47th Annual South Carolina

DoD Junior Science and Humanities Symposium

January 26th, 2018



Forty-Seventh (47th) Annual South Carolina

Junior Science and Humanities Symposium

Friday January 26, 2018

University of South Carolina – Columbia


7:05 – 7:55

Registration - Continental Breakfast

8:00 - 8:25

Welcome & Opening Remarks – Russell House Theater

VP for Undergraduate Studies & Dean Dr. Sandra Kelly Office of the Provost

USC / Dean Arts & Sciences

Lt Col Marc A. Langohr, USAF Representing US Military

Department of Military Science ~ US Navy/Marine/Air Force ROTC~ USC

Dr. Don Jordan - Center for Science Education – USC

8:30 - 9:45 Rooms: RH Theater; RH 322/326; RH 315; RH 305; RH 303: RH 203; RH 205;

First Round Student Presentations

Student Presentations in competition for awards from USC College of Arts and Sciences.

9:45 - 10:05

Refreshment Break - Room 204

10:10 - 11:05 Rooms: Same as first round

Second Round of Student Presentations

11:30 - 12:40 Banquet– Keynote:

Dr Scott Goode

Chemistry Department, USC

Title: Cooking Chemistry and the Rise of Homo Sapiens

1:00 - 1:45

Finalists Presentations –Russell House Theater

Student Presentations in competition for scholarships and travel to the 56th National JSHS

May 2 – 5, 2018 Hunt Valley, Maryland

1:45 - 2:00

Refreshment Break - Room 204

2:00 – 2:45

Finalists Presentations (Continue) – Russell House Theater

2:45 – 3:05 Judges Room. RH 201 / Five Member Finalist Panel for 2018 are:

Dr. Scott Goode, Chemistry; Dr. Jeff Wilson, Physics; Dr. Gwen Geidel, Environmental Science, Dr. Dwayne Porter, Public Health & Dr. John Grego, Statistics


Awards Ceremony –Russell House Theater

Department of Military Science / Dept of Navy/Marines/Air Force USC

Dean, Arts & Sciences/ FT Jackson Army Representative

College of Arts & Sciences --- Closing Remarks


Junior Science & Humanities Symposium

January 26, 2018

Morning Sessions 1 – 6: Russell House


Morning Session Presentation Audience Judging Forms

Please consider the following points as you listen to today’s presentations:

1.How well was the research problem stated?

2.Were the important variables identified, measured and discussed?

3.Was the procedure described in sufficient detail?

4.Did the evidence presented justify the conclusion?

5.Was the presentation well structured?

6.How well did the presenter deal with questions?

Rank the Morning Presenters 1 – 7

Based on these questions, please select the Top presenters whom you feel have done the best in all categories. Indicate a first, second, third choice, and so on by marking a one(1), two(2), and three(3), etc. under the names of the presentations you have selected.









Please use the QR Code or URL corresponding to each session to record your vote electronically

The votes will be tabulated in Google Forms and distributed to the Judges at the end of each Session

Your vote may help to select the winners.


Session # 1 Russell House Theater

Semifinals Round-National Awards

8:30 - 8:45 – IsakJatoi - Spring Valley High School

A novel approach in the utilization of the extract of Melaleuca alternifoliaas a potential topical treatment of cutaneous Aspergillus ustus infections

8:50 - 9:05 – Lauren Chen - Dutch Fork High School

Identification of microRNA as blood biomarkers to predict breast cancer recurrence

9:10 - 9:25 – Jenny Yao - Academic Magnet High School

Engineering Metabolically Viable Silicon Nanowired Stem Cell Spheroids for Human Cardiac Regeneration

9:30 - 9:45 – Pallavi Rao - Spring Valley High School

The effect of monosodium glutamate on planarian memory retention

9:45 - 10:05 - Refreshment Break: Room 204

10:10 - 10:25 – Samantha Devapiriam - Academic Magnet High School

Isolation of Two Novel MycobacteriophagesWith Host MycobacteriophageSmegatis

10:30 - 10:45 – Abhijith Nair - Spring Valley High School

The synergistic effect of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) and artemisinin on the Plasmodium mortality rates of Physarumpolycephalumand cell motility/chemotaxis of Dictyosteliumdiscoideum utilized as an amoebic host

10:50 - 11:05– Sam Kavarana - Academic Magnet High School

Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor Levels in Heart Transplant Patients Experiencint Rejection

End of Session # 1 [Competing for National Awards]

Audience Judging Form:


