Station 1
Trait: Earlobe
Does your earlobe hang freely below the point of attachment to your head or is it attached directly to your head?
Unattached Attached
Station 16
Trait: Face Shape
Is your face round or square? A round face has a round chin, whereas a square face has a more square chin.
Station 2
Trait: Hairline
Is your hairline straight, or does it point down at the middle of your forehead in what is known as a widow’s peak?
Widow’s Peak No Widow’s Peak
Station 15
Trait: Eyebrow Thickness
Do you have thick eyebrows (prior to plucking-if you do?) or are your brows fairly thin?
Bushy brows
Fine brows
Station 3
Trait: Little Finger
Hold your hands up with your palms facing you. Place your two little fingers side by side and press them together. Do they run parallel their entire length or at the last digit does it flare out away from each other?
Station 14
Trait: Iris
The iris is the colored part of your eye (which may be green, brown, blue etc…). Look closely at your iris, is there a dark circle around the outside?
Dark circleNo circle
Station 4
Trait: Mid-Digital Hair
Can you see any hair on the middle digit of your finger?
mid-digit hairno mid-digit hair
Station 13
Trait: Myopia
Myopia is when you have difficulty seeing objects that are far away = nearsigthedness
Do you have problems seeing object far away?
Station 5
Trait: Eye color
Blue or gray eyes will be considered blue or light, while brown, hazel, and other colors will be called brown or dark
Station 12
Trait: Polydactyly (numbers of fingers)
Do you naturally have 6 fingers on each hand? If so, you are polydactyl. If naturally have 5 fingers, you are not polydactyl.
Station 6
Trait: Hitchhiker’s Thumb
Make a fist and stick your thumb out. Is your thumb straight or does it bend back at almost a 45 degree angle?
Station 11
Trait: Handedness
Do you use your right hand most often (and right is dominant) or do you use your left hand most often (so your left is dominant)?
Station 7
Trait: Hair Color
Is the hair on your head NATURALLLY dark (black/brown) or is it light blond or red?
Station 10
Trait: Freckles
Do you have any freckles?
Station 8
Trait: Finger Length
Hold your hand flat on the table in front of you. Which finger is shorter, the 2nd finger (your index finger) or the 4th finger (your ring finger)?
Station 9
Trait: Thumb Crossing
Clasp your hands together. Which thumb is on top?