Mid-Year PEIMS Business Extract

Mid-Year PEIMS Business Extract

Mid-Year PEIMS Business Extract


Presented by ESC, Region 14


Before starting:

  • Make sure all auditor’s entries have been posted to the prior year file ID in Finance
  • Audited fund balance is reported in the Mid-Year submission

Note: Federal funds should not have fund balances. Federal Fund balances should be recorded as due to or due from and not reported to PEIMS

  • From PEIMS > Maintenance > Organization, verify organization data. All new campuses and deleted campuses must be reported to ASKTed.
  • From TSDS > Options, verify Submission Year is 2018.
  • Verify that your Role in Security Administration has the TSDS checked and not italicized.

_____1. Create Crosswalks if necessary. If using FAR guidelines for accounting, there are no known crosswalks that will need to be completed this year. If needed, however, select Crosswalks, choose the desired crosswalk from the Crosswalk Table drop down, and Retrieve. Enter desired crosswalk data and Save.

_____2. Extract last year’s actual financial data fromExtracts > Mid-year

  • In the Method box, select Delete All & Add. This will delete all existing records that are still in PEIMS from last year’s submission, before adding new records to the PEIMS tables.
  • In the Year 1 box, enter File ID 7, Acct Period 9, Thru 8, Fiscal Year 7.
  • Click the Run button.

Note: If you spend new year federal funds in File ID 7 (ie. 211/8) you will need to add that info in the Year 2 box as follows:

Once the message is displayed indicating the extract is complete, click the PRINT button to view the results. You will click SAVE after reviewing the information.

Print or Save the report as we will use it to ensure that the process extracted the correct information.

Click Save and look for the message indicating that records were successfully written to PEIMS.

Finance – File ID C

____3. Retrieve Fund Balance information. From Finance > Inquiry > General LedgerInquiry, pull up object code 3XXX in File ID C. Look for auditor’s opening entries. Do not include budgetary offset 3700.


____4. Enter Fund Balances. FromTSDS > Maintenance > Finance Actual. Click the +Add. Enter each fund balance account,changing the fiscal year code to7,and entering the amount. Save your entries.

_____5. Verify campuses for Fiscal Year 7 from Maintenance > Organization > Prior Year Campuses tab

_____6. Verify Shared Service Arrangements for Fiscal Year 7 fromMaintenance >

Organization > Prior Year SSA tab.

The SSA tab will reflect SSAs as reported in the Fall PEIMS submission for Fiscal Year 8. Edit the record as necessary to reflect the Fiscal year 7 SSA’s. These entries should match what your fiscal agent is reporting in the SSA Actual Record for the Mid-year PEIMS submission.

_____7. If you are the Fiscal Agent for a Shared Service Arrangement (SSA), enter expenditures made on behalf of each member district fromMaintenance >Mid Year SSA Actual. Save all changes.

Note: These amounts should represent the amount spent on behalf of each member district, not the amount they sent to you.

NOTE: Any funds returned to member districts should be coded to object code 6493.

_____8. Print and proof reports. From Reports > Mid Year, print all Actual reports.

The actual reports must match the 16-17 Audit Report, as well as File ID 7 Finance.

From Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Summary/Misc. Reports > Board Reports (FIN3050), print Board Report from File ID 7.

Compare the PEIMS Actual report with the Board Report. Compare Revenue totals to the Revenue Realized to Date. Compare Expenditures by function.

____9. Make corrections in PEIMS. Working from Maintenance > Mid YearFinance Actual,

  • To make corrections enter your account and click Retrieve.Change the Amount.
  • To add an account click on the +Add and enter your information.
  • Make corrections as necessary so that all information matches your audit report. All amounts are rounded.
  • Save.

NOTE: TRS on Behalf (object 6144) for function code 41must have an organization code of 701-703, 720, 750, or 751. So if you have TRS on Behalf for function code 41 coded to organization code 999, you will need to correct the org code.

_____ 10. Create TEA Format File from Utilities > Create TSDS Interchanges. The collection will be MidYr1 – First Submission, for Ending School Year 2017. Select All MidYear Interchanges and Run.

In the pop-up box choose to Save File and click OK. There are three interchanges that will be created in a TSDS Zip file for MidYear PEIMS. You will save the Zip file

in your TSDS MidYearfolder. Do not rename the interchanges.

If you open the Zip file, it will list all 3 interchanges.

_____11. Login to TSDS PEIMSthrough TEAL. There is a link to TEAL logons on TEA’s home page.

Click on the link to Texas Student Data System Portal.


Midyear PEIMS Business Extract