Session # 2 Russell House Room 322/326

Semifinals Round-National Awards

8:30 - 8:45 – Zachary Kochert - Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Optimizing Designs of Multi-Layer Microbial Fuel Cells

8:50 - 9:05 – Elizabeth Shytle - Spring Valley High School

The relationship between race of shooter of mass shooting, number of victims, number of fatalities, and location of mass shootings on number of tweets posted by a gun advocacy group

9:10 - 9:25 – Landon Walters - Academy for Arts, Science, & Technology

Color Psychology in Film

9:30 - 9:45 – Ben Eisinger - Hilton Head Preparatory School

A Study on Sustainable, Environmentally-Friendly Alternative Insulators

9:45 - 10:05 - Refreshment Break: Room 204

10:10 - 10:25– Gillian Patton - Spring Valley High School

The effect of nonassociative learning cognitive processing on amyloid-β plaques in Caenorhabdiiselegans

10:30 - 10:45 – Rachel Stratton - Hilton Head Preparatory School

BPA vs. BPS: What's In Your Water?

10:50 - 11:05– Caitlin Kunchur - Dutch Fork High School

Exposure Response and Noise in a Digital Imaging System

End of Session # 2 [Competing for National Awards ]

Audience Judging Form:


Session # 3

Semifinals Round-National Awards

8:30 - 8:45 – Abhimanyu Sailesh - Blythewood High School

The effect of flavonoid galangin on the cell viability and toxicity of MC-7human breast cancer cells exposed to PAHS

8:50 - 9:05 – Kristina Trifonova - Spring Valley High School

Assessing the adsorption capacities of biochars made from hyperaccumulators compared to wood waste biochar

9:10 - 9:25 – OluwatobiAriyo - Ridge View High School

Selective Inactivition of Drug Seeking Neuronal Ensembles in Cocaine Addicted Rats within Discrete Choice Operant Chambers

9:30 - 9:45– Pranav Guntupalli - Spring Valley High School

The Effect of Varying Magnesium Nitrate and Temperature Levels on the Growth of Chlorella sp.

9:45 - 10:05 - Refreshment Break: Room 204

10:10 - 10:25– Jareer Imran - Spring Valley High School

The Relationship Between the Economic Status of a Populations and the Indoor Air Quality at the School Serving the Population

10:30 - 10:45– VamsiGorrepati - Spring Valley High School

The effect of acetominophen (analgesic) and diphenhydramine (antihistamine) on the nociception response of Caenorhabditis elegans,heart rate of Eiseniafetida, and the mortality of both E. fetidaand C. elegans

10:50 - 11:05– Maeghan Ainsworth - Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Analyzing the Effect of Weather on Solar Evacuated Tubes

End of Session # 3 [Competing for National Awards ]

Audience Judging Form:


Session # 4 Russell House Room 305

8:30 - 8:45 – Jared Bell & Ronnie Powers – Chapin High School

The Perfect Crutch

8:50 - 9:05 – Sara Taylor - Chapin High School

Designing a Sharable Toothpaste Top

9:10 - 9:25 – ChrishtopherGleaton - Chapin High School

Reinventing the Swin Parka

9:30 - 9:45– Luke Summer - Chapin High School

Attachable and Detachable Key/Card Holder for Phone Case

9:45 - 10:05 - Refreshment Break: Room 204

10:10 - 10:25 – Isaac Vardi - Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Cleaner Diesel Emissions via Particle Filtration

10:30 - 10:45 – Jasmine Hughley - Spring Valley High School

The Effect of Different Earbud Tips on the Pressure of Sound Transmitted

End of Session # 4

Audience Judging Form:


Session # 5 Russell House Room 303

8:30 - 8:45 – Sonali Patel & AthreyaMurali - Heathwood Hall Episcopal School

The Effect of Different Heavy Metal Acetate Solutions on the Inhibition of the Catalase Enzyme

8:50 - 9:05 – Brandon Snyder - Center for Advanced Technical Studies

The Effects of Weather Conditions on Solar Photovoltaic Panels

9:10 - 9:25 – Amelia Robinson-Brown - Heathwood Hall Episcopal School

The Effect of Concentration of CO 2 on the Average Rate of Photosynthesis in Spinach Leaf Disks

9:30 - 9:45– Brianna Rau - Academy for Arts, Science, & Technology

The Effects of Animal Products on the Human Body

9:45 - 10:05 - Refreshment Break: Room 204

10:10 - 10:25 – Fanny Cheung - Academic Magnet High School

Genome Annotation for Muscle Protein Genes in LadonaFulva and Their Expression in Flight Muscles

10:30 - 10:45 – Lucas Tomita - Hilton Head Preparatory School

A Comparative Study of Different Plant and Limestone Combinations, and their Ability to Naturally Mitigate the Harmful Effects of Ocean Acidification on Coastal Coral Reef Health

End of Session # 5

Audience Judging Form:


Session # 6 Russell House Room 205

8:30 - 8:45 – Sasha Gibson, Niara Pressley, & Zaria Thompkins – Hemingway High School

Oh, It Burns!

