Putting It All Together
“Whatever It Takes”
October 18, 2007
8:30-9:00 / Opening the CircleWelcome: MSU-B
Welcome: OPI / Fort Belknap / Petro Theater
9:00-9:15 / Housekeeping / Petro Theater
9:15-9:30 / Introduction of HR2 Project Coordinators
Recognition of Big Sky Project
Recognition of Adult Educators / Josset Gauley / Petro Theater
9:30-10:15 / The History of the Honor, Respect & Responsibility Project / Peggy Azure / Petro Theater
10:15-10:30 / Break / Petro Theater Lobby
10:30-12:00 / A Personal Perspective on the Impact of the Boarding School on Parenting in Indian Country / Donovan Archambault / Petro Theater
12:00-12:45 / Lunch / Ballroom
12:45-2:15 / Foundation for Understanding Economic and Cultural Factors in Learning / Pearl Yellowman- Caye / Petro Theater
2:00-2:15 / Break / Ballroom
2:15-3:30 / BREAKOUT SESSION #1
Select one of the following
(Adult Education participants will go
to their assigned meeting room
for the remainder of the day
to discuss strategies for schools
with high levels of poverty.) / Kathleen Brown, facilitator / Room to be announced at conference
#1 Elementary school classroom strategies for schools with high levels of poverty / Lisa Preeshl / Lewis
#2 Middle school classroom strategies
for schools with high levels of poverty / Lori LaPlante Jason Andres / Clark
#3 High school classroom strategies
for schools with high levels of poverty / Mary Louise DeRoche / Beartooth
#4 Demographics & student achievement / Chris Lohse / Ralston
#5 Lessons from the Elders / Peggy Azure / Remington
#6 Bringing the community to the school / Cal Gilbert Josset Gauley / Russell
3:15-3:30 / Break
3:45-5:00 / BREAKOUT SESSION #2
Select one of the following:
#1 Creating the school model climate / Lisa Preeshl Cal Gilbert / Lewis
#2 The classroom management plan / Peggy Azure / Ralston
#3 The Parents’ Center / Lori LaPlante
Sonya Smoker / Russell
#4 The character education room / Kathleen Brown / Remmington
#5 Demographics & Student Achievement / Chris Lohse
Josset Gauley / Beartooth
#6 CBITS, substance abuse & anger
management in Native Schools / Mary Louise DeRoche Karen Blackbird / Clark
Elders’ Hospitality Room sponsored by Chancellor Sexton, MSU-Billings
Bridger Room
OCTOBER 19, 2007
8:30 – 8:45 / MT LINCS: Another “LINC” in the Chainof Professional Development / Norene Peterson
8:45 – 9:15 / Adult Education Overview: How Does It All Fit? / Margaret Bowles
9:15 –10:00 / What Is Motivational Interviewing / Dr. Christine Fiore
10:00 –10:30 / Helping People With Change
10:30 – 10:45 / Break
10:45 – 11:45 / Principles of Motivational Interviewing
11:45 – 12:30 / Lunch
12:30 – 1:30 / Implementing Motivational Interviewing
1:30 – 3:30 / Practice and Key Techniques
3:30 – 3:45 / Break
3:45 – 5:00 / Planning for the Future-Using Motivational Interviewing in Your Adult Education Setting
October 19, 2007
8:30-9:00 / Morning ceremony and announcements / Petro Theater9:00-10:45 / Key Note: The Circle of Courage / Dr. Martin Brokenleg / Petro Theater
10:45-11:00 / Break / Petro Theater Lobby
11:00-11:45 / An Example of the Native System of Relationships / Dr. Brokenleg / Petro Theater
11:45-12:30 / Lunch / Ballroom
12:30-1:20 / The Curriculum Framework / Kathleen Brown / Petro Theater
1:30-2:30 / BREAKOUT SESSION #3
Select one of the following:
#1 Establishing the school climate / Lisa Preeshl
Karen Blackbird / Lewis
#2 The Classroom management plan / Peggy Azure / Ralston
#3 The Parents’ Center / Cal Gilbert / Beartooth
#4 The Character Education Room / Kathleen Brown / Remmington
#5 Learning trunks #1: Heart Butte (lead), Great Falls, Frazer, Lodgepole, Crow / Mary Louise DeRoche / Russell
#6 Learning trunks #2 Browning (lead), Helena, Poplar, Lame Deer, Box Elder / Lori LaPlante / Clark
2:30-2:45 / BREAK
2:45-3:45 / BREAKOUT SESSION #4
Select one of the following:
#1 Establishing the school climate / Lisa Preeshl
Karen Blackbird / Lewis
#2 The Classroom management plan / Peggy Azure / Ralston
#3 The Parents’ Center / Cal Gilbert / Beartooth
#4 The Character Education Room / Kathleen Brown / Remmington
#5 Learning trunks #1 Heart Butte (lead), Great Falls, Frazer, Lodgepole, Crow / Mary Louise DeRoche / Russell
#6 Learning trunks #2 Browning (lead), Helena, Poplar, Lame Deer, Box Elder / Lori LaPlante / Clark
3:50-4:50 / How it works: Administration presentation
/ Box Elder
Elementary Longfellow
Elementary / Petro Theater
4:50 – 5:00 / Summary & Closing of the Circle / Fort Belknap / Petro Theater
Elders’ Hospitality Room sponsored by Chancellor Sexton, MSU-Billings
Bridger Room