Oxy Education RoundTables

Appendix B

College/Department/ALOED Education Roundtables

Together with President Veitch, Dean Gonzalez, and ALOED, the Department of Education hosted three education roundtables. The purpose of the roundtables was to give the Oxy community and administration an understanding of current education issues relative to teacher preparation and urban education, and to explore the role of education departments in the current liberal arts context. Several experts in the field of teacher preparation, state credentialing, urban education and educational studies undergraduate majors, teachers, principals and Oxy teacher alums participated in these education round table sessions. Roundtable titles, dates and participants are presented below.

The Role of Education Departments at Liberal Arts Institutions

Monday, October 22, 2012
Shari Becker Albright
Professor & Chair, Department of Education, Trinity University
Ruthanne Kurth-Schai
Professor & Chair, Educational Studies, Macalester College
Vicki Kubler LaBoskey
Professor & Director of Elementary Branch of the Teachers for
Tomorrow's Schools Credential Program, Mills College

This team of roundtable participants was selected by Dean Gonzalez and President Veitch. The panelists described their respective programs and noted the benefits of teacher preparation – especially in the math/science field. Professor Kurth-Schai described the Education Studies major at Macalester College. Panelist felt that the education faculty/department could be a valuable college resource relative to pedagogy and instruction.

The Role of Urban Education Majors and Math/Science Secondary Teachers

in Today's Educational Landscape

Thursday, November 29th, 2012


Professor Tyrone Howard

Director, Center X

Director, Black Male Institute


Teri Clark, Director

Professional Services Division

Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Michelle Samura, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Educational Studies
Chapman University

Adriana Abich, Principal (Oxy Alum)

Nueva Esperanza Charter Academy

P.U.C.– Partnerships to Uplift Communities

Panelists described the urban educational landscape and the importance of preparing students and future teachers to navigate it. Ms. Clark from the CTC specifically noted the coupling of teacher credential work with an urban education emphasis as being especially noteworthy – a program that combines credential methods courses within an urban education context. She also welcomed Oxy back into teacher credentialing if they decided to pursue that goal. Professor Samura shared information about Chapman University’s Educational Studies (non-credential) program. [You can view this Roundtable on YouTube]

Envisioning Excellence in Education: Occidental and 21st Century Schools

Thursday, February 7, 2013

View on YouTube:

Ana Tam '86
Teacher Specialist
Horace Mann Elementary School
Glendale Unified School District
Dr. Richard Sheehan
Superintendent of Schools
Glendale Unified School District
Dr. Holly Willis
Research Assistant Professor
School of Cinematic Arts
Director of Academic Programs
Institute for Multimedia Literacy
University of Southern California
Larry Rosenstock
Founding Principal and CEO, High Tech High
Dean of HTH Graduate School of Education, San Diego

Panelists spoke of the importance of quality teacher preparation programs, especially Oxy’s – and the need to include new technologies including multi-media in instruction. The panel encouraged Oxy to offer the multiple and single subject credential as a way of providing qualified teachers in our public school classrooms.