8:50 - 9:05 – Brianna Smalls - Woodland High School

Don't Bee A Hater, Save the Pollinators!

9:10 - 9:25 – Teja Madison, Na'Shawn Starling, & Samyra House – Scotts Branch HS

How long does it take to remember something?

9:30 - 9:45– Shateeka Brunson, Jazlyn Bowman, & Zamaria House – Scotts Branch HS

Flavor in the middle or just on top?

9:45 - 10:05 - Refreshment Break: Room 204

10:10 - 10:25 – TayonnaBrailsford, Tyleiesha Gibson, & Franklin Thompson – Scotts Branch HS

How does smell affect taste?

10:30 - 10:45 – Keyoina Anderson, Shakeriah Dow, Keylondria Parker – Scotts Branch HS

Denaturing Proteins

End of Session # 6

Audience Judging Form:


Keynote Presentation

Opening Remarks: Don Jordan, DoD SC JSHS Director

Invocation Prayer: Rev Andy L Weems, USC Collegiate Minister

Lt Col Marc Langohr, US Airforce ROTC

Dr. John Kaup, Furman University – Director of SCAS Junior Academy

Dr. Oscar Lopez – USC Science & Engineering Fair Director

Dr. Duke Brantley, EarthSciencesandResourcesInstitute JSHS Director 2019

Introduction of Keynote Speaker:

Dr. Steve Morgan, Chemistry Department / Arts & Sciences

US Department of Defense (DoD) South Carolina

Junior Science & Humanities Symposium Keynote Presentation

Dr Scott Goode

Chemistry Department, USC

Title: Cooking Chemistry and the Rise of Homo Sapiens

United States Military Representatives

USC ROTC / Military Science, US Navy – Marines, U.S. Air Force

Lt Col Marc Langohr

LTC Barry Hale

11:30 – 12:40: Lunch – Russell House Ballroom

Friday, January 26, 2018


Dr. Scott Goode

College of Arts & Sciences

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of South Carolina

Dr. Scott Goode earned a B. S. Chem. from the University of Illinois and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Michigan State University. He joined the faculty of the University of South Carolina in 1974.

Dr. Goode’s USC career includes being twice named Distinguished Honors Professor, Fellow of South Carolina Honors College, the Amoco Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award, the Ada Thomas Advising Award, the Michael J. Mungo Award for Teaching, the University of South Carolina Service Award, and was nominated by USC as Governor's Teacher of the Year. In his career, he taught 6,995 students. Along with 24 undergraduates who performed research in his lab, he mentored 21 Ph.D. students, 7 M.S. students 2 Postdoctoral researchers and 19 students who earned the Master of Arts in Teaching.

He has been active professionally, received the Society for Applied Spectroscopy Award for Service to the Society, and is a member of the ChemMattersEditorialAdvisory Board. He has a number of leadership responsibilities in the American Chemical Society (ACS). Dr. Goode chaired the Communications Subcommittee of the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety; served on the ACS Task Force for Developing Safety Education Guidelines; received the SC Section of the American Chemical Society Distinguished Service Award; and was honored as a Fellow of the American Chemical Society. Most recently, he was the program chair for the 2016 South Eastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, in Columbia. He organized the 1190 presentations, including one given by a Nobel laureate, in 47 symposia presented to over 1600 scientists.

Dr. Goode directed energetic well-funded research programs in analytical spectroscopy, chemical safety, and chemical education during his 43 years at the University of South Carolina. He authored or co-authored six books, over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, gave 235 presentations, and appeared in court 65 times as an expert witness on analytical chemistry. He visited Ukraine to develop research projects with Ukrainian scientists responsible for Chernobyl cleanup.

Dr. Goode is still active at USC, chairing the USC Chemical Safety Committee and helping to design the new Chemistry Instructional Lab Facility, scheduled to open August 2019.


