Technology and Resource needs
- Steve gave a presentation that is intended to provide preliminary information regarding a proposal and ideally will be followed up with a discussion.
- Steve and the CTL Director would like the CTL Advisory Council to consider the following:
- Forming a committee to deal with the current technology and resource needs.
- This committee would be tasked with identifying needs, proposing a course of action, seek funding, andcontinue to develop a proposal for what the Black Hall needs are.
- Following discussion it was moved and seconded that there be the formation of an adhoc committee to make recommendations to the CTL Executive Board on immediate technology needs relative to teacher education programs. Motion was unanimously approved.
- Forming a CTL standing committee for the Educational Technology Center.
- The adhoc committee will be tasked with determining whether or not a standing committee is needed.
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chair, Mark Oursland)
The UCC recommends the approval of the below PES&PH Curriculum. The changes are to better align the program with WA state Health and Fitness standards.
- Physical Education and School Health, BS Program and Narrative Change Form
- PESH 300 New Course Form
- HED 326 Course Change Form
- HED 345 Course Change Form
- HED 431 Course Change Form
- PESH 348 Course Change Form
- PESH 350 Course Change Form
- PESH 358 New Course Form
- PESH 439 New Course Form
- PESH 458New Course Form
- PESH 447 New Course From
- It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the curriculum as proposed. Motion passed with 1-abstention.
- Adjuncts (this will be carried forward to the March 12th meeting)
- How can we support our adjuncts?
- What can we do to mentor our long term adjuncts?
- What can we do for those who are dropping in for two quarters?
- How can we work with other departments to make certain that positions get filled with the most qualified faculty?
- Addressing the policy for paying adjuncts between colleges, within a college, and within programs in a college, and make it equitable.
- edTPA – Handbook
- The February 12th Advisory Council policy recommendation will be on the February 24th CTL- Executive Board agenda for approval
- The Executive Board approved the Advisory Council’s edTPA Handbook policy
- CTL Advisory Council Adhoc Committee (this will be carried forward to the March 12th meeting)
- Program substitution proposals for the CTL Policy Manual
- CTL Website (Ian, Gary, Henry, Keith, and Janet)
- Landing Page recommendations from departments
- Mathematics in Elem Ed - It is very hard to navigate on the website and Windows Office is not helpful.
- Additional feedback will be provided at the March 12th meeting
- Lesson plan template format (PEAB Recommendation)
- At the February 12th meeting the council was directed to take the lesson plan template back to their programs for review and ask their faculty what they think about the components.
- Janet brought to the attention of the council that no council member has come to meet with her department. To help address this concern the following will occur:
- The Initial Program Coordinators will meet with their departments and report back to the CTL Director on what components they feel should be in every lesson plan.
- How is it going to be communicated across the board?
- Whenever there is a homework assignment, something should automatically go out to the targeted audience.
- CTL edTPA Visual design Ad-Hoc committee (Mark/Ginni)
- What components are used?
- The committee has no visual to present at this time.
- Are there components that are not assessed?
- edTPA remediation–Handout update (Ginni)
- Retake Candidates
- The Executive Board, at their February 24th meeting, approved the recommendation that teacher candidates be given 12 months to complete resubmission.
- Graduate Programs Committee (Chair, Kirk Mathias)
- Candidate Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention Committee (Chair, Ginni Erion)
- Diversity and Equity Committee (Co-chair, Bobby Cummings)
- Field Experience Office (Director, Gary Ballou)
- There are 14 Field Supervisors planning on taking edTPA training
- There is a strong need for both a TPA Coordinator and a Placement Coordinator
- Gary will be asking the Teacher Preparation PEAB to considerreimbursing Field Supervisorsfor their mileage expenses if they have a Top Ten Student Teacher of the Year, and are attending the reception.
- The council suggests that a faculty member who knows the Top Ten student fill in for the Field Supervisors that are unable to attend.
- Gary will be speaking about the Student Teaching Convocation at the Monday Night Seminar
- Spring applications for student teaching are at about 222. There are usually 20-40 students who have clearance issues. For this spring there were only 2. This is great news!
- Spring quarter student teaching convocation is scheduled for Friday April 4th, there will be three sessions, and will be DEd to all the Centers.
- Gary is seriously considering providing a convocationseries for EFC 330.
- Gary is glad that Field Supervisorshave been asked to invite cooperating teachers and principalsto attend the Volunteer Appreciation Celebration on April 10th
- Kirk Mathias reported that the 450 hour expectation is a heated battle and is not settled
- Elementary Education Program (TEACH Chair, Keith Salyer)
- Professional Education Program (EF&C Chair, Ian Loverro)
- Ian reported that there are 2 students that are moving forward in the InstructionalFoundations major program, and will hopefully be working on their practicum spring quarter. This is instead of student teaching so that they can get a degree in education without a teaching endorsement. In both cases, these are students who with encouragement have been counseled out of pursuing an endorsement. This is an option that the students are excited about. Career Services is part of this process and this extends to the Centers.
- Ian has been promotingsummer school amongst his students and he asks that other departments and programs do the same. Summer school is a great opportunity for students.
- Professional Education Advisory Boards (Connie Lambert)
- June 13th, Top Ten Student Teacher of the Year reception – 1PM in the Sue Dining Hall
- Apple Award Speaker: Jeff Charbonneau, National Teacher of the Year
ADJOURNMENT:The meeting was adjourned at 4:48PM
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, March 12th
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