CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3


I.  Fill in the blanks using the words below. (3 pts. each)

Eucharist Blessed Trinity Apostles Pentecost Sign Baptism Forgiveness Confirmation Reconciliation Kingdom of God

1. The _BLESSED TRINITY_____ is the three persons in one God: God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

2. The ___KINGDOM OF GOD _____is the power of God’s love active in our lives and in the world.

3. From among his disciples Jesus chose twelve men to be his ___APOSTLES___.

4. When the Holy Spirit came at __PENTECOST______, the apostles were strengthened.

5. Jesus invited all the people to trust in God and seek God’s ___FORGIVENESS___.

6. Jesus Christ is the greatest __SIGN____ of God’s love

7. In ___BAPTISM____ we are united to Christ and become part of the Body of Christ and the people of God.

8. In _CONFIRMATION_ we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

9. In the sacrament of __RECONCILIATION______members of the Church are reconciled with God and the Church.

10. The __EUCHARIST______is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ.

II.  Multiple Choice- Choose the number of the correct answer and write it on the line. (3 pts. each)

1.  Jesus’__1___continue His work.

1) Disciples 2) Parables 3) Mother and Father

2.  By forgiving a sinner, Jesus showed us that God is __1___.

1) Merciful 2) Watching 3) Obedient

3.  Jesus convinced John to __2___.

1) Feed the hungry 2) Baptize Him 3) Get out of the water

4.  The word Messiah is another word for ___3___.

1) Holy 2) Apostle 3) Christ

5.  Through the __2____, the power of God’s love in the world increases.

1) Apostles 2) Church 3) Resurrection

6.  Caring for the sick is an example of a___2__ Work of Mercy.

1) Spiritual 2) Corporal 3) None of the above

7.  In the celebration of Mass, our relationship with others and with Christ is


1) Judged 2) Parable 3) Strengthened

8.  Being patient with others is an example of a __2___ Work of Mercy

1) Small 2) Spiritual 3) Corporal

9.  Jesus cared for other’s needs especially those who were _3_____.

1) Small 2) Large 3) Neglected

10.  When we serve ___2___, we give witness to Christ.

1) Ourselves 2) Others 3) Friends

III.  Match the correct phrase A-J to complete sentences 1-10 (3 pts. each)

A. Liturgy 1. Proclaiming the Good News of Christ

by what we say & do is called __B_.

B. Evangelization 2. The _A__ is the official public prayer

of the Church.

C. Physical & Material 3. By His _I_ Jesus saves us from sin &

gives us life.

D. Hearts, Minds & Souls 4. Jesus Christs’ coming at the end of

time to judge all people is called the __F_.

E. Liturgy of the Hours 5. We give witness to Jesus when we

perform the _J_.

F. Last Judgment 6. In the _E__ we celebrate God’s work

in creation & in our lives.

G. Hear the message 7. People need to _G__ of Jesus Christ

in order to believe it.

H. Vine 8. We are joined to Christ & to one

another. He is the _H_& we are the


I. Paschal Mystery 9. The Corporal Works of Mercy deal

with the _C_ needs of others.

J. Works of Mercy 10. The Spiritual Works of Mercy deal

with the needs of people’s __D_.

IV.  Write the Act of Contrition (10 pts.)