1:00 - 2:45 - Finalists Presentations –

Russell House Theater

Student Presentations in competition for scholarships and travel to the 56th National JSHS convention in Hunt Valley Maryland, May 2 – 5, 2018

1:00 - 1:15 – Presentation 1 – Winner from Session I TBA

1:15 - 1:30 – Presentation 2 – Winner from Session I, TBA

1:30 - 1:45 – Presentation 3 – Winner from Session II TBA

1:45 – 2:00 – Refreshment Break - Room 204

Finalists Presentations (Cont.) - Russell House Theater

2:00 - 2:15 – Presentation 4 – Winner from Session II TBA

2:15 - 2:30 – Presentation 5 – Winner from Session III TBA

2:30 - 2:45– Presentation 6 – Winner from Session III TBA

The Twenty-One (21) Semifinalists are:

IsakJatoi – Spring Valley High School
Laruen Chen – Dutch Fork High School
Jenny Yao – Academic Magnet HS
Pallavi Rao – Spring Valley High School
Samantha Devapriram – Academic Magnet HS
Abhijith Nair – Spring Valley High School
Sam Kavarana – Academic Magnet High School / Zachary Kochert – Center Advanced Technologies
Elizabeth Shytle – Spring Valley High School
Landon Walters – Academy for the Arts, Science, & Technology
Gillian Patton – Spring Valley High School
Rachel Stratton – Hilton Head Prep High School
Caitlin Kunchur – Dutch Fork High School
Abhimanyu Sailesh – Blythewood High School / Kristina Trifonova – Spring Valley High School
OluwatobiAriyo – Ridge View High School
Pranav Guntupalli – Spring Valley High School
Jareer Imran – Spring Valley High School
VamsiGorrepati – Dutch Fork High School
Maeghan Ainsworth – Center for Advanced Technical Studies
Ben Eisinger – Hilton Head Prep High School


South Carolina DOD JSHS Symposium

Friday, January 26th, 2018

USC Russell House

The National JSHS is scheduled May 2 – May 5, 2018 in Hunt Valley, Maryland.

The Junior Science and Humanities Symposium

DoD SC (JSHS) Program Summary

The Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS) program is jointly sponsored by the United States Departments of Army, Navy and Air Force, in cooperation with leading research universities throughout the nation.

The primary aims of JSHS are to promote original research and experimentation in the science, engineering, and mathematics at the high school level, and to publicly recognize students for outstanding achievement. The JSHS provides a forum for high school students to present the result of their original research. Students who participate in the Symposia also have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, interact with practicing researches, and explore future academic and career opportunities.

The Department of Defense (DOD) JSHS program is run by The Academy of Applied Science in Concord NH. Doris Ellis Cousens is the National Director of JSHS programs.

The 2018 DoD South Carolina Director is Dr. Don M. Jordan, Center for Science Education, Sumwalt Room 321, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208. Phone: 803 777-7007 and email: Web:


2018 Written Paper Judges

Dr. Alan Waldman
Dr. Christine Lotter
Dr. Lewis Bowman
Dr. Richard Showman
Dr. Langdon Warner
Beth Bair
Pearl Fernandes
Dr. Scott Goode
Dr. Susan Richardson
Dr. Jim Privett
Qian Wang
Allison Rice
Dr. John Bowles
Catherine Matthews
Dr. Jeffery Wilson
Dr. Oscar Lopez
Dr. Milind Purohit
Major Ken Allen
LTC Keith McManus
MAJ Gabe Lucero
Dr. Michael Schillaci
Dr. Steffen Strauch / Dr. GwendelynGeidel
Dr. Duke Brantley
Dr. Camelia Knapp
Dr. Camelia Knapp
Bryan Hall
Ed Dickey
Dr. Paul Housley
Dr. Janet Fisher
Dr. Michael Wyatt
Dr. Giuseppe Gumina
Dr. VikasSehdev
Dr. David Mott
Dr. Craig Maylath
Dr. Ronnie Horner
Dr. Don Stowe
Dr. Anne Bezuidenhout
LTC Barry Hale
Augie Grant
CAPT Rickson Evangeslista
Lt Col Marc Langohr
MAJ Gregory Sablan
CPT William Meier


Morning Session Judges

Session I
Dr. Lewis Bowman
Dr. Giuseppe Gumina
Dr. David Mott
MAJ Justin Montogomery / Session II
Bryan Hall
Lt Col Marc Langohr
Dr. Vladimir Gudkov
Tameria Warren / Session III
Alison Rice
Dr. Duke Brantley
Dr. Anne Bezuidenhout
LTC Barry Hale
Session IV
Dr. Oscar Lopez
Catherine Matthews
Milan Dhameja / Session V
Dr. VikasSehdev
Dr. Langdon Warner / Session VI
Beth Bair
Linda Sinclair

Finalist Judges

Dr. Scott Goode, Chemistry, USC

Dr. Jeffery Wilson, Physics, USC

Dr. GwendelynGeidel, Environmental Science, USC

Dr. Dwayne Porter, Public Health, USC

Dr. John Grego, Statistics, USC

Special Guests

Dr. Sandra Kelly, Provost & Vice President for Academics

Andy Weems, Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Dr. John Kaup, Furman University, Director of SC Junior Academy of Science

Barry Hale, Military Science, USC ROTC

Lt Col Marc Langohr, Dept. of Military Science, USC

Robert Thunell, Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences

Dr. Bert Ely, Director of the Center for Science Education

Dr. Oscar Lopez, USC Science Fair Director, Center for Science Education

Dr. Phil Astwood, USC Center for Science Education, Geology former Director JSHS

Dr. Joe Johnson, USC Physics Department former Director JSHS

Dr. Rudy Jones, USC Physics Department, former Director JSHS

Center for Science Education Staff and Volunteers:

Don Jordan
Susan Jordan
Jerry Branch
Jan Scott
Sean Shuttleworth / Gabrielle Herrin
Kristin Jackson
Isaac Jones
Kelly Nguyan
Judson Arnett / Michael Khushf
Steven McGown
Frank Thomas
Kingston Armstrong


South Carolina’s 2017 JSHS Winners
By Dr. Don M. Jordan
Professor USC
Eight South Carolina Students will represent the state of South Carolina at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS) at the San Diego CA April 26 – 29, 2017.
The JSHS program is jointly sponsored by the United States Departments of Army, Navy and Air Force, in cooperation with leading research universities throughout the nation.
The primary aims of JSHS are to promote original research and experimentation in science, engineering, and mathematics at the high school level, and to publicly recognize students for outstanding achievement. xxxxxxx of yyyyyyyyy High School will lead the entourage of students to the National Symposium in 2017.
Brittany Holden, Dutch Fork High School, Michelle Spigner from Spring Valley High School and James Morris of Heathwood Hall Episcopal School are chosen to receive the 2017 Department of Defense South Carolina JSHS Teacher Award in recognition of educational excellence in the sciences.
/ Eric Chen is a senior in the STEM Magnet program at Dutch Fork High School. He spent the last year researching the effect of stromal cells on tumor cell growth, mentored by Dr. Peisheng Xu, in the School of Pharmacy at University of South Carolina. In addition to biology, he is also highly interested in computer science, and hopes to be a leader in interdisciplinary fields like computational biology. Outside of school, he volunteers to spread interest in IT through IT-oLogy, and coaches the Dutch Fork High School Science Team. He is also co-captain of the Dutch Fork High School Swim Team, and participates in the South Carolina State Math team.
Jenning Chen is currently a senior in the Discovery magnet program at Spring Valley High School. Over the past summer, she engaged in pure math research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studying combinatorial geometry and alpha-Hölder continuity for curves within the unit square. In pursuit of her passion for mathematics, Jenning plans to major in computer science and economics. She is an active member within the mathematics community, competing in both national and state events, and also serves as Math Team Captain and NHS President within her school. In her free time, Jenning enjoys photography, coding, tennis, nature, and piano.
Sarah Davis is a homeschooled high school senior in Greenville. Her passion for sciences prompted her to investigate current biomedical research breakthroughs. Her most recent internship was at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute where she conducted research under the direction of Dr. Deborah Galson and Dr Quanhong Sun. Sarah was delighted to discover the inhibition of TBK1 and IKKε by Amlexanox synergizes with Bortezomib to reduce myeloma cell growth. Interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, Sarah hopes to continue researching for the promotion of health and prolonging of lifespan. In addition to having a zeal for the sciences, Sarah is an avid musician, playing her violin in chamber groups and orchestra and singing in choirs. Sarah also tutors, volunteers at the hospital, and is active in her church.
Wenxin Fan is a senior in the Discovery science and math magnet program at Spring Valley High School. Her research was on the effects of emodin on macrophage-cancer cell interaction. She is very passionate about science and she is especially interested in biology. She enjoys playing guitar, tennis, and reading. She is proud to be on the National Youth Advisory Board for the Souper Bowl of Caring. She is also proud to be a part of math, science, and national honors society. She hopes to be a biology major in college, and she intends to pursue a career in the healthcare field